Перевод английских текстов об образовании

Перевод текстов Оглавление 1. Higher education in Great Britain. 1.1 Высшее образование в Великобритании. 2. Albert Einstein. 2.1 Альберт Эйнштейн. 6 3. Our institute. 8 3.1 Наш Институт. 1. Higher education in Great Britain Of the 22 Universities in great Britain, 16 are England, 4 are in Scotland, 1 is in Wales and is in Northern Ireland.Einghteen universities have engineering faculties The leading universities in England are Oxford, Cambridge, Cambridge and London.

English universities are greatly differ from each other. They differ in date of foundation, history, tradition, general organization, internal government, methods of instruction, ways of student life, size, etc. British universities are comparatively small. The approximate number is 7000-8000 students, most universities having under 3000, some even less than 1500 students. Besides universities, there are several higher technical educational institutions: Regional colleges, 25 in number, 7 national colleges and colleges of advanced technology, which are 10 in the country.

Speaking about education in Great Britain, it should be mentioned that not many children from working class families are able to receive a higher education, as the fees are rather high. 1.1

Высшее образование в Великобритании

Они отличаются: по срокам, по истории, по традициям, по общей организа... Everybody wanted to know as much as possible about the author. The institute townlet is made up of the main and laboratory buildings,... Приблизительно 500 высоко квалифицированных преподавателей и исследова... Действительно ли Вы – студент по старше или студент по младше? - I am ...