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Реферат Курсовая Конспект

Aluminium: its history

Aluminium: its history - раздел Лингвистика, УЧИМСЯ АНАЛИЗИРОВАТЬ, ЧИТАТЬ И ГОВОРИТЬ ПО-АНГЛИЙСКИ   Before You Read The Text, Discuss In Groups What You Know Abo...


Before you read the text, discuss in groups what you know about aluminium and see if you can guess the missing words. Then find the answers to the questions in the text below.


1. Aluminium has the following advantages – this metal is …, … and … .

2. To put aluminium to use it is necessary to … it.


Novelty (n) – нововведение, новшество

Rust (v) – ржаветь, подвергаться коррозии

Bar (n) – брусок, кусок, слиток

Harness = use (v) – использовать


At the Paris exhibition of 1855 aluminium was exhibited for the first time. It was regarded as one of the principal novelties of that year. The new metal was shown as a bar, bearing a very sensational inscription "Silver from Clay". It was regarded even at that time as the metal of the future with great practical possibilities. Scientific and non-scientific press devoted lengthy articles to its description. Special attention was paid to the advantages of aluminium – it is light, it does not rust, and it is very strong especially when mixed with other metals.

The first attempts to isolate this metal from its oxide were made in 1807 by Davy and some years later by Berzelius. But both failed to obtain any satisfactory results. Nearly fifty years passed before French and German scientists isolated aluminium in 1854. It was isolated by electrolysis. Scientists also investigated the distribution of the metal in nature. Aluminium is one of the most widely distributed of the chemical elements but it is never found in the free state. Metallic aluminium has a beautiful silver luster, but when impure aluminium has a gray or a bluish colour. The isolation of aluminium became simple and cheap only when man harnessed electricity. Only then was it possible to produce aluminium and put it to use.


I. Find 7 passive constructions in the text and make questions using them. Discuss the questions in pairs.


II. Retell the text using the following words and expressions:

to be exhibited, to be regarded, to be shown, advantages, to make attempts, to obtain satisfactory results, to be widely distributed


* * *

Read the text and answer the questions.


What is iron


Iron is a kind of metal. It is hard. No other metal is so hard as iron. People find iron in the ground. When it is extracted from the ground, it looks like rocks – red, or brown, or black.

The rock that has iron is called iron ore. Iron in it is mixed with earth and many other things too. People have to remove all these things from it; then iron is ready for use.

Nails, horse-shoes and many other things are made of iron. Steel is made of iron. Steel is much prettier than iron. It is much brighter, but it is not so strong. Scissors, knives, forks and many other things are made of steel. And they are very useful.


1. What is iron?

2. Is it hard or soft?

3. Where do people find it?

4. What does it look like?

5. What do people call these stones?

6. What do people make from iron?

7. What do you know about steel?


* * *

Read the text and decide which answer A, B, C, D or E best fits each space.


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