Упражнения по фонетике

1. Practise the following tongue-twisters:

[i:]He went to sea to see what he could see and all he could see was sea, sea, sea.

[æ]If you, Andy, have two candies, give one candy to Sandy, Andy.

[o:]Of all the saws I ever saw, I never saw a saw as this saw saws.

[i], [e] Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper. A peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper, where’s a peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked?

[ə:]Observe the observed of all observers.

[εə]Fair-haired Sarah stares warily at the hairy bear, glaring from his lair.

[ei], [ai] The lake that I like is on the isle.

[η], [n]Oh, swing the king and swing the queen. Oh, swing them round and round the green.

[w], [v]Why is the worse verse worse than the first verse?

[d], [t], [r]Don’ttrouble trouble until trouble troubles you.

[∫], [s] She sells sea-shells on the sea-shore.

[t∫]If two witches would watch two watches, which witch would watch which watch?

[w], [ð]Where there is a will there is a way.

[Ө] He thrust a thumb through two or three thick straw thatches.

[w], [Ө], [ð]Wealth is nothing without health.

2. Try to add more words (now, round, Brown, cow, ouch, clown, pounds, gown, sound, owl) into the dialogue to train the sound [au]:

A: I have found a mouse!

B: Found a mouse? Don’t shout so loud! Sit down.

A: I have found a brown mouse! A mouse running around in the lounge!

B: On the ground?

A: Under the couch!

B: Get it out!

A: How?

B: Somehow. Turn the couch upside-down. Wow! A mouse in the house! Ours is the foulest house in the town?!