Parts of Speech

In OE 9 parts of speech had already been distinguished:


changeable 1. Noun Nominal Categories: Number, Case, Gender, Degrees of Comparison, Determination
2. Adjective
3. Pronoun
4. Numeral
5. Verb Verbal Categories: Tense, Mood, Person, Number, Voice, Aspect, Order, Posteriority
unchangeable 6. Adverb (only Degrees of Comparison) -
7. Prepositions -
8. Conjunctions -
9. Interjections -


Below all notional parts of speech will be discussed, their categories described and the meanings of these categories stated as related to the Old English Period


Number – Singular (Sg) and Plural (Pl).

Gender – Masculine (M), Feminine (F), Neuter (N).

Case – Nominative (Nom) (agent), Genitive (Gen) (attribute), Dative (Dat) (instrument, indirect/prepositional object), Accusative (Acc) (recipient, direct/prepositionless object).