
Bibliography. Adams, V. An introduction to Modern English word- formation. Longman. 1973. 2. Bauer, L. English word-formation. Cambridge. 1983. 3. Biese, Y. Origin and development of conversion in English. Helsinki. 1941. 4. Bladin, V. Studies and denominative verbs in English.

Uppsala. 1911. 5. Jespersen, O. A modern English grammar on historical principles. Copenhagen. 1942. 6. Kruisinga, E. A handbook of present day English. Groningen. 1932. 7. Lyons, J. Introduction to theoretical linguistic. London. 1972. 8. Marchand, H. The categories and types of present day word-formation. Harrassowitz. 1960. 9. Mencken, H. The American language. New York. 1936. 10. Воронцова, Г. Очерки по грамматике английского языка. М. 1960. 11. Каращук, П. Словообразование английского языка.

М. 1977. 12. Мешков, О. Словообразование в современном английском языке. М. 1976. 13. Сильницкий, Г отв. ред Проблемы английского словообразования. Смоленск. 1976. 14. Смирницкий, А. Лексикология современного английского языка. М. 1956. Dictionaries. 1. Berg, P. A dictionary of new words in English. London. 1953. 2. Jones, D. An English pronouncing dictionary. London. 1957. 3. The Oxford pocket Russian dictionary. Oxford. 1994. Affixes.

Origin. Derivative. Derivant. Examples. 1 2 3 4 5 -aj -al -ance -ence -ancy -ency -ant -ard -ent -arian -ary -ory -by -eer -ese -esque 1 -ess -et -ette -iana -ie, -y -ine, -in -ing -ister -let -ling -ster -ton -ure -ward s -way s -wise anti- anti- 1 arch- auto- auto- bi- circum- circum- counter- di- di- en em- epi- ex- extra- fore- fore- nypo- inter- inter- 1 inter- intra- mal- meta- meta- micro- mid- multi- neo- pan- pan- para- per- peri- peri- poly- post- pre- 1 pre- pre- preter- pro- pro- pro- proto- psseudo- pseudo- retro- retro- semi- sub- semi- sub- super- super- supra- 1 sur- trans- tri- twi- ultra- ultra- vice- L. L. L. L. L. L. L. F. L. I. L. L. AS. F. L. F. 2 Gr. F. F. L. F. L. AS. F. F. AS. AS. AS. F. AS. AS. AS. Gr. Gr. 2 Gr. Gr. Gr. L. L. L. F. Gr. Gr. F. Gr. L. L. AS. AS. Gr. L. L. 2 L. L. F. L. L. L. AS. L. Gr. Gr. Gr. Gr. L. L. L. Gr. L. L. 2 L. L. L. L. L. L. Gr. Gr. Gr. Gr. Gr. L. L. L. L. L. L. L. 2 F. L. Gr. AS. L. L. L. n. a n. n. n. n. a. n. a. n. a. n. n. n. a. a. 3 n. n. n. n. n. a. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. adv. Adv. Adv. n. a. 3 n. n. a. a. v. a. n. n. a. v. a. n. a. v. n. a. v. n. 3 a. a. n. n. a. n. n. a. n. a. n. a. n. a. n. a. a. a. 3 n. v. a. a. a. n. n. n. a. n. a. n. a. a. n. a. n. a. 3 n. a. a. a. a. n. n. v. n. v. v. v. v. v. v. v. n. n. n. a. n. n. n. 4 n. n. n. n. n. n. v. n. n. n. n. a. v. n. n. n. n. a. 4 n. n. a. a. v. a. n. n. a. n. a. n. a. v. n. a. v. n. 4 a. a. n. n. a. n. n. a. n. a. n. a. n. a. n. a. a. a. 4 n. v. a. a. a. n. n. n. a. n. a. n. a. a. n. a. n. a. 4 n. a. a. a. a. n. n. approval, renewal, withdrawal, uprisal temporal, actional, tidal, comical forbiddance, appearance, clearance consistence, dependence, emergence flippancy, repellancy, ascendancy insistency, persistency, emergency repellant, coolant, claimant, lubricant deunkard, stinkard, dullard, blinkard absorbent, solvent, depedent, persistent librarian, proletarian, grammarian documentary, visionary, missionary depository, laboratory, territory idleby, rudesby, littleby, whitby conventioneer, revolutioneer Milanese, Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese arabesque, picturesque, blottesque 5 hostess, tigeress, tailoress bloweret, brooket, lacet, swimmeret mountainette, novelette, balconette Shakespeariana, Byroniana, Burnsiana sweetie, dearie, auntie, daddy masculine, feminine, stearin sutting, painting, meeting, warning chorister, palmister, legister, sophister hamlet, booklet, circlet, winglet, leaflet hireling, oakling, suckling, youngling gangster, bankster, gamester, boomster middleton, doubleton, idleton clefure, bankrupture, perfecture backward s, eastward s homeward s, crossways, sideways, sunway, endway cornerwise, coastwise, endwise anti-Calvinist, antifascist anti-aircraft, antipuritan 5 arch-cheater, arch-decaiver autobiography, auto-infection autogenetic, auto-poisonous bifocal, bimanual, bilateral circum-bind, circum-glaze, circum-roll circum-basel, circum-arctic counterinfluence, coun-terwall di-arch, dichloride, di-iodite digastric, dicotyledon-ous, dichromic encage, encrown, embalm, emplane epidasal, epicentral, epifocal ex-champion, ex-president extra-natural, extraordinary forego, foregird, forethink, forerun forefinger, foretooth, forecastle hypodermic, hupobasal, hupoactive interpoint, interleave, intermix intercommunity, 5 inter-penetrative, interacapsular intra-artetial, intracapsuial maladministration, malpractice meta-jelatin, meta-cresol, meta-phrase meta-arthritic, meta-infective micro-ampere, micro-volt, micro-biology midsummer, mmidnight, midwinter, midday multiflorous, multinuclear neocolonialism, neomaterialist pan-American, pan-European pangrammatist, panlogism, panslavism parachordal, parasternal, paracentral perchloride, periodite, percarbidde peribranchial, perichordal periarthritis, perinephritis polyatomic, polychromatic, polyangular post-war, post-Adamic, post-Darwinian pre-Darwinian, pre-war 5 prehistory, precondition, preequipment, preheat, prearrange, precalculate preternatural, preteressential pro-substantival, pro-chordal pro-American, pro-British procousul, prorector, proto-ideal, proto-parent pseudo-patriot, pseudo-philosophy pseudo-religions, pseudo-romantic retrogress, retroflexion retro-operative, retro-date semigod, semi-age, semi-barbarism subangular, sub-cariber, sub-chronic semi-dry, semi-attached, semi-official sub-searcher, subman, subofficer supersensitive, superfine superirritation, super-activity supralinary, supra-spira 5 surname, surcoat, surbase trans-African, trans-Siberian trilocular, trinomenal, tri-elementary twi-coloured, twi-faced, twi-forked ultra-fashionable, ultra-modern ultra-educationalist, ultra-reactionist vice-collector, vice-clean Suffix derived nouns, adjectives, verbs.

Prefix derived adjectives and verbs.

The affix the origin derivative derivant examples -ness -ity -ism -ship -dom -ment -ation -ery -acy -age -ed -y -ish -en -n -less -ly -ful -some -fold -worthy -like -able -ous -an ean, ian un- in- non- a- self- well- ill- -ize -fy -ify -ate -en un- de- dis- mis- under- over- up- re- be- L. L. L. E. L. L. Gr. L. R. R. E. L. E. E. E. Gr. E. E. E. E. E. L. L. L. E. E. E. E. E. E. L. L. L. E. E. L. L. E. E. E. E. L. E. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. adj. adj. adj. adj. adj. adj. adj. adj. adj. adj. adj. adj. adj. adj. adj. adj. adj. adj. adj. adj. adj. v. v. v. v. v. v. v. v. v. v. v. v. v. adj. adj. n. adj. n. n. v. v. n. adj. n. n. v. n. n. v. adj. n. adj. n. n. v. n. n. v. n. adj. v. num. n. v. n. v. n. n. adj. adj. adj. adj. adj. adj. adj. n. adj. n. adj. n. adj. adj. v. v. v. v. v. v. v. v. v. n. adj. alertness, goodness, darkness. convertibility, humidity, banality, activity Leninism, Platonism pacifism, Americanism, newspaperism friendship, ladyship, horsemanship, partenship earldom, sheriffdom, savagedom, boydom denotement, astonishment, pavement indication, realization, activation, expectation peasantry, scenery, cattery profligacy, retiracy delegacy, piracy readerage, spindleage, footage fosterage, breakage, standage feathered, minded, passioned bony, furry sleeply, chattly blacky, paly, plumpy maidish, Irish, dampish coldish, blackish, baddish flaxen, wooden, silken homeless, brotherless changeless brotherly, yearly, lively beautiful, chearful, topful wakeful, forgeful brothersome, venturesome gaysome, darksome troublesome, quarrelsome fivefold, tenfold loveworthy, shameworthy, readworthy showworthy deathlike, wifelike drinkable, actable envious, villainios European, African, Darwinian unreasonable, unpracticed, unimportant, unintentional inartistic non-human achromatic, anhydrous self-acting, self-recording well-aged, well-born ill-advised, ill-disposed characterize, vaporize specialize, realize electrify, testify, damnify acidify, humidify, pacificify vaccinate, fossilate activate, syllabicate gladden, soften, redden unbend, unshoe, uncork, undeceive decode, deforest, deplume disagree, disjoin, dishouse mistake, mishear, mislike underline, underwork, underact overbuild, overpass, overdrink, overlive uphold, uprise recline, reread, repaganize, repaper beset, bekiss, bespeak, becrowd belimb, becloud, bedim, befool Affix word-formation.

Derived nouns -derived nouns with agnative meaning. affix productivity w-f model meaning and semantic classes the usage historic appearance and evolution comments 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -er -or -ee -ist -ite1 -ite2 -man11 the ant. is the suff woman horseman-horsewoman, nobleman-noblewoman but there are some words with -man which have no a parallel with -woman postman, seaman.

A word chairman can denote a man and a woman.

Sometimes it is possible to use -maid instead of woman milkman-milkmaid, barman-barwoman.

But it is more preferable to use the words with -woman as more neutral component. -Maid is usually denotes a young gerl. the most productive.

It has almost absolutely productivity.

The synonym suf -er, but less productive.

Is not very productive because the semantic class of V stems capable to join this suf is not numerous they are the Vs with to hang over, entrust meaning productive syn with ist in the meaning of a person but is less productivity it is an homonym of -ite1 and productive syn with -er that is why has the less productivity.

N er N Adj er N Num er N V er1 N V er2 N V or N V ee N N ist N N ite N N ite N N man N Adj man N V man N -there are some nouns which means belonging to the place Londoner, Englander. -inhabitant of some area foreigner, Britisher. -Adj. means color or special indication. Derivatives have the meaning of quality or indication greener, fresher a student of the first year. -a person of an age fifteeners, forty niner. -value of money fiver, 5 , 5 pounds tenner 10 , 10p. Agnetive meaning -profession activity of a person sewer, singer, learner. -a person acting in such way at that moment singer, speaker, learner. -a person who has the indication and ability to do this action swimmer.

Very often the -er nouns have all three nuance of meaning player 1 actor 2 one who is playing now 3 one who has an ability to play. Instrumental meaning denotes instruments, devices, etc to sow sower, to atomize atomizer, to silence silenser. -science and technical terms generator, indicator, radiator. -instrumental meaning -has the meaning of object of acting which denoted by the stem. This object can be direct or indirect, it depends on the object which the V stem needs employee one who is employee, detainee prisoner.

The active meaning a person.

There are different nuance of meaning which depends on derivant stem -means a person whose occupation marked by the stem machinist, automobilist, violinist. -a person occupied in that brunch of activity which the stem denotes geologist, biologist. -a follower of some doctrine, theory, idea, view, etc. Darwinist, Pushcinist. -a supporter of a political and since tendency communist, pacifist. -inhabitant of the area, country, island, town Sydneyite, suburbanite, cityite -a follower of the doctrine, since and political tendency, etc. Hitlerite, Marxite. -joins the stems of proper peoples names, who was the first who found out the mineral, chemical or explosive substance, or the place where they were first found or discovered hauerite after F Von Haure, Australian geologist, dolomite after the French geologist Dolomier, yprite from Ypres, a town in N W Belgium. -names of chemical or explosive substance where the main indications are denoted by the stem sepiolite sepia L colour speularite specular reflecting, speculum reflector. -denotes a person or a person used some instrument iceman, logman, panman. -a person living on the area Englishman, Walshman. -a person doing an action watchman.22 this class of words is not numerous because of more productive suf -er. ordinary speech slang ordinary speech different brunches of science and agriculture science speech juridical and administrative terms ordinary speech ordinary speech science speech ordinary speech OE N er N V er N had the meaning a person doing what the stem denotes OE cartere-MoE carter, OE utridere-MoE out rider.

ME the meaning become wider hatter, hunter.

It took the meaning belong to some area Londoner. Goes back to the Roman language.

In ME period V or N had agnetive and instrumental meaning.

In MoE has instrumental meaning in different brunches of since reactor 1928 , compressor 1920 , eluminator 1928 . Roman Vs perlocated in English with French juridical and administrative terms named persons appellee, assignee.

Later -ee began joining the German V stems drawee. Is taken in English as a word-formative element F-iste, L-ista, Gr-istes. In MoE me can met not only in prevocated from R but in new-forms.

Greece origin.

In OE period there are a lot of -man words with and without the interfix -s- carlman, ceap-man chapman, r des-man redesman.

MoE leman ME lemman, lefman OE leof dear mann man. Now the stem le- is not used by itself and the words leman are not used without special aim. Can produce compounds -can-opener, ice-breaker -giver-up, teen-ager, breakfaster.

Do not produce the N -when there is the other word with the same meaning student instead of steadier though it has appeared in the language but it is used rather seldom . -when there is the -er word in the language betting-man instead of better one who bets as there is better in the language adv. from well and adj. from good. It is usually joined the V stem ended by -ate in MoE ended by -t to collect collector, to select selector.

But none was formed on the English basis.

Though the suf -ee is not very productive, some times it maids fresh formations.

It joins the proper names of initiators of some doctrines, tendencies, etc. To produce the names of sols the suff joins the N stems denotes the names of acids ended by -ous nitrite nitrous acid. As one word there are 65 -man words in English, the words written hyphenate are about 10 with interfix -s- -22 salesman33 interfix -s- -a suffix of plural talesman tales, locksman locks. -a suffix of genitive case landsman, kinsman, guardsman. words written distinctly -3 . It is typical for these words saving the emphasis in first component the difference between man words and compounds.