The Glide-Up

The Glide-Up is just like the Glide-Down except that it ends with a rise in the voice instead of a fall. Both important and unimportant words before the rise are treated exactly as in the Glide-Down: unstressed syllables at the beginning are low, and there is a step at the stressed syllable of each important word.


But is it true that you are changing your job?



The stressed syllable of the last important word is low and the voice rises from a low pitch to one just above the middle of the voice. When there are any unstressed syllables following it, then again the stressed syllable of the last important word is low and the voice jumps up to the unstressed syllable. And each following unstressed syllable is a little higher, the last one of all being on a fairly high note.


Are you there? But have you posted it?


There may be stressed words within the rise, but they are not felt to be important and they behave just like unstressed syllables.


Forty of them were there.

In the simpler intonation marking, we use () before the stressed syllable of the last important word to show where the rise starts. And we use () before any stressed syllables within the rise. The other marks are the same as for the Glide-Down.