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Реферат Курсовая Конспект


Работа сделанна в 2002 году

Bibliography - Курсовая Работа, раздел История, - 2002 год - Династия Плантагенетов в истории Англии Bibliography. Черняк Е.б. Тайны Англии Заговоры, Интриги, Мистификации. ...

Bibliography. Черняк Е.Б. Тайны Англии Заговоры, интриги, мистификации.

М. Остожье, 1996 2. Грин Вивиан Х. Безумные короли Личная травма и судьба народов. М. Зевс, Феникс, 1997. 3. Цингейт Филиппа Королевские династии учебное пособие для дополнительного образования Москва, Росмэн, 1997 4. История средних веков. Том I, под редакцией А.Д. Удальцова, Е.А. Косминского и О.Л. Вайнштейна, 2-е издание, ОГИЗ 1941. 5. Douls Louisa Desaussure Richard II in the early chronicles. The Hague- Paris, Mouton- 1975. 6. Fryde Natalie The tyranny and fall of Edward II, 1321-1326. Cambridge etc. Cambridge univ. Press 1979. 7. Costain Thomas B. The three Edwards.

Garden City N.Y Doubleday 1958. 8. Costain Thomas B. The Last Platagenets. Garden City N.Y Doubleday 1962. 9. Harvey John, The Plantagenets. New York 1973 10. Stubbs William The early Plantagenets. Londona.o.0, Longmans, Green and co 1909. 11. Appleby John Tate, John, king of England. N.Y Knopf-1959. 12. Green Alice Stopford, Henry the Second.

Lnd. N.Y Macmillian 1888. 13. Costain Thomas B. The conquering family. Garden City N.Y Doubleday 1962. 14. The Cambridge Illustrated dictionary of British Heritage. Edited by Alan Isaacs and Jennifer monk 1986 15. Costain Thomas B. The magnificent century. Garden City N.Y Doubleday 1951. 16. Tout T.F. Edward the first. London, Macmillian 1920. 17. Henderson Philip Richard, Coeur de Lion. A biography. Lnd. Hale 1958. 18. Who s who in history. Vol. 1 British Isles 55 B.C. To 1485. 1960. 19. The Oxford companion to British history.

Edited by John Cannon. Oxford U.P. 1997.

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Династия Плантагенетов в истории Англии

Speaking about royal dynasties in England we should take in mind the fact, that the first one appeared in the country with the Norman invasion in… It was William the Conqueror, who began the first dynasty House of Normandy. William I the Conqueror Duke of Normandy 1035-1087 invaded England, defeated and killed his rival Harold at the…

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Все темы данного раздела:

Part I. The early Plantagenets Angeving kings
Part I. The early Plantagenets Angeving kings. House of Plantagenet. The Plantagenet dynasty took its name form the planta Genesta Latine, or broom, traditionally an emblem of the counts of Anjou.

Part II. The last Plantagenets
Part II. The last Plantagenets. HENRY III 1216-1272 AD Henry III was the first son of John and Isabella of Angouleme. Was born in 1207. At the age of nine when he was crowned, Henry s early reign f

Conclusion. Summing up the events of Plantagenets rule and their role in the history of England, we should mark the following. 11th - 12th centuries the first Plantagenets were the years of constit

References. Stubbs William The early Plantagenets. Londona.o.0, Longmans, Green and co 1909. 43p. 2. Green Alice Stopford, Henry the Second. Lnd. N.Y Macmillian 1888. 29p. 3. Green Alice Stopford,

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