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...Раздел: Лингвистика: Рефераты, Конспекты, Лекции, Курсовые, Дипломные, Учебники

Деловой украинский язык
Якщо у рос. геогр. назвах суфкси ск, -цк, -ич та нш, то при переклад на укр. мову ц суфкси замнюються укр. вдповдниками - -ськ, -цьк, -ич Донецьк,… Термн у длових паперах Т. спецальн слова або словосполучення, що дають точне… Професоналзми П. слова або вислови, властив мов певно вузько проф. групи людей. Виникають коли та чи нша спецальнсть,…

Куча тем по английскому языку для школы
The department of education and science is responsible for national education policy, but it doesn t run any schools, if doesn t employ teachers, or… Most independent schools are single-sex, but the number of mixing schools is… Primary children do all their work with the same class teacher exept for PT and music. The work is beist upon the…

Илья Иванович Машков
Displaying a scope and boldness unusual in his contemporaries as well as an acute feeling for the materiality of things, Mashkovs bright canvases… Each of these aspects of his creative activity is instructive and deserving of… Painters of an older generation, members of the Society for Circulating Art Exhibitions the Peredvizhniki, the World…

Грамматика английского языка
Имя прилагательное и наречие степени сравнения . Имена числительные количественные , порядковые . Написание и чтение дат . Местоимения Личные… Синтаксис Простое распространенное предложение . Члены предложения . Прямой… При выполнении работы оставляйте в тетради широкие поля для замечаний , объяснений , и методических указаний .…

Completethese PRESENT PERFECT sentences using for or since .1. She s very tired.She hasn t slept 2. He smells very bad. He hasn t washed 3. That… Has he finished yet? before now He went to the toilet a moment ago. I haven t… Ted lived in Bournemouth from 1969-72. Angeles has just arrived in class. Did you cry a lot when you were a baby? The…

Лекции по теоретической грамматике английского языка
Для современной синтаксической теории при изучении предложения характерны 2 тенденции 1 предложение рассматривается как организованная система с… Предикативное ядро предложения представляет собой наиболее абстракцию… Этот изоморфизм предложения и суждения на таком глубинном уровне отмечают многие лингвисты Стеблин Коменский, Адмони,…

I am sorry to have beenliving hereМне жаль, что я здесь живу ипродолжаю жить II. Голый инфинитив 1.Isaw him enter the room Инфинитивиспользуется с… Working very hard he becametired past Working very hard he will be tired… Девушка,читающая книгу - моя сестра The sleeping child is mybrother Спящий ребенок - мой брат2. Деепричастие…

Имплицитное выражение количественной неоднородности признака
Имя прилагательное Традиционно словарный состав языка подразделяется на крупные лексико-грамматические классы слов, которые проявляют некоторую… Имена прилагательные в английском языке не изменяются ни по родам, ни по… К производным именам прилагательным относятся прилагательные, имеющие в свом составе суффиксы или префиксы, или…

Глагол. Проблема времени в современном английском языке
Проблема времени в современном английском языке. Глагол в грамматическом строе английского языка занимает совершенно исключительное место вследствие… Система форм английского глагола со значением только времени или времени и… Грамматическое глагольное время есть такая грамматическая категория, посредством форм которой, так или иначе,…

Контрольная работа по английскому языку №1 ИЗО ГУУ (г. Москва)
Переведите предложения письменно.1. Didit cost much to repair the car? Дорого ли стоило починить машину?2. Heisn t very popular. He has few friends.… They have information I need. Я собираюсь купить некоторые книги… В них есть та информация, которая мне нужна.Задание 3.Перепишите предложения, выбрав верный ответ. Напишите глаголв…

Контрольная по латыни для юридических ВУЗов
Punit- он она, оно обвиняет. tnstituit- он она учится.Глагол Время, наклонение, залог Лицо, число Тип спр. Перевод Cole-ba-nt Imperfectum… Nemo nostrum abest. Da mini librum. Discipulus nobisItalian in chartan monstram.

Банковские системы России, Америки, Британии
It was capitalized at 10,000,000 and fully subscribed almost instantly, with the federal government holding the largest block of ownership, 20… A substantial interest in the bank was also purchased by Europeans. The bank… The rapid growth of the young country generated powerful demand for loans and tended to stimulate the overextension…

Английская музыка
They told me about the most popular in United States Russian singers and composers. Our pop music is not famous outside Russia.But many people from… How large a part in all this activity is American music to play How good is it… During the past few years Russians who have always liked American popular music like Brithney Spears, Madonna, Michael…

Some almost certainly will be. But on the whole, consciousness about Y2K has been raised to a level sufficient to avoid most problems and to deal… It will matter a very great deal whether you and your family, friends,… Beyond that, most PCs built since the mid-nineties are pretty easy to fix by replacing a BIOS chip, or sometimes…

What is E-Commerce?
Other equally valid examples include internaltransactions within a single companyor provision of information to an externalorganisation without any… So e-commerce includes, besides of interacting with customerselectronically,… It is the most well-known form ofe-commerce. The business-to-administration categorycovers all transactions between…

What is E-Commerce?
Other equally valid examples include internaltransactions within a single companyor provision of information to an externalorganisation without any… So e-commerce includes, besides of interacting with customerselectronically,… It is the most well-known form ofe-commerce. The business-to-administration categorycovers all transactions between…

USA Weather forecast
Mid-April to Mid-May will feature thunderstorms with great intensity and wonderful weather to enhance idyllic spring awareness. Mid-May through… Mid-May to summer finds the humidity beginning to build but there will be a… Mid-May to summer will ease you out of a cloudy cool place into a heat spike that could set a record. The nodes and…

Types of Holiday
Different people take holidays on various purposes. Some go hunting,others prefer to climb mountains. A lot of people have holidays relative tosport… Today a great attention is paid toecological tourism and Krasnodar territory… It may be done with the helpof some travel agencies, tour operator companies, or one can organise his resthimself,…

Traditions and holidays of Great Britain
There are songs, saying and superstitions.They are all part of the British way of life. You cannot really imagine Britain without all its… What about royal traditions There are numerous royal traditions in Britain,… It is a big parade with brass bands and hundreds of soldiers at Horse Guard s Parade in London. A regiment of the…

There is nothing like traveling to my native planet Mars
Great successes in sciencemade possible to fully provide people with energy miraculous solar batterieswith great power were invented and with free… Speed of modern spaceships is overthan 1000 km per second in the past people … There is nothing like that contrast between orange sand and beautiful blue skyor transparent clear water in seas and…

The Welsh language
Speakers of the languages migrated eastwards and westwards they had reached the Danube valley by 3500 BC and India by 2000 BC. The dialects of… In the twentieth century Indo-European languages are spoken in a wide arc from… Dorothy Pentreath, who died in 1777, is usually considered to be the last native speaker of Cornish.Manx was spread on…

The war of the Roses
Being so highly placed in the royal household, Richard was destined to play a significant role in the Government and politics of England throughout… Although York was a wealthy man in his own right, York was the sole… By the time he left France, York had forwarded some 38,000 of his own money to maintain English interests in France.…

The Snows of Mars
The Surveyor hasalready revealed unexpected details about the size and structure of Mars snorthern cap. By the end of February, the spacecraft will… On Mars, thepresence of water essential for life, past or present is always an… The thought now is that carbon dioxide ice is so weak that itwould flow away, like a glacier, even at very low…

The Rockfellers
They are also leaders of some insurance companies amp a big commercial bank of the USA Charge National Bank.

The Prodigy
Then they asked for a tape of Liam s DJing and after hearing some of his own tunes, they asked to dance to his music, if he played live. A friend,… After the first gig, more followed and the five formed The Prodigy yes,… In fact, at the beginning, it was the live shows that the whole Prodigy music was based on their live shows becoming…

Today England leading working
III. It seldom snows in Britain. В Британии редко ид т снег. snows показатель 3-го лица единственного числа… Выберите английские эквиваленты местоимений, указав нужную букву. 1 Ее нет в библиотеке a her b she c hers b she 2…

Вариант тестовых заданий по английскому языку для экзамена (два задания, №5 и №6)
The stategovernments d much the same pattern as the federal government. Each has agovernor as the Chief executive with power e among the… Laws affecting thedaily lives of citizens i by police in the cities and… Test I. Give the words withthe opposite meanings to 1. majority2. consent3. to pay attention4. to win5. to allowII.…

Билеты и ответы на них по Английскому языку на 2002 год
Musicians, actors and singers come from all over the world and thousands of visitors fill the city. In the evening, the opera house, the theatres… Since the fifteenth century, each Scottish family or clan has worn its own… Every year they have a festival of Welsh music and poetry called an Eisteddfod. A hundred years ago the north of…

Visit to a doctor
The scientists have already found cures formany diseases, afflicting people. But still we are suffering from many of them. One of the diseases which… In the 17-18 centuriesin Europe every year 10 million died. In the 16 century… I must say, that I seldom fall ill. I go in for sports,try to spend a couple of hours in the open air every day and…

Tall Stranger
Выстрел115. accusation Обвинение116. compact n. 117. compact adj. Компактный118. hostilities Военные действия119. tocatch smb. flatfooted быть…

The political role of Great Britain in modern world
The U.K. takes part in all international committees in Chechnya. Itsterritory is used by lots of anti Russian Wakhabbist organizations thatprovides… And I couldn t help taking such a theme where Iwill analyze the British… He emphasizes three large centers ofworld power the Atlantic Seashore of North America and Europe and the Far Eastof…

The Algorithm of a Start and the Development of International Conflicts and Possible Ways of Their Solution
Every dayin world news reports we can see many examples of international conflicts.Ulster, Kosovo, Chechnya, Palestine, Macedonian - these… Whatis it? What are the reasons for it? How we can stop it if we can ? The… I also used the book by A. B. Krylov Separatism Moscow 1990 . And, of course, TV reports gave me a lot of information…

The 70-th anniversary
TV sets, cameras and so on Different kinds of sports competitions were held among the students as great attention is given to sports activities at… The Preparatory Committee was headed by Deputy Directors O.V. Kovalyova and… The result of this work was a Technical School Museum which renewed its work on the 27-th of April, 2001, the day of…

Talking Business
If their business goesbankrupt, they have to reimburse the debts not only with the firm s assets butalso with their personal belongings money,… A private company is usuallyfounded by a small group of people who know each… If the management is poor or in case of themanagers fraud, the shareholders may loose billions of dollars.Many…

St Pauls
The DomeThe area under the Dome is decorated in a compass design. When the Domewas being built Wren was hauled up in a basket two or three times a… The South TranseptContains tributes to national figures including the explorer… In one corner of the South Transeptstands the first statue to be erected in St Paul s to the philanthropist…

Sport in Great Britain
People go in for many kinds ofsports. There are sports grounds nearevery school, every institute, every factory and plant. Besides thereare sports… One of the most British games iscricket. Summer isn t summer without cricket.… A great number of people play and watch tennis. People between the ageof 16-60 show every degree of skill. The…

Solar system
The Sun makes up 99.86 percent of the solar systems mass and provides the energy that both sustains and endangers us. Scientists have lately begun… The energy radiates through the middle layer, then bubbles and boils to the… The last peak, in 1989, caused power blackouts, knocked satellites out of orbit and disrupted radio communications.…

Shylock on the Neva
Af, I said to the painter Chartkov. What else can one say under these conditions, this damn modernity we all live in May it all go to the Devil,… I You see, I honestly dont know. Ive never been to Europe. Only to Lithuania,… I instructed him to await my arrival patiently and then turned off the phone. Do I sound unkind A typical New Russian…

San-Diego Zoo
The Chinese and Egyptians were the first to establish collections of wild animals. About five thousand years ago, Chinese emperors maintained animal… The first true zoo was built in France by Louis XIV, but it was modern only in… It had a minimum of cages and barred enclosures animals were exhibited in large, natural surroundings of artificial…

In the originalthe both hands are written on six-line stave, the right it is in treble clef,except for the very end, where it is in the alto clef.… It follows by a modulationthrough Major tonic sixth chord and the Subdominant… The editor takes away the resolution on the last beat of bar eight,he puts it on the first beat of bar nine. And then…

Political System of the USA
The flag. It is called the stars and the stripes and old glory. It was adopted in 1777. The red stripes proclaim courage, the white - liberty, and… Uncle Samuel Wilson supplied beef to the American army, during the war of… The document imbodied the practical theories of man of property. The main principle underline the constitution was as…

Sigmund Freud
Just as Freudhimself maintained, the analysis of the dream is not complete but it was herethat Freud for the first time asserted that dreams are the… As a doctor, he was interestedin charting how the human mind affected the… As a philosopher, Freud was interested in looking atthe relationship between mental functioning and certain basic…

The magnificent seven
In the course of Hermes operation in 1945 American agents secretly took a group of German rocketeers away from the Soviets occupation zone. The… One of such engineers was Helmut Grettrup, Brauns assistant in electronics. The last event on the rocketry scene in 45 was a trial launch of several V-2s, organized by General Eisenhower. Those…

Preventing serious deseases
Keep hygieneregulations and that will solve half a problem.Another thing is solving ecologicalproblems. Reducing the air, soil and water pullution… Public hospitals treat people in case ofemergency free of charge and… And what todo, if you have already fallen ill? Of course you should consult a doctor youcan go to the hospital or call…

Painting in our Life
Some paintings interest people because of the way the artist expresses some human emotion, such as fear, grief, happiness, or love. Other paintings… They provide information about the custom, goals, and interests of the people… They also paint dreamlike scenes that exist only in the imagination.An artist can reach back into the past and paint a…

He created a genre of aristocratic and intellectual portrait which influenced much the development of English painting.Van Dyck created the type of… The artist managed to create the impression of spiritual relationship In spite… But his pictures of social life which he called modern moral subjects brought him fame and position. Among his…

It deserved its fame as a newspaper, which writes about actual thingsabout our politics and pop stars.For first time journalists were trying towrite… As for me, I like better publications,which consider their reader amp would… Usually we bye some interesting magazines andevery member of our family has its own favorite kind of reading.

New York
New York Part II Manhattan is the name of an island which forms theheart of New York. The island is 13 miles long, 2 miles long amp lies at themouth… Here is the heart of America s business amp culture, the city ofsky-scrapes,… The wall was later broken down, but the name remained.Harlem - the largest Negro ghetto is also inManhattan.The houses…

Besides, museums play an important role in the life of any nation. A museum is just the right place to find out lots of interesting things about… Every educated person is sure to understand the great significance of museums… We can hardly find a town in our country without its Fine Arts Museum. Ive been in Voronezh, Kislovodsk, Essentuky and…

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