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...Раздел: Лингвистика: Рефераты, Конспекты, Лекции, Курсовые, Дипломные, Учебники

Multi-racial Britain
In much of middle America, it comes as a shock for them to hear that there any black people in Britain at all. But even if people can get their head… But the racial purity of the British has always been a myth. From the days… The earliest blacks in Britain were probably black Roman centurions that came over hundreds of years before Christ.…

Mary Stuart. Her life and struggle for crown
It seemed to me the mostinteresting part in the English history.I wanted to know more about Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots, QueenElizabeth, her rival… The nation seemed to wake up from a horrible dream.Queen Elizabeth was twenty-… Shebegan her reign with the grate advantage of having a very vise and carefulminister, Sir. William Cecil. 2. Mary s…

Marc Shagall
He left behind him an oeuvre of paintings, drawings, prints, bookillustrations, private and public art of every kind, rivaling Picasso s insize, if… The number of novice collectorswho cut their milk teeth on a Shagall print… He was the fiddler on the roof of modernism.

London survived thePlague and the Great Fire, which followed in 1666. During the Fire all woodenhouses were smashed to the ground and a New London,… It occupies a territory of a square mile. During a day, it is full ofpeople,… There are many factories and thePort of London there.As forme, I cannot imagine London without Thames. In fact,…

Les energies renouvelables
Selon lOffice of Technology Assessment de Congrй Amйricain, les rйserves mondiales connues de pйtrole seront йpuisйes en 2037. Cette source dйnergie… Le pire, cest que bien avant cela, lйquilibre naturel de la planиte sera… Alors quau-dessus de nos tкtes, nous disposons dune йnorme centrale thйrmonuclиaire avec une capacitй de 110 trillions…

Law Enforcement and The Youthful Offender
An offender under the age of puberty, however, was usually fined and, on some occasions, flogged. Thus, as far back as 451 B.C juvenile crimes… Just how serious is the problem. In the last ten years, crime in the United… So and what is juvenile delinquency Juvenile delinquency means different things to different people. To some, a…

Kurzeme Leasure Hotels
Transport is the leading sphere of economy and the basis of economic and social development of the city. Most of the residents are employed by the… Gas stationsThe modern gas stations are located in close vicinity on the way… Parking lotsCars may be parked at the road sides in the specially designed parking places, where they do not impede…

Johann Wolfgang Goethe
Wдhrend der Besatzungszeit bis 1763 besucht der junge Goethe hдufig das Theather. 1765 Auf Wunsch des Vaters nimmt Goethe in Leipzig das Jurastudium… Abdruck des Gedichtes Poetische Gedanken ьber die Hцllenfahrt Jesu Christi in… Leipziger Liederbuch zehn Gedichte zu Kompositionen Bernhard Theodor Breitkopf.Rьckkehr nach Frankfurt. 1769 Mutter,…

Interetische Stabilitдt Grundlage der Staatspolitik
EineWiderspiegelung dieses Herangehens sei die neue Verfassung der Republik. Dasmultinationale Volk Kasachtans sei innig bestrebt, w rdig… Die Idee aber, da die Russen in Kasachstan es schlechterals alle anderen h… In seinem Referat verwiesBlud Ari, Direktor des Niedel ndischen Fonds f r interethnischeBeziehungen, darauf, da der…

But there are a greatnumber of grammatical restrictions. A large number of idioms contain a verb anda noun, but although the verb may be placed in… There are also plenty of syntactic restrictions.Some idioms havepassives, but… Some are more restricted or frozen than others.A very common type of idiom in English is what is usually called the…

Holidays in Russia
In every home there is a NewYear tree glittering with coloured lights and decorations. Children always wait for Father Frost to comeand give them a… This year we celebrated the 54th anniversary of this great event. A… All stood in silence for a minute. Radio and television broadcast popular warsongs all day long. A lot of guests…

History of Britain
All tariff barriers within the island were ended. England and Scotland continued, however, to have separate traditions of law and separate… Under the leadership of John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough, Britain and… At the same time, France ceded to Britain the North American areas of Hudson Bay, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland. Spain…

History of democracy of the USA
The Constitution guarantees individual freedom to all. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF DEMOCRACY - Democracy as a form of government disappeared from… Most people have been ruled by kings, queens, emperors or small elite groups… Some came because of the opportunity, which did not exist for them in Europe, to own land or practice a trade In the…

History of basketball
Britain has National Associations for each country and theEnglish Basketball Association EBBA runs amateur national competitions, theNational … International competion is organised by the Federation ofInternational… So a National andInternational game was born.In 1892 he published the firstbooklet containing the basic rules, almost…

Lexicology of the English Language
The material for seminars includes topics to be discussed, test questions and lexical units to be analized. Lexical units for the analysis were… Etymological doublets. Semaciology. Word - meaning. Lexical meaning - notion. Polysemy. Homonyms.Synonyms . Antonyms . Local varieties of …

Mass Media, TV, TV Past and Future
It brings moving pictures and sounds directly to people s homes. Soone can see events in faraway places.Radio is widespread for its portability. It… They are printed on better paper then newspapers. The youngest kind of mass… Internet is also the foundation of new technologies that will impact thesociety in numerous ways, such as e-commerce…

Domestic & foreign policy of Ukraine
The priorities Japan, Korea, Singapore, South Africa, Australia,Argentina .2. Europeanregional integrationThe priorityis an activity within OSCE… Ukraine will also take an advantage ofOSCE gears to support its national… Contacts with Vyshegrad states group, Carpatheaneuroregion, North Council and Baltic states council are also of a…

Historical Background of the Middle English Period
Therefore any periodisation imposed on language history by linguists, with precise dates, might appear artificial. There are some periodizations of… He called the Old English Period The period of full endings , the M. E. P. The… He suggested to single out the period of transition and to subdivide the transitional stage between the Old and the…

Hepatitis A Prevention
Casual contact as inthe usual office, factory, or school setting does not spread the virus.Who is at risk for hepatitis A? Persons who share a… This does not include laboratories doing routine testing. Persons with clotting factor disorders who receive clotting factor concentrates Howdo you know if you have hepatitis…

Great Britan
Великобритания 1. Географическое положение, население, климат. 1 Официальное название Великобритании Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и…

Global warming
Are greenhouse gases increasing Human activity has been increasing the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere mostly carbon dioxide… Pre-industrial levels of carbon dioxide prior to the start of the Industrial… Some areas including parts of the southeastern U.S. have cooled. The recent warmth has been greatest over N. America…

Fast Food
This makes a pop noise. That is why we call it popcorn. It s an interesting thing to knowthat not all corn pops. A seed of corn must contain 14… The famous American habit of eating popcorn at the moviesis well-known. Many… The Hot DogThe original name of the hot dog wasthe frankfurter, after the German city of Frankfurt. In the United…

Europe is our common home. All the history is going up from Europe. Europeans had opened other continent and the European languages are speaking all… There are some facts about Europe. Europe.Area.the Altitude. Name.million sq.… There are much recourse in Europe, among them are coal, oil, gas, precious metals and metal ores. For example, today…

Environmental problems
The Earth is our common home and we must take care of it. Since ancient times Nature has provided Man with everything he needed food to eat, water… Unfortunately, the idea of thinking about our planet and about the… It summarizes the results of my survey into such global problems like greenhouse effect. The aim of my report is the…

English Themes - Theatre
Among the outstanding Russian opera classics,probably no other production called forth such arguments and divergence of viewsas Dargomyzhsky s Stone… To solve the innovative task that he set forhimself in Stone Guest , he dared…

English Themes - My favorite Holiday
Buteveryone of them can be made upset, except one. It s the New Year. New Year isa holiday for everyone. The people all over the world welcome the… As forme, I think that it was a right resolution.There are lots of New… But most of the young prefer to spend the New Year there own havingparties. As for me I prefer to see the New Year…

English Painting and Art Galleries
It makes us stronger, inforces us in difficult situations. Time is flying art is forever. Painting in England began to develop later than in over… He worked at the court of Karl I, was an extremely hard working painter.His… Hogarth was the printers son, uneducated, but a curious observer of man and manners. His first work dates from 1730.…

Educational system in Russia and GB
If a pupil of secondary school wishes to go on inhigher education, he or she must stay at school for two more years. Primary andsecondary school… All applicants must take competitive exam. Higher educationinstitution, that… Protectors are in charge ofacademic and scientific work. An institute or a university has a number offaculties, each…

Educational System in Great Britain, USA and Ukraine
Children who go to grammar schools are usually those who show a preference for academic subjects, although many grammar schools now also have some… These schools usually combine all types of secondary education. They have… Those who become students at Colleges of Technology called Techs come from different schools at different ages…

Education in Russia
It is not only a right but aduty, too. Every boy or girl must get secondary education. They go to school atthe age of six or seven and must stay… A collegegives general knowledge in academic subjects and a profound knowledge… They give their students an opportunity to study without leavingtheir jobs. Institutes and universities usually have…

Ecology isthe study of the ways in which organisms plants and animals depend upon eachother and upon their surroundings. Each organism requires… These poisoned substances pollute everything air, land, water, birds and… Because our actions and dealings can turn theland to a desert. So, we seethat our environment offers an abundance of…

Ecological problems and environmental protection
What does the word ecology mean This word came from Greek oikos which means home. The idea of home includes our whole planet, its population,… Statistics show that every year the atmosphere is polluted by about 1000 tons… So you see that environmental pollution has increased to enormous proportions. And now let me move on to another point…

Doubts accident result of freak weather
The dam burst, releasing a toxic sludge into rivers and creating Europes worst river pollution disaster for decades.The sources said construction… This, he said, had created a flood which had burst the tailings dam. He said… Mr Evers declined to comment on the construction standards of the dam. The establishment of the task force was…

Die Parteien im Deutschen Bundestag
Das sind 1 Die CDU Christlich-Demokratische Union Deutschlands 2 Die CSU Christlich-Sociale Union Deutschlands 3 Die FDP die Freie Demokratische… Und sie sind jetzt die starkste Koalition im Bundestag.In derOposition sind…

Die deutschen Erfinder
H hepunkt seiner Arbeit war 1882 die Entdeckung des Erregersder Tuberkulose.Wilhelm Conrad R ntgen war Proffessor f r Physik an… Die Deutschen haben sehr viel f r die Entwicklung von Motoren getan. Dieber… Das Fahrzeug von Daimler hatte zwei R der, einen kleinen undleichten Motor. Carl Benz hatte seine eigene Werkstatt,…

Development of English
Experts can trace the relations among all four of these languages and a good many others. We can say roughly that French and Italian are sister languages, both born of… But if such resemblances ever existed, they disappeared a long time ago, and it seems most unlikely that we will ever…

English Literature
There existed three trends critical realism, beginning of social realism, modernism. The writers revolutionized, changed literary form, as well as… By the end of the XIX Victorian tradition began to deteriorate. The desire to… He was much influenced by Ibsen. In 1889 Ibsen. He passed as a tornado left nothing but ruin. Everybody wanted to…

Higher Medical Course
So the main aim of the first stage of themedical trainings to provide a broad and solid foundation for professionalknowledge.The third through fifth… The course also includes subjects such as physician s ethics anddeontology.The… Studentsgather anamnesis, perform physical examination, observe instrumental diagnosticprocedures and treatment, and…

Faculty of clinical psycology
Clinical Psychology is a developingprofession in a changing environment that enables to treat them successfully.Any young men who have the… Seniorstudents must acquire the knowledge and skills essential for profession… Therequired level of knowledge is high the assessment of a students knowledge ison individual basis.The students who…

Category of Number of the Noun
We caught a few fish, five salmon the regular plural differentindividuals, species. b Nationality nouns in ese, -ss Chinese, Swiss. And Englishmen… Ways of showingpartitionA piece of, a loaf of, a stickof, a bar of, a sheet… It s always used asa premodifier amp sometimes called the depend genitive.

Language. English, French are both official languages. 20 of the population speak only French, while 13 speak both French and English. Religion.… Ottawa 920,800. Currency. Dollar. Location. Is situated in the north of North… Is blessed with the most fresh water of any country. Topography. Canada can be divided into 7 geographic regions 1.…

Dawn of the digital information era
In particular, its pro prietary technologymade it costly and the need to write cus tom-built programs for eachapplication limited flexibility.The… These still usedpropri etary technology, but provided much wider departmental… Nevertheless, forbusinesses the arrival of the desktop PCs built around relatively low coststandard components put…

Dating the Right Person
In fact, take a pen and do make a list right now. Think ofdimensions identified by practicing psychologist Neil Clark 1994 . He says toask if you… How important is romance and physicalattraction to you? Do you need a mate who… You know what you want. How will you make your desire real? If thereis a certain way to choose? How to identify your…

Das Gymnasium №209
Das Jungenhauswurde von Arkatscheev geleitet, das M dchenhaus, von einer derFr ulein von Maria Feodorovna. Am 7. November 1796 zog diese… Aus diesem Umstand, zog dasHaus am 1. November 1798 ins Haus des Grafen… In der ersten waren 50 junge Damen adliger Herkunft, in derzweiten gab es genau soviele Soldatent chter und dar…

Customs and traditions of Great Britain
The East End is the district inhabited by the workers, and the West End is a fashionable shopping and entertaining center. English people like to… They eat eggs and bacon with toasts for breakfast, pudding or apple pie for… Englishmen have many traditional holidays, such as Christmas, St.Valentines Day, Mothers day, Easter and others. Some…

Edgar Allan Poe
There his first book, Tamerlane and Other Poems 1827 , was published anonymously.Shortly afterwards Poe enlisted in the USArmy and served a 2-year… After only a few monthsat the academy Poe was dismissed for neglect of duty,… From 1835 to1837 Poe was an editor of the Southern Literary Messenger. In 1836 hemarried his young cousin.Through the…

Business English, учебник F.W. King, Units 3-6, для специальности Мировая экономика
Are u ready to grant discounts for large steady purchases We are also interested in your future supply position for next 5 years. We hope to hear from u shortly. Ex 4 enquery on behalf of u firm to the… We would also be glad if u agree to meet our representative in France show him a sample of your typewriter next month.…

Business communication
I think, nobody can remain indifferent to the relations between people, their behaviour and their individuality.It is no matter who are you - the… But it is a common mistake to consider them stable and sufficient. To make a… The purpose of this report is to analyse changing in my experience concerning communication skills taking into account…

British Parliament
Once the British Empire included a large number of countries all over the world ruled by Britain. The process of decolonisation began in 1947 with… It includes many countries such as Ireland, Burma, the Sudan, Canada,… Instead it is made up of statute law, common law and conventions. The constitution can be change by Act of Parliament,…

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