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Реферат Курсовая Конспект

Introduction of Printing

Introduction of Printing - раздел История, Lecture 5. New English Period in the History of the English Language. Phonetic Features of Old English The First Printer Of English Books Was William Caxton (1422-...

The first printer of English books was William Caxton (1422-1491). He was born in Kent. In 1441 he moved to Flanders (a region in Belgium) and later, in 1473, he opened up his own printing press in Bruges.

1475– the first English book was printed in Bruges by William Caxton. It was a translation of the story of Troy.

A few years later William Caxton brought his printing press to England and set it up in Winchester. Here he published the work of the famous authors of that time – Geoffrey Chaucer, John Gower, John Lydgate – and translated books from French.

Contribution of Printing:

The works of the authors of that time were edited and brought into conformity with the London Dialect and as far as all the book were written in this dialect, it spread quickly and became the true standard of the English language;

As far as printing allowed to multiply books in great number, they were sold and thus the literacy of the population grew;

Before the introduction of printing different scribes could spell the same words differently; with the introduction of printing the spelling became fixed and it hasn’t changed since that time though the pronunciation has changed greatly (this fact explains the difficulties of the English spelling).

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Эта тема принадлежит разделу:

Lecture 5. New English Period in the History of the English Language. Phonetic Features of Old English

Lecture New English Period in the History of the English Language Phonetic... In the th th c the feudal system started to decay and bourgeois relationships and capitalism started to...

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Все темы данного раздела:

Age of Shakespeare
Shakespeare produced most of his known work between 1589 and 1613. His early plays were mainly comedies and histories, genres he raised to the peak of sophistication and artistry by the end of the

Normalisation of the English Language
Normalisationis the fixing of the norms and standards of a language to protect it from corruption and change. Type of Standard Written Standard

OE sound system developed from PG sound system.
OE Word Stress/Accent: fixed (can’t move either in form- or word-building and is usually placed on root or prefix); dynamic (force, breath stress); in No

Rise of Diphthongs
In PG there were no diphthongs. There was just a sequence of two separate vowels. Diphthongs appeared in OE: some (usually long diphthongs) – as a result of merging of two vowels:

nobler иігілікті благороднее slings арқан стропы outrageous наш

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