рефераты конспекты курсовые дипломные лекции шпоры

Реферат Курсовая Конспект

Complete the dialogues and act out similar ones?

Complete the dialogues and act out similar ones? - раздел Лингвистика, Учебник делового английского • — Good Morning — Good Morning, Sir. May I See .. Card, Pl...

— Good morning

— Good morning, sir. May I see .. card, please?

— Certainly. Here.

— Thank you. What's the reason ...?

— I'm on a business . . programme.

— And how long are ..?

— A week ...

— Have you got ...?

— Yes, certainly. Here ...

— May I see ... receive . ?

— Just a minute, I'll .. Group Leader ... Here is ...

— Thank you. Everything is... Here is ...

Unit fifteen

Luggage and customs

– Конец работы –

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Учебник делового английского

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Шевелева С.А.
Ш37 Деловой английский. Ускоренный курс: Учебник. – М.: Культура и спорт, ЮНИТИ, 1997. - 438 с. ISBN 5-85178-053-3. Учебник делового английского построен на реальных ситуациях дел

ББК 88.2Aнгл-9
© С.А. Шевелева, 1997 © ЮНИТИ, 1997   Содержание   Introduction...............................................................................

Методические рекомендации для преподавателей
1. Ускоренный курс делового английского языка рассчитан на 200 часов, на изучение каждого из 50 уроков (Unit) предпо­лагается 4 часа. 2. Учитывая реальные возможности обучающихся, основную

Упражнения 1. Read the following (Прочитайте следующее): • David glad car area shake hand park parking area later man parking • the air

Упражнения 1. Read the following (Прочитайте следующее): • Pete here see yet get very let men help step ever

(Упражнения) 1. Read the following (Прочитайте следующее): • nice it will fine is

1. Read the following: • go not port hope compliment airport

Спряжение глагола to be
Настоящее простое время (Present Indefinite) I am You are He/ She/ It is=He/ She/ it's We/ You/ They are Прошедшее прос

Write down everything that Pete said about his sister.
7. Complete the dialogues and act out similar ones: D.: Have you got a sister...? N.: Oh, yes. I have... He is on... mountains. D.:

1. Read the following: • evening • skiing everything going preparing

1. Underline the sentence true to the text: • Pete and Nick prepare for the talk in the office. Nick prepares for the talk in the office. Pete prepares f

Write a similar fax message, changing the dates and names.
7. Translate into Russian: Pete looks through the correspondence with Mr. Hill. Then Pete looks through the letters of the participants. The letters expr

1. Underline the sentences true to the text: • Nick is ten minutes late for the meeting. David is ten minutes late for the meeting. The businessmen meet

Вопросительная форма образуется с помощью вспо­могательных глаголов do/does.
Do you often make breaks during ... ? Yes, I do / No, I don't. Does he often make breaks? Yes, he doe

1. Underline the sentences true to the text: • After having some coffee at the canteen the businessmen resume their talk. After having a cold drink at the canteen

International Management Ltd
Contract dated 2 March,199. . This Contact is made between: International Management Ltd, London, United Kingdom, herein­after referred to as Organiser and Economtrainin

Article 3. Undertakings by the Organiser
• The Organiser shall provide Business Skills Courses during the Programme which shall collectively amount to not less than 15 hours of intensive classroom tuition, to be divided into 15 classroom

1. Underline the sentences true to the text: • The businessmen meet in the lounge to sign the Contract. They meet in David's room of the hotel. They meet

1. Underline the sentences true to the text: • The Customer books airtickets for the participants after 20 October. The Customer books airtickets on or before 15

1. Underline the sentences true to the text: • Pete telephones David. David telephones Pete. David's secretary telephones Pete. • He makes this

1. Read the following: twelfth on the twelfth leaves the Sheremetievo airport They have seats in different compartments. They all have

1. Underline the sentences true to the text: • The plane arrives at the Heathrow airport. The text does not say at what airport the plane arrives. The pl

Вопросительные предложения
Настоящее простое время (Present Indefinite)

Вопросительные слова
what — что, какой how long — как долго, сколько времени when — когда where — где, куда

1. Underline the sentences true to the text: • The group undergoes formalities at Immigration and then goes to leclaim their luggage. The group reclaims the lugga

Have/has + подлежащее + 3-я форма глагола
— Have you collected the luggage? — Yes, we have./ Л/о, we have not. — Has he/she collect

To meet — met — met to see —saw — seen
Вопросительная форма для правильных и неправиль­ных глаголов в Past Indefinite образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола did: — Did you

1. Read the following irregular verbs: Инфинитив Простое прошедшее время 3-я форма (причастие прошед­шего времени

Trade finance
à Trade needs finance à This must come from either the trader or from a lending in­stitution. à If the trade is international then the amount of finance is no

1. Read the following: • morning • understanding during financing having changing speaking lending • next morning, next evening

1. Read the following: • the next day in the past other banks • the Channel Islands the Isle of Man the United Kingdom the corporate se

1. Read the following: • the Bank of England the nation's central bank • in the City of London one of the external visits

Repeat where the nickname of the Bank conies from.
7. Make sentences: • Example Mr. Hill suggested that the participants should visit the museum of the Bank of England. s

1. Read the following: • the underground the tube at the tube station on the right side of the gate • in the same way otherwise either

Write down a few sentences about the London tube.
8. Complete the dialogues and act out similar ones: • — Keep your tickets .. — Why ... necessary? — Well, you see .. inspector ... Besides, you

1. Find the answers in the text and write them down: Where can money be changed in London? Can only cash be changed? Where can exchange rates be seen?

• Неопределенный артикль употребляется с существи­тельными в единственном числе, когда просто называется данное существительное.Например This is a bank

Существует только одна форма определенного артикля — the.
В некоторых сочетаниях употребляется только опреде­ленный артикль. Например •с наименованиями аэропортов, гостиниц: the S

Underline the nouns in the text with which no articles are used and explain why.
3. Complete as in the text: During their stay at the hotel .. had a few talks with ... staff, ... re­ceptionist, waiters ... etc. The text reproduces some ... talks.

Вопросительные слова
what что, какой when когда where где why почему Where did they stay?

1. Translate into Russian: It is one of the most popular touiist attractions receiving many visitors. receiving well ovei a million visitors a year Her u

Underline the articles in the text and explain their usage.
5. Sum up what the text said about: • Madame Tussaud herself • her museum 6. Use the verb in the correct tense: One day the gro

1. Read the following: • at one of the sessions discussed the subject a part of the lecture • it is the communicating of information both w

Make word-combinations as in the model
• 3     transactions

1. Translate into Russian:     • balance sheet consolidated balance sheet balance sheet sample • current assets curren

Translate this balance sheet sample into Russian.
5. Make sentences: • The lecturer distributed many materials a few diagrams a few balance sheets a few balance sheet samples

Examples: Corporation Tax calculations
Example 1. Standard rate of tax Company A has accounts year ending 31 December 1996. It has taxable profits for the year GBP 2,000,000. Company A's Corporation Tax for 199

Глаголы в пассивном залоге употребляются, когда не­важно или неизвестно, кто выполнял действие.
Образуется пассивный залог следующим образом: Th

Translate the extract of the Guide into Russian.
9. Complete and act out a similar dialogue: —.. afternoon. —.. , sir — My name... group... We have got an appointment... — Mr.... waiting... con

1. Match English and Russian equivalents: the standard rate дорогие вещи to pay VAT платить НДС

Sum up what the text said about VAT.
4. Insert articles: Excuse me, may I have... look at one of... chains displayed in... window? Just... minute. Here is... calculator. Just... len

1. Translate into Russian: • to go shopping • fitting room to pay cash cashier's desk

Sum up what the text said about English shops.
5. Read the following: • this book this poster these postcards these shoes • Where is the nearest post office? round the corner at the

Модальные глаголы
(Modal Verbs) Основные модальные глаголы: may May 1 try on this dress? Можно померить это платье?

1. Translate into Russian: • ticket officer • musical to book a ticket opera booki

1. Translate into Russian: • Pubs are frendly and re­laxed places. a simple meal in most pubs many serve coffee • bread, cheese and pickl

Sum up what the text said about pubs.
4. Use the verbs in the right forms: One day David Hill (to invite) a few participants to a pub. The participants (to be happy) to satisfy their curiosity an

Imperative Mood
Утвердительная форма 2-ел. Speak English, please. 1-е л. мн. ч. Let's speak English. Отрицательная форма Don't speak Russian. Don't let's speak Russian now

1. Read the following: • Greenwich • the National Maritime Museum Greenwich Mean Time the Neptune Hall

1. Match English and Russian equivalents: on a certain day До того как уехать из Моск­вы, он связался с этим анг-  

Sum up whom Ivan wanted to telephone that day.
3. Choose the correct variant: — My name (is, are) Smirnov. I'd like (speak, to speak) to Mr. Freiser, please. — There (is, are) no one by na

The rules of the sequence of tenses
Если в главном предложении глагол стоит в одном из прошедших времен, то в придаточном дополнительном предложении (отвечающем на вопрос "Что?"), также употребляется одно из прошедш

1. Read the following: • How are you getting on? I hope you are doing well. How are your classes, young man? I understand you are kidding.

1. Underline the answers true to the text: • Where did Ivan ask espe­cially many questions? At Mr. Freiser's office. On the production floor.

1. Read the following: • when • It would be splendid. will What would you say to that?

1. Match English and Russian equivalents: hereinafter в данном документе herein которого

Если глагол to be употребляется как модальный глагол, то следующий за ним глагол употребляется с частицей to.
Модальный глагол to be переводится как "должен" (в соответствии с планом, указанием и т.д.) Например: The Group is to come to London o

Translate the Contract starting with the words " The total price.
6. Read as in the examples: • Example GBP 3,000 three thousand pounds sterling   GBP 4

1. Insert prepositions: Vladimir decided to go sightseeing... taxi. He hailed a taxi... the street. The charge is usually shown... the meter. Mi

1. Translate into Russian: Roman fortifacation Norman Conquest the plague of 1665 the Great Fire of 1666 Many people fled London during

1. Find the answers in the text: Where did the participants plan to go that evening? Was it an ordinary film? How much free time did they have before the

1. Insert prepositions: Sunday morning the group started... an excursion .. Windsor ... coach. Windsor lies 34 km west... London. Windsor is famous first

1. Use the nouns as in the example: • Example importer/country the importer's country  

1. Match English and Russian equivalents: for our default He doesn't bear any grudges against you. I want to assure you that such things will never happ

Underline one sentence in each letter which seems most important to you.
9. Read the following dates: • Example 15 October 1998 the fifteenth of October nineteen ninety eight    

1. Read the following: the British many of them delivered to their home the quality newspapers the popular newspapers the home of the n

Сравнительные степени прилагательных Degrees of comparison of adjectives
Большинство прилагательных имеют сравнительную и превосходную степени сравнения. Как правило, однослож­ные прилагательные образуют сравнительную степень с помощью суффикса -ег, а превосходн

Bad — worse — worst much — more — most
4. Write as in the examples: • Example short short — shorter — shortest     long

1. Match English and Russian equivalents: against the yen повысить, вырасти to come to an end против (по с

1. Read as in the examples: • Example the twelfth the twelfth century   the first th

1. Insert prepositions: the evening Mr. Hill invited all the participants... a farewell party... Beefeater restaurant... the Tower... London. ... general Beefeate

Translate the letter into Russian underlining the most important sentences, to your mind.
6. Complete the letter and write a similar one: Let me thank you and your... on behalf of.. for the hearty.., for very informative... and very useful... They also thank yo

Role play
Imagine that you were one of the participants of the Group. Sometime later at one of the business talks you meet David Hill. Greet him and pay compliments for the nice Programme. Also say how usefu

Редактор Г.А. Клебче
Оформление художника А.В. Лебедева Оригинал-макет выполнен в издательском объединении "ЮНИТИ" Н.В. Спасской Лицензия №061072 от 17.04.92 Лицензия №0712

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