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7 "Спортивных" топиков на иностранном языке (english)
The important sports in the original Olympic Games were running, jumping, wrestling, throwing the discus and throwing the javelin. Only men competed… Baron de Coubertin created the International Olympic Committee IOC and the… Marathon was a village about 26 miles from Athens. In the year 490 BC the Greeks defeated a powerful Persian army at…

3 биографии выдающихся людей на иностранном языке (english)
When he was 21 he became an engraveron his own account and later married a girl called Catherine who learnt to drawand paint so that she could work… From the time he was thirty he workedmore on his paintings, making coloured… Edison Edison is known as one of thegreatest inventors of his time. He invented so much that it is difficult to…

2 топика по иностранному языку (english)
These papers suchas The Daily Telegraph , The Guardian are bigger in size they are called broad-sheets , with longer articles and a widercoverage… The Sunday papers have a higher circulation than the dailies. As withthe… It informs the readers of the life in our country, themost important events in foreign states. On the first page you…

5 топиков по иностранному языку (english)
Only a small percentage of Moscows population is employed in the city centre because of the decentralization of workplaces. Industry is the dominant… Other important activities include the manufacture of textiles, chemicals and… Successive epochs of development are traced by the Boulevard Ring and the Garden Ring both following the line of…

4 топика по иностранному языку (english)
The weather is the favourite topic of conversation in Britain. When two Englishmen are introduced to each other, if they cant think of any thing… The average range of temperature from winter to summer is from 15 to 23… Winter temperatures below 10 degrees are rare. It seldom snows heavily in winter, the frost is rare. January and…

Новая Зеландия (english)
Wellington is the capital.South Island is larger than North Island and has thehighest mountains. There you can find the snow-capped Southern Alps,… Plenty of things to do for tourists, because New Zealand is alsofamous for its… Dairy products, meatand wool are the main exports.New Zealand ranks second only to Australia as anexporter of wool.…

Топик по иностранному языку (english)
We speak English a little now, but we want to speak English well.At about 1 o clock I generally havedinner at the canteen. I come home at about 6 o… She always eats her lunch at noon. In the afternoon she usually seesher… We get up around 6 a.m wash, have some coffee and toast, let the dogoutside and feed him, bring the dog back in and…

3 сочинения на новогоднюю тему (english)
The Christmas tree has spread its influence around theworld. In fact America adopted it before it found its way to England early inQueen Victoria s… Holly, a well-known Christmas decoration today, hasChristian associations. In… Although various people have claimed to have designed the firstChristmas card. William Egley, an English artist, seems…

9 сочинений для 9 класса (english)
He is also handy with many things. When he wassmall he liked to take everything to pieces. My grandmother told me a storythat ones my father tried… Forexample my father likes horror films and my mother likes soap operas. My… My favourite TV programThe most popular entertainment in our home life istelevision. We have a choice between five…

7 топиков по иностранному языку (english)
Nearly 20 millions people live in Australia. The capital of the country is Canberra, this city become a capital in 1927. Federal government works… Australian climate is dry and warm. Australia is situated in the Southern… It has coil, nickel, zinc and gold. Australia is one of the most important produces of metals and minerals. It exports…

6 топиков по иностранному языку (english)
So I d like to earn much money, buy a good and modernhouse not far away from the city and leave the work. What would I do? Again,I m not absolutely… What would you choose? If I could only have three thingsthat worked by… So a computer is reallynecessary device with a lot of possibilities. My second choice, an electricalcooker, is also…

Учим английский язык
Английские гласные буквы a, e,i, o,u, y -передают более 20 гласных звуков. Монофтонги гласные с устойчивой неподвижной артикуляцией i , i , u , u ,… Дифтонги гласные с неустойчивой подвижной артикуляцией ai , ei , oi , au , ou… Созвучия в русском языке нет - Bad, plan 5 a Долгий глубокий А Ask, far 6 O P Краткий ударный О Long, body 7 L Долгое…

La France est un pays a la fois agricole et industriel.
Quant al industrie, la France est un pays les plus developpes de l Europe. Elle est a lapremiere place en Europe occidentale dans l exstraction des… La France a donne a l humanite les grands savants, tels que Louis Pasteur,… La France est un pays aux glorieusestraditions revolutionnaires. Elle a passe par plusieurs revolutions la Grande…

The mostinteresting rooms are the chesma room, the throne room and the dining room. The first general plan of Peterhofdrawn up in 1716 by… There are mane fountainsin the parks and three Cascade. I live in Peterhof. I…

And of coursetelevision may lead to poor health through rushed meals, lack of sleep, lack ofexercise. But on the other hand, we mustn tforget what a…

The Olympic Games
He said Theimportant thing in the O.G. is not winning, but take part In 1896 the 1st modern O.G.took place. The competition were held in Greece…

C’est le cas des mouvements scouts: quelque 300 mille
Les filles, le plussouvent, gardentles b b s le soir quand leurs parentssortent.Les gar ons n aimentpas faire cela , pour eux , il est plus… D autres, au Contraire pr ferent sortir, vivre en groupe. Cesont alors de longues discussions au caf o l on parle de toutpendant des heures du lyc e, des parents, de l amour,…

Le France situee a l’ouest du l Europe
Le France est un pays maritime.Par ses climates,il unit trois grands tupes de climat de l Europe ceanique,mediterraneen,contental.La sitation…

Das weißrussische Land
In der Republik gibt es vide 3 Universit ten. Die lteste Universt t ist in Minsk. Beloru landhat reiche literarische Traditionen. In Minsk befinden…

My Duties about the house
Inthe spring and in the autumn I often help my parentsin the garden. I looke after the flowers andvegetables. I enjoy helping my parents.

Kastus Kalinovsky the Fighter for Independence of Belarus
There Kalinovsky met Russian democrats Belynsky,Chernyshevsky, Dobrolubov. He shared their ideas and followedthem. In 1861 K.Kalinovsky came back to… Hisname became a symbol of action and struggle for the rights ofoppressed…

Pavel Tretiakov
Revenu enRussie, il a d cid decollectionner les tableaux de l cole Russe.En 1856 , il a achet ses deux premiers tableaux de jeunes peintres… En 1892, il a fait don la ville deMoscou de sa Galerie et de la collection de…

10 сочинений на английском языке
We spend o lot of time together,we walk, play badminton and computer and just chatter. I m fond ofreading and playing computer games. I like… ChoosingA Career. There are a lot of professions and it is difficult to make… Youcan be a diplomat, a geographer, a sailor or a tour-manager.I think that manager of tourism is avery good job. They…

Organizing forms of business activity
Expect, I has decided to open a shop on theassembly and selling the computers. I will come to lease a premises under theshop, buy completing to was… Possible, myshop will turn out to be unprofitable, either as a many… Most often they ensure heavy existance toits owners, who work many watch, quite often earning herewith less one,gets…

Гроши (Укр.)
Згдно рационалстичнй концепц, поява грошей спричинена особливими обставинами суспильного розвитку. Оскльки вдносини товаровиробникв виступали як… На певному етап людство розум, що з загально маси продуктв прац видляються… Третй етап розвитку форми вартост характеризуться появою товару-еквваленту. Форма вартост -…

Таблица времен
Was, Were 1. Was she playing a piano at 5 o clock? 2. Who was playing a piano at 5 o clock? 3. When was 3. When was she a playing piano 4. Was she… Shell Will 1. Shall I go to the cinema? 2. Who will go to the cinema? 3. Where…

Английский (11 класс)
The population of the U.K. is almost fifty six million. Britain is an industrial country. A lot of things such as clothes, food, planes, cars and… Probably the largest were the Boy Scouts and Girls Guides Associations and… In summer they went camping in tents with everything done by young people themselves. At the YMCA and the YWCA more…

Marie Curie (Франц.)
Pourtant, elle etait toujours la premier, en mathematiques, enhistoire, en allemand, en litterature dans toutes les matiers. Maniagrandit Elle avait… Il n y avait presque pas desmeubles.Marie n avait pas assez d argent pour sa… Les deuxsavants n avaient pas de laboratoir, pas assez d argent, ils n avaient personnepour les aider.Ils…

Немецкий язык (11 класс)
Die Wimler kocunen ihre Ferien in einem Terienlanger, Sportlager oder Sanaforium verbringen. Unsere Republik ist an Naherschдtzen reich. Das sind… Ich jдtele Beeten, goЯ Blumen und Sflanzen, sorgte fьr die flausfiere.Am… Ich bin mit meinen Terien zufrieden. Ich habe mich gut erholt. BeloruЯland. BeloruЯland liegt im Osten Europas.Ihr…

English - topics
On the territory of the Kremlin we can see the Bell Tower of Ivan the Great built in the 15th century. At its foot there is another ancient monument… If you visit the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts youll admire the magnificent… The Maly Drama theatre, the Moscow Art Theatre, the Obraztsov Central Puppet Theatre enjoy great popularity. Moscow…

Информатика - шпаргалка на украинском языке
ПО всис-ме обр-ки Д - сов-ть инф-х эл-тов, образующая сов местно с техн. обеспечением сис-му автомат. обр-ки Д. для пользователя. 9. В состав… Склад пр-ми окремого кор-ча, прикладн пр-ми, пакети прикладних пр-м 16. Склад… Кач-во ПП Это сов-ть св-ств продукта, к-рые обуславливают его пригодность удовлетворять заданные или предпола-гаемые…

Татарстан (english)
All these language belongs to the Indo-European family of languages. Thecapital of Tatarstan is Kazan. It is located on the left bank of the … There are many libraries, theatres,museums, monuments and other places of… Another attraction is the Riverport of Kazan. In summer itis a crowded place but in winter it is visited very…

Национальные стереотипы (english)
Results ofsuch studies of the whole agree well with what might have been expected.English are said to be prim. Weather is the most important topic… The British like people of every country tend to beattributed with certain… This is what most tourist brochures claim. The claim is based onwhat can be seen in public life. And at this level the…

Книги (english)
My motherenjoys reading biography, documentary, memoirs. I think a book withoutillustrations is boring to read because a nicely illustrated book… I would like to tell you about Frank O Connor sstory The Idealist . I intend… It is useful to start with Frank O Connor sbiography. Frank O Connor is a pseudonym of Michael Odonovan, born in…

Музеи и галереи искусств (english)
The range of the collection is wide. It represents all the leadingschools of European painting from the 13th to early 20thcenturies, for example… The Gallery contains a unique collection of British paintings fromthe 16th… The British Museum has a priceless collection of antiquitiesfrom almost every period and every part of the world. It…

Искусство (english)
Talkingabout art, I would like to start with the theater. What is theater? During thelast 30 years the theater has had to meet three challenges -… In a very good restaurant we have a dinner thatis specially cooked for us. In… One of the most remarkable events in my life wasthe evening when I went to the Kachalov theater with my classmates. …

Система образования в Англии, США и России (english)
Grammar schoolsoffered a predominantly academic education and in secondary modern schoolseducation was more practical. The second step was the… Thenafter 1979 were introduced the greatest reforms in schooling. They… Pupils sit for exams leaving secondary school and sixth form. They sitfor the General Certificate Secondary Education…

Хобби (english)
Somecollections have some value. Rich people often collect paintings, rare thingsand other art objects. Often such private collections are given to… He learnt me to feel music because I was alwaysthe first to hear his new song.… Some of my favorite groups and singers are the Beatles,the Rolling stones, Shakespeare s sisters, Elton John, Julianne…

Средства массовой информации (english)
Most newspapers contain news, detailed articles on home andinternational affairs, reviews of book are and TV-shows. Mane of them coversport events.… This paper is delivered to our house. I am fond of reading itbecause it gives… In Britain there are great differences between thevarious daily newspapers - in the type of news they report and the…

Знаменитости (english)
After graduating fromcollege, Einstein started to work at the Swiss Patent Office in Bern. In 1905he wrote a short article in a science magazine. … After ten years of work, he createdhis General Theory of Relativity . In 1921… He observed life with keen and critical eyeand his range of observation was dramatic composition.Hogarth was a…

Мой любимый праздник (english)
Preparation for Christmas are always pleasant buying gifts,sending Christmas cards and decorating Christmas tree with small,bright-colored lights… My mom makes the mosttasty cakes and cookies in the world and I enjoy… When the meal is ready the real Christmas comeswith the big family dinner, gifts, candles, sweets and illumination.…

Праздники и традиции в России и англо-язычных странах (english)
Every year a huge Christmas tree, the gift of the Norwegianpeople, graces Trafalgar square. In Russia Christmas is celebrated on the 7thof January.… Easter is one of the most important Christian holiday.Itis traditionally… Boys and girls, sweethearts andlovers, husbands and wives, friends and neighbours, and even the office staffexchange…

Защита окружающей среды (english)
The Industrial Revolution began just a minute ago. During thosesixty seconds of biological time, Modern Man has made a rubbish tip of Earth.He has… Rapid industrialdevelopment caused a lot of ecological problems. They are air… Because of acid rains theEarth looses twenty million acres of tropical rainforests every year. Thismeans the…

Путешествие (english)
As for me I prefertravelling by car. I travel to see other countries and modern cities and ruinsof ancient towns, I travel just for a change of… The Tretjakov Gallery is a majorresearch, artistic, cultural and educational… Levitan was one ofthe first painters of the Russian scenery to reveal its beauty. He is a realpoet of the Russian…

Изучение иностранных языков (english)
The Canterbury Tales were written by Geoffrey Chaucer, the father of English literature . He added tremendously to theprestige of English language… Shakespeare s influence on everyday English speech is great,people all over… It was his celebratedpassage which helped people to fight. Now Iwould like to tell you about Standard English and…

Спорт в мире (english)
There are a lot ofamateur cricket teams. Bowls is another outdoor summer game which has beenplayed in Britain for centuries. Bowls is played on a… TheOxford-Cambridge Boat Race is a traditional annual rowing race between… Wimbledon is a famous place, where the annual open lawntennis championships are held. The Wimbledon tournaments are…

Выбор будующей профессии (english)
On theother hand, you should remember that training will help you to learn newthings. But anyway firstly you have to try to work out a realistic set… So, onthe one hand this occupation seems to be perfect for me a person who… For example,I know that I am a family person and warm-hearted family relations are moreimportant for me than any…

Проблемы молодости (english)
Someyoung men use drugs, because they think that they will be cool guys. But theydon t understand, that it s wrong. Some of them can t stop that,… For example The Russian YouthCouncil produces guidance for young people on a… Wecan also face the problem how to spend our free time. We can do it in differentways. Some of teen-agers spend their…

Вашингтон (english)
Washington s government buildings include the WhiteHouse and the Capitol. The White House is the official home of the USpresident. The Capitol is… The museum of History and Technology has the collection of FirstLadies Gowns.… Andrew studied with his father and was stronglyinfluenced by him. His father s style of illustration expresses…

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