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STUDENT ATHLETES AND ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE - раздел Лингвистика, Sports in the USA Student Athletes And Academic Performance. To Recruit Student Athletes For A ...

STUDENT ATHLETES AND ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE. To recruit student athletes for a winning team, many colleges are willing to go to great lengths, providing full academic scholarships, to athletes, and sometimes putting the colleges academic reputatiori at risk. The tacit understanding shared by college admissions directors as well as the potential sports stars they admit is that athletes do not enroll in college to learn, but to play sports and perhaps use intercollegiate sports as a springboard for a professional career. The situation often embarrasses college administrators, who are caught between educational ideals and commercial realities, and infuriates other students, who resent the preferential treatment given to athletes.

Of late, some universities, such as the University of Michigan, have initiated support programs to improve academic performance and graduation rates of athletes. WINNING Increasing commercialization of college sports is part of a larger trend. American sports are becoming more competitive and more profit-oriented.

As a result, playing to win is emphasized more than playing for fun. This is true from the professional level all the way down to the level of childrens Little League sports teams, where young players are encouraged by such slogans as A quitter never wins a winner never quits, and never be willing to be second best. The obsession with winning causes some people to wonder whether sports in America should be such serious business.

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Sports in the USA

Basketball and volleyball have been invented in America.There is a large choice of sports in America. This can be explained by the size and variety of the country. Another reason… Many colleges and universities are famous for their sports clubs. There are sports facilities at every school.Some…

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Все темы данного раздела:

A SPORTS-LOVING NATION. Whether they are fans or players, the millions of Americans who participate in sports are usually passionate about their games. There is more to being a baseball fan than bu

MEDIA COVERAGE. The immense popularity, of sports in America is indicated by the number of pages and headlines the average daily newspaper devotes to local and national sports. The emphasis on spor

Sports Colleges and Universities
Sports Colleges and Universities. The athletic programs of American colleges and universities have come in for a great deal of criticism but there does not seem to be a chance to alter the system.

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