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2 сочинения по иностранному языку для 9 класса (english)

2 сочинения по иностранному языку для 9 класса (english) - раздел Лингвистика, At My Grandfather S. My Sister And Ienjoy Living In The Country, That Is Why...

At my grandfather s. My sister and Ienjoy living in the country, that is why we usually spend our summer holidaysat our grandfather s. He lives and works in the forest - he is a forester. Helives in a small house. He has a garden. Different plants grow in his garden.It is very beautiful there. There is a lake near the house. The lake is full isfish. Near the lake there are high green hills and large fields. A lot ofdifferent flowers grow in the fields.I like forget-me-not best of all. Theforest is full of mushrooms and berries.

Different birds and animals live onthe hills and in the forest.Grandfather knows and loves them all. He knows alot of things about animals where they live in winter and in summer, what theyeat, what they like to do, how they teach their children and play with them. Heknows all about birds too. When a bird is singing he can say what bird it is. In winter when there is not much food to eat in the forest, he gives the birdssomething to eat. Grandfather likes the forest.

Healways says that the forest is full of wonders. We like to listen tograndfather s stories about the forest s wonders.At mygranny sLast summer we went to visit my granny. She has got anice little house in the country. It is very comfortable. There is aliving-room, a kitchen, a bathroom, a toilet, a hall and there are twobedrooms.There are many different flowers in front of the house and behind it,there are a lot of fruit trees too. We like to visit our granny, but we don toften go there, as we are very busy.That summer day my granny was out but w had the keyswith us. I wanted to have a nice day in the country.

We went there by taxi. Granny s house is very neat and nice. There are two floors. The kitchen and theliving-room are on the ground floor. There is a fireplace in the living-room. Ilike to sit in the old rocking arm-chair by the fire in the evening. Thetelevision is also here. The bedrooms and the bathroom are upstairs.Thecurtains in the granny s bedroom are very nice. There is also an old framedmirror in this room. When I was a little girl I thought it ismagical.

The toilet is next to kitchen on the ground floor.

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