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Вариант тестовых заданий по английскому языку для экзамена (два задания, №5 и №6)

Вариант тестовых заданий по английскому языку для экзамена (два задания, №5 и №6) - раздел Лингвистика, Test 1. Turn The Following Nouns Into Adjectivesgovernment Reason Pe...

Test 1. Turn the following nouns into adjectivesgovernment reason peace parliament religion 2. Complete the following text with the words and phrasesfrom the box using them in the appropriate form to divide to be based on to track down to be put to break to manage to follow to deal with to involve to provide to cross to be enforced The whole system of American government a the principles b in the Constitution and Bill of Rights.The peoplebelieve that the government should c a framework of law and order in whichthey are left free to run their own lives.

The stategovernments d much the same pattern as the federal government. Each has agovernor as the Chief executive with power e among the Executive,Legislative and Judicial branches.State governments f such affairs asmaintaining order educating children and young adults and building highways.The federal government g national problems and international relations andwith regional problems that h more than one state.

Laws affecting thedaily lives of citizens i by police in the cities and towns.Agents of theFederal Bureau of Inverstigation the famous FBI j criminals who k state borders or who l federal laws. 3. Fill inthe gaps with the prepositions from the box. Some of them can be used more thanonce into Without in upon from by about of for 1. The Constitution was officially adopted the thirteenstates.2. Compromise politics is a matter of necessity.3. The President must have its agreement his proposalsand programmes.4. He cannot declare war the approval Congress.5. All election districts must have the same numberof residents.6. The number of Representatives each state is based its population.7. Each state is divided congressional districts.8. Each Senator is elected six year terms of office. 4. Use theverbs in the sentences in the Passive Voice.1. The Constitution to a mend already.2. The Constitution to adopt in 3. Legislators to elect from geographical districtsdirectly by the voters.4. In foreign affairs the President to be stronglylimited.5. Any treaty must to approve by the Senate 5. Match each word on the left with the appropriatedefinition on the right 1. a shop lifter a murders for political reasons or a reward2. a burglar b breaks into houses or other buildings to steal3. a murderer c steals from shops white acting as an ordinary customer4. a kidnapper d kills some one5. a pickpocket e steals things from people s pockets in crowded places6. a drug dealer f gets secret information from another country7. a spy g buys and sells drugsillegally8. a terrorist h takes away people by force anddemands money for their return 6. Translate sentences from Russian into English 1. Ты уже изучил правительственную систему Америки?2. Они еще не подписали этот договор.3. Это дело еще не представили на рассмотрение жюриприсяжных заседателей.4. Конгресс регулирует торговлю между штатами изарубежными странами.5. Этот закон принят для обеспечения равноправия мужчин иженщин.

Test I. Give the words withthe opposite meanings to 1. majority2. consent3. to pay attention4. to win5. to allowII. Give the wordswith the similar meanings to 1. to poll 2. to resign 3. to veto 4. to violate 5. to approve 6. revenue 7. impartial 8. responsibility 9. diverse.III. Complete thefollowing text with the words and phrases from the box, using them in theappropriate form. constitution structure voter national to name federal government to vote responsibility violation law to govern to be elected 2 to be appointed to be removed from office The UnitedStates is a a union of 50 states, with District of Columbia as the seatof the b government.

TheConstitution outlines c of the national government and specifies itspowers and activities.

Other government activities are the d of theindividual states, which have their own e and f . Within eachstate there are counties, townships, cities and villages, each of which has itsown elective g . Allgovernment in the United States is of, by and for the people . Members ofCongress, the President, state officials and those who h counties andcities i by popular vote. The President j the heads of federaldepartments while judges are either k directly by the people or I by elected officials m mark unsigned ballot in private booths, sothat no one else can find out for whom a citizen n Public officials may o for failing to perform their duties properly, as well as for serious p of law. IV. Complete thetable. 1 тип 2 тип 3 тип 1 If the President appoints him, the Senate will approve If the President appointed him, the Senate would approve If the President had appointed him yesterday, the Senate would have approved 2 If I were a lawyer I would like to be Supreme Court Justice 3 If a foreign diplomat had been involved in this case the Supreme Court would have heard it 4 If there is only the Supreme Court it will not be able to view all cases 5 We wouldn t have wasted so much time yesterday if everybody had come in time 6 If I were you I wouldn t break the law V. Finish thesentences 1. If I could adopt a new law 2. If I had a lot of money 3. If I were the President 4. If I won a car in a lottery 5. If I could speak English fluently 6. If I were Supreme Court Justice VI. Indirect Speech.1. She says, I ll join you in a minute .2. He said to me, I m absolutely sure .3. He said, The trial has been cancelled .4. They said The coroners will inquire into unnaturaldeaths .5. She asked me, Does a solicitor deal with pettycrimes .6. I asked him, Does the FBI investigate kidnapping? 7. We asked them, How did it happen? 8. What s the matter? the policeman asked.9. She said to me, I ll vote next year .10. My colleague asked, When did the elections take place? VII. Translate thefollowing sentences from Russian into English.1. К первому сентября выборы уже состоялись.2. Когда я получил работу в суде, он уже был верховнымсудьей.3. К тому времени его уже выбрали в сенат.4. Она сказала, что участвовала в выборах в прошлом году.5. Он написал, что такие случаи рассматриваются вапелляционном суде.6. Мой брат сказал, что будет голосовать за этогокандидата.

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Используемые теги: вариант, тестовых, заданий, английскому, языку, экзамена, Два, задания0.11

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