рефераты конспекты курсовые дипломные лекции шпоры

Реферат Курсовая Конспект


Упражнения - раздел Лингвистика, УЧИМСЯ АНАЛИЗИРОВАТЬ, ЧИТАТЬ И ГОВОРИТЬ ПО-АНГЛИЙСКИ   I.Fill In The Gaps With An Appropriate Word ...


I.Fill in the gaps with an appropriate word that you think fits best according to the meaning. Read the sentences given below. Comment on the functions of these words that are used in the sentences. Translate them into Russian.

1. … is easy to discuss this problem, as … very simple.

2. This PC belongs to the third generation. … should be replaced by a new one.

3. What time is … now?

4. In Great Britain in every house, no matter whether … is a small one or a flat in a big modern building, there must be a fireplace.

5. … took me 2 minutes to prepare and send the e-mail message.

6. … was Babbage who invented the first calculating machine.

7. … has been ages since I saw you last time.

8. … is raining heavily. Don’t forget to take an umbrella. … is in the bathroom.

9. “Whose picture is … ?” – “ … is the photo of my uncle.”

II.Read the following text and comment on different meanings of the word it used in it. Choose the answer from a)-e) which you think fits best according to the text. Pay attention to the words given bellow, read and memorize them.



Granite (n) [grænit] – гранит

Body (n) [‘bכdi] – тело, масса

Melt (v) – плавиться

Grow hard – затвердеть

Be made up of – состоять из

Crystal (n) [kristl] – кристалл


It is known that our planet on which we live, the earth, is a very large body. It is a great ball of rock.

There are many different kinds of rock, some are hard, and others are soft. There are white, red, yellow, brown, black and even green rocks. Some are very dull, others sparkle like sugar.

It is very hot inside the earth. It is there that rocks get hot and melt. Then they cool off and grow hard again.

Some rocks are very hard, and if you break them, they sparkle as the light shines on them. It is because they are made up of crystals. One of these rocks is granite. It is so hard that people use it to construct houses, roads, bridges and monuments. It is a good building material.

1. What is a very big ball of rock?

a) Granite is. d) The moon is.

b) The earth is. e) No information is given

c) The sun is. in the text.

2. What happens inside our planet?

a) Nothing special.

b) Rocks sparkle there.

c) Rocks warm up, melt, then cool off and become solid again.

d) Rocks cool off, then melt, become cool and finally warm up.

e) Inside our planet there are many minerals.

3. Why do some rocks sparkle when you break them?

a) Because they include gold.

b) Because they are made up of diamond.

c) Because they consist of thousands of particles of glass.

d) Because they include crystals.

e) No information is given in the text.

4. For what purposes is granite used?

a) It is used for building and construction.

b) It is used everywhere.

c) It is used for building bridges and roads.

d) It is used for building monuments.

e) It is used nowhere.



This – этот, эта, это That – тот, та, то
1. Указательное местоимение со значением это, этот, эта   This is the fellow-student I wanted to introduce to you. 1. Указательное местоимение со значением тот, та, это, этот, эта, данный That paper was translated by a computer translator.
2. Определяющее слово (определитель) данный, нынешний, сегодняшний, сей, вот, этот (эта, это). Используется перед существительным. I lent you this new dictionary. 2. Определяющее слово (определитель) тот, та, то. Используется без существительного. Who has given you that?
3. Наречие. Используется перед прилагательным или другим наречием. We haven’t had this much fun since childhood. Is he this tall? 3. Наречие. Используется перед прилагательным или другим наречием. I didn’t know it would be that good. Is the unit that long?
This – этот, эта, это That – тот, та, то
  4. Относительное местоимение: а) вводит придаточное предложение This is the program that I use very often. б) завершает усилительную конструкцию It was in 1942 near Moscow that first Russian missile called Katyusha was used.
  5. Союз: а) присоединяет придаточное дополнительное предложение I am sure that you are right. Mr. Bones told me that he had to leave for Leeds. б) присоединяет придаточное подлежащее That the fare should be paid is quite evident. That the Berlin train was late was very unusual and strange. в) присоединяет придаточное сказуемое The thing is that you are to take your English exam in a day. The main difficulty of solving this problem is that it needs a lot of investment.
  6. Слово-заменитель The density of ice is lower than that of liquid.



These – эти Those – те
1. Указательное местоимение множественного числа от this со значением эти. Употребляется перед существительным. These business partners are from Scotland. I’ll have a lot of work to do these three weeks. 1. Указательное местоимение множественного числа от that со значением те. Употребляется перед существительным. Don’t use those glasses. They must be washed.
2. Слово-заменитель. Заменяет существительное или личное местоимение множественного числа they – они. Treat my friends, please. They are welcome guests. These come very rarely. 2. Слово-заменитель. Заменяет существительное или личное местоимение множественного числа they – они.   Some properties of diamond are similar to those of graphite.
  3. Союз для присоединения придаточного подлежащего. Those present at the party were Mr. and Mrs. Johes, Mr. Tight and Mr. Pet.


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