It really sounds great.

This house belongs to my parents.

Don’t worry, I remember your address.

Now I realize that you believe me.

Who owns this car? – I do.

5. Времени, уступки, условия в придаточных предложениях после союзов when, till, until, as soon as, before, after, if, unless, in case, on condition that, even if.

If Ted gets this job, he’ll be happy.

Shall I see you before you leave?

Decide this question as soon as the boss comes.

Even if he learns the truth, he will not be cross with me.

6. Прошедших действий с глаголами to forget, to hear, to be told.

I forget your telephone number («забыла»).

We are told she is leaving soon («нам сказали»).

I hear you are doing well («слышал»).

Это время, как правило, употребляется со следующими наречиями: always, ever, as a rule, never, every day (week, etc.), now and then, from time to time, generally, seldom, usually, regularly, rarely.