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Реферат Курсовая Конспект

Main conclusions

Работа сделанна в 2005 году

Main conclusions - раздел Лингвистика, - 2005 год - Early marriages Main Conclusions. There Is A Mechanism Closely Associated To Generous Names T...

Main conclusions. There is a mechanism closely associated to generous names to make every of our step look like the best one we can ever imagine. Even a simple desire of sexual intercourse can be called love. Sometimes the word love means yearning for having a beautiful person around us. We just change our instincts clothes do not realize that. If such alliance is firm long lasting, if it brings happiness satisfaction, there is no reason for anxiety indignation, but if such relationships are unstable, unfavourable, bring only disappointments give birth to a big amount of personal social problems, there is need to feel concern.

Numerous researches are the evidence of the following dependence the more the age of newly-weds decreases, the more the number of divorce causes the probability of unsuccessful marriages will be on the increase tremendously. The most successful marriage is when a groom is approximately 27 years old a bride 25 years old. Those who performed below average while in school as compared to their friends of the same age nurse a dream of having a family living apart from their parents even before finishing basic school getting high education.

Environmental factors also influence the age of young couple. Numerous researches show that less emotionally stable girls fellows get married earlier than their friends of the same age. Main reasons for the early marriages are constantly growing sexual requirements, pregnancies dating during early age, accelerated growing-up force of associates superfluous romanticism, a radiant picture of a marriage escaping from difficulties, a way of solving personal problems economic wealth.

A young couple is faced with a lot of problems these problems are usually the same ones of every family, but teenagers are not able to solve them because of their immaturity. Less matured young people are not able to foresee the way their individuality will develop.

Many young people do not possess such quality as responsibility, before they are going to marry someone. One of the main problems of early marriages is the early paternity maternity. Nowadays nearly 10 of girls 3,1 of boys get married at the age of 18-19 years. The average age for teenagers to start go dating is 13 years. Marriage is different from love. There is no such thing as a good wife or a good husband there is only a good wife to Mr. A or a good husband to Mrs. B.

– Конец работы –

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Early marriages

Supplementary material. Marriage is an avalanche which is brought down by newly-weds exactly towards … There is also a mechanism closely associated to generous names to make every of our step look like the best one we can…

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Все темы данного раздела:

Early marriages. Perspectives prognoses
Early marriages. Perspectives prognoses. We should find out whether early marriages are reasonable or not, whether they are desirable or not, necessary or useless only then we will be able to reali

A portrait of a young couple
A portrait of a young couple. As a rule, a young family consists of a very young husband wife. Usually a female is married to a young man who is older than her at least 3-4 years as well as capable

List of supplementary material
List of supplementary material. A Typical Story Possible Endings of It. Quotations Statements about Marriages. SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL. A TYPICAL STORY AND POSSIBLE ENDINGS OF IT. My girlfriend I ar

List of the literary sources
List of the literary sources. Deinego, G. 1990. The Art of Living Together. The Mysteries of a Couple. Moscow Molodaya Gvardia Press. Kon, I. 1999. The Adolescent. Moscow Sovremennye Literatory Pre

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