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The capturing

The capturing - раздел Лингвистика, Here I Offer One Short English Language Example Of My Theological Works.the ...

Here I offer one short English language example of my theological works.The Author is searching for possibility of MAKING THEM PUBLISHED or simply personal communication. If anyone would express INTEREST OF ANY KIND, please contact the Author on the following address Александр Голенков, Кострома, Титова 9 - 57. tel 54 - 45 - 31 Alexander Golenkov, Kostroma, Titova 9 - 57, Russia 156023. I ask very much to treat this work of mine very carefully, as a way to the writing if it was very difficult, and can be continued only with someones help. T H E C A P T U R I N G NOTE FOR THE LANGUAGE APPLIED This work of mine is BREAKING THE BEING TO ITS VERY CORE, and - SO IS THE LANGUA- GE, applied in it. Its also breaking the words.

There is no other way to de- monstrate it most vividly. Practically, its DIFFERENT LANGUAGE. Not English not Russian NOT HUMAN AT ALL. See in the Bible of other tongues.

NOTE FOR THE TRANSLATION Although, PHYSICALLY it had to be put into shell of certain national language, extracting the MOST OF IT. For that matter, it is based in a very considerable ex- tent on PLAYING OF RUSSIAN WORDS begining with the very word Capturing, and so on. If it were written originally in English, it would do so too - and IN SOME PLACES DOES - as you will see it below - but basically, there were only two ways to translate it in English Either to use some CONVIDEA STAN- DING BEGIND, or to express it rather UNCONVIRES, passing it ONE TO ONE in a linguistic form. THE SECOND WAY IS PREFERRED HERE. Although these words may sound rather bizzar to an ordinary English speaker, one has to realise that, IN THE SENCE OF IDEA, those are VERY CATEGORIICAL TERMS. ЫЫЫЫ ЫЫЫЫ Ъ Shortest layout of my work THE CAPTURING ЗАХВАТЫВАЮЩЕЕ А Щ The Capturing is the NAME OF THE BEING and not only the name of this work of mine the other ways for translating this Russian word are the Breathtaking Painstaking, Exciting CAPTURING THE ENTIRE AT- TENTION. And really The very first question put forward in the Captu- ring is What does one need just to BE The answer is ЫЮ 1. SOMETHING OF HIS OWN KIND in the BEING WHICH ALREADY EXISTS, the relation to which is CONFLUENT 1. The most vivid example The c o m i n g i n t o t h i s b e i n g t h r u t h e c o nf l u e n t l i n e o f c o ng e n e r i c s u cc e s s i o n as ANY AT ALL CREATURE DOES Spectacularilly, but the English word KIND is OF ONE KIND to KIN, meaning a KIND OF CONGENERIC COMMUNITY. ЫЮ 2. IFFERING KIND in the neighbouring part of the Being, the relation to which is SEPARATE. This lets, back again, us most vividly to explain that well- known phenomenon, that ANY CREATURE, newBORN IN THIS WORLD, AT CERTAIN POINT IN TIME is LEAVING HIITAT, aspiring for the meeting with SOMETHING THE DIIDFED ONESELF WITH the Differing - AQUIRE ONES OWN FACE - as a STAMP FROM THE FACE OF THE BEING, for In the minute details of this Collision are - literally - being forged out the TRAITS OF HIS NA- TIONal CARACTER Latin word natio means, namely, KIND, and what is called PERSONALITY Russian word for personality is coming from one root with FACE. Just look Every nation of this world had aquired its charac- teristic national traits its SHAPES and FORMS only as a RESULT OF CERTAIITSELF SE- PARATED from all things around. And not only at the moment of that, but so ON The peoples of this world are only searching pretexts for NEW COLLISIOUNS, for they need regullarily to feed up the entire of this energetics of Being Ъ Ю pay the tribute to the DEMON OF WAR, the King of Little - this world, the Master of Being - in exchange English А- for the tribute of which he is giving them their own playing А- attributes . with words А By the margins like this are marked the examples in brackets, illustrating the Two Statements given above.

And so 2. The STATE OF BEING SEPARATED and 1. The STATE OF BEING CONFLUENT are the two basic components of Being. Everythihg else is, in final analisys, coming down to them, and is nothing more as only THEIR COMBINATION. Correspondingly, the SUCCES IN SUCH BEING is belonging to those who KNOW THE ART OF COMBIPrinciples SEPARATED and CONFLUENT Й 2. Who knows how IN TIME TO SHOW ONES JAWS TO THE OTHER Ю-Ч- 1. Who knows how IN TIME to interCOUPLE THE OTHER. Ю Ч- И ЪВ Щ АЕ-Ю THE MOST VIVID SYMBOL OF SEPARATION А-Ю THE MOST VIVID SYMBOL OF GETTING INTO THE CONFLUENT JUNCTION - of which the above-mentioned kin is continued although we are meaning MORAL CONJUNCTION RATHER THAN PHYSICAL so-called PATRiotism lat Pater means Father or CLINGING TO CERTAIN HUMAN DOCTRINE requi- ring namly SUCH KIND of a clinging follower, and rejecting SEPARATI- ON any other - everything finally is coming to that as it is IIMAGE OF THE BEAST. And THERE IS NOTHING IN IT EXCEPT THAT these Two Points.

THERE IS NOTHING ELSE IN THE BEING which is built accorting to the outlined here IIONS are R E A L L Y C A P T U T I N G from where the NAME OF MY PRESENT WORK REALLY CO- MES, absorbing ENTIRE ATTENTION so that such kind of beast SEES NOT- HING ELSE for example, saying THERE IS NO GOD . ЫЮ 3. But lets nonetheless ask ourselves Is there anything else ЫЮ in the being, which would be also WORTHY OF HUMAN BEING The Capturing calls it The Unconceivable.

And if in the Capturing or, in other words, SUCH KIND OF BE- ING, THE PASSIONS OF WHICH ARE TRYING TO CAPTURE all things are EITHER CONFLUENT, or SEPARATE, in the Unconceivable - UNSEPARABLE and UNCONFLUENT. And THIS IS THE MAJOR STATEMENT OF MY WORK THE CAPTURING Nomber 3, and the MAJOR DISCOVERY I MADE IN MY LIFE If in godless world all things are interrelated only according to principle Confluent and Separate, IN THE WORLD, HAVING AT LEAST SOME RELATION to the above-it Unconceivable - they are starting to change it to UNSEPARABLE and UNCONFLUENT And this way the Unconceivable can be conceived.

The words which we now say are not simple words, but they are already relating now to the Word, of Whom sais the Bible, for we now have ente- red already from that demonic sphere of which we have started PURE CHRISTIANITY. You are to conceive a Child - sais the Word of the Word. Thus Unconceivable of the God is getting conceivable, thru Jesus Christ.

And thats not all. As the Christian Church started to reflect namely - trying to con- ceive how the NATURE OF HUMAN and the NATURE OF GOD were joined in Jesus Christ, it came to the conclusion UNSEPARABLY and UNCONFLUENT- LY - what is representing a MAJOR CHRISTIAN DOGMAT so that any devi- ation from it is even called HERESY, i.e a thing of this world, reflecting the IMAGE OF THE BEAST, and not the Image of God. It greatly influences the behaviour, coming out from these two images so, heresy - is not a theoretical thing but is as practical, as hardly anything else. For If Human and God Creator and the Creation are really joined in Jesus Christ namely that way, it really opens way for joining everything else in the world according such Image with one another thru God for, rela- tion between the creation and God thru Jesus Christ is only UNSEPARABLE and UNCONFLUENT - AS IS in Jesus Christ Such is the creative and mo- ral message of my work The Capturing the concrete examples are follo- wed in its full Russian text. This principle - UNSEPARABLE and UNCONFLUENT - which in The Cap- turing is led out purely logically see for that full Russian text of The Capturing - had coinsided completely with the same-name Dogmatics of Orthodox Christianity usually ACCEPTED BY FAITH. Taking a new star- ting poing of SUCH AN INSPIRING COINSIDENCE, it later continues its line by alleging that Ъ Ь 2. Only God the Creator is QUITE POWERFULY of the DIFFERING KIND to Creation see point 2 Ъ-Е Ь 1. Only He quite powerfully can give the SAME KIND to it. А Ю For, He is Creator, and in any respect NOT THE CREATION DIFFE- RENT, i.e to it not even anything in creation for, anything in creation is NOTHING BUT IDLE. А Ю For, He is - CREATOR, and namely - CREATES all such kind to what is ALLREADY CREATED He is really that HEAVENLY FATHER, Whom calls Him the Scripture.

For those who were born Not of the flesh not of the lust of this world.

In Scripture its very vividly told of the best Doctor THE ONE WHO CREATED THE THINGS KNOWS BEST HOW TO CURE THEM. For, the creation has fallen away from the Creator.

What does it really mean - It had enclosed itself - having itself deprived of THESE TWO COMPONENTS OF THE BEING. Whats then - It had started trying to extract them from itself.

There is popular Russian folk tale of how the fox, having fo- und himvself with some other beasts in a trap - and the TRAP is an IMAGE OF HELL, to which this self-enclosed world is gradually coming - had teached other beasts to eat their bowels and after they were killing themselves by tearing their owm bellies - EATING THEM ONE AFTER OTHER. Isnt it a clearest image of what devil teaches humanity For what really else remains in the world of creation which had closed it- self from the Creator - 2. EATING and tearing itself into pieces, from one hand look at the MAP OF THE WORLD the VIVID EXAMPLE, causing itself deep teared wounds.

While, from the other hand 1. Ones of creation are filled with a LUSTING DESIRE FOR OT- HERS As one flesh of creation is eating the other in both, moral and physical sence. Such is the later two points a sort of a contradiction inside, which moves the creation without the Creator The Devil from here can clear- ly be seen as MASTER of such kind of being.

It was not in vain when here above we called him a Master.

For it is only by i nt r i c a t e d e v i ls i nt r u g u e t h e w o r l d e xt r i c a t e s for itself this fuel for being even being dep- tived the TRUE SOURCE OF IT. But together with all that its clear that this only temporary.

Ru- led by the Devil creation simply can not go on so endlessly, for is very obvious soon end for this kind of fuel. The question arises Whats then - And so we are getting in its paramount exactness the category of hell 2. Therell be nothing else to devide as everything will be allready devided, and turned into those DEAPTHLESS WOUNDS, of which testimoies the Scripture WOUND UPON WOUND. 1. There will remain nothing else to confluently join, for ALL POSSIBILITIES FOR THAT IN THE WORLD WILL BE EXHAUSTED One will be having to lustfully join with himself - having already TI- RED OF HIMSELF EXHAUSTED HIMSELF to the outermost limit.

It will happen to those who LOVED ONLY THEMSELVES in this world And did all to join more and more to oneself.

And really, lets lo- ok into the writing of the Apostle of ancient Romans Their men, ha- ving tired of natural use of their women, are burning themselves with passions to each other This is REAL START OF THE HELL the FIRE OF IT, already BURNING IN THEIR SOULS The image of demom, rashing in rage on a frying-pan has not- hing to do with popular imagination, but quite CATEGORICALLY EXACT image of hell, according to the logic of The Captu- ring This is the FINAL END of all those Separations and Confluent Junctu- res in the sphere of this world.

While the outlined Christian principle of UNSEPARABLE and UNCONF- LUENT is truly presenting itself as a CURE FOR THE WORLD. It has MANY PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS - but it is outlined already in my other works.

While here it were only the INTRODUCTORY NOTES for my general ALL-EMBRACING ETHICAL AND ESTETHICAL WORLD OUTLOOK SYSTEM, exp- ressing the Christian attitude to all spheres of personal, social life and economy the attitude to Earths bowels we have already mentioned above. Ъ ЮThe Capturing - as the PASSIONATE BEING - is entering struggle with the Unconceivable - the BEING NOT OF THIS WORLD - trying to capture it - unless it conceives Unconceivable А Щ Such is the SHORTEST PORTRAIT OF THE CAPTURING. ЫЫЫЫ ЫЫЫЫ Here Ive given one short English language example of my theologi- cal works.

The Author is searching for possibility of MAKING THEM PUB- LI

SHED or simply personal communication

Во-первых, что-либо ТАКОЕ ЖЕ в уже существующем бытии, отношение к кот... Кто вовремя СОВОКУПИТСЯ ДРУГ С ДРУГОМ 2. Но, однако же, возникает вопрос ЕСТЬ ЛИ ХОТЬ ЧТО-НИБУДЬ ЫЮ В БЫТИИ, ДО... Только Творец есть ДОСТАТОЧНОЙ СИЛЫ ИНОЕ ДЛЯ ТВАРИ ведь, Он же - Творе... Только Творец и дат достаточной силы Такое же - в плане уже бытия.

– Конец работы –

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