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The Coming Europe

The Coming Europe - раздел Информатика, Wir fordern,” Der Angriff, Aufsätze aus der Kampfzeit By Joseph Goebbels I Welcome The Opportunity To Speak To You On A Nu...

by Joseph Goebbels

I welcome the opportunity to speak to you on a number of questions that in my view must be openly discussed if relations between the Reich and the Protectorate are to be improved. I believe it necessary to do so now, despite the war. I fear that once the war is over, we will not be able to discus these matters as calmly as we now can.

As intelligent people, you know that the greatest events in the history of Europe are now taking place. I am firmly convinced — how could it be otherwise! — that things will turn out to our advantage.

When England falls, we will have the chance to reorganize Europe in a way that befits the social, economic, and technical possibilities of the twentieth century.

Our German Reich went through a similar process about a hundred years ago. It was splintered into larger and smaller entities, just as Europe is divided today. This collection of small states was possible as long as the transportation system was such that it took considerable time to travel from one small principality to the next. The invention of the steam engine, however, rendered this situation untenable. Before the development of the railroad, one needed 24 hours to go from one place to another, but only three or four hours were necessary thereafter. Before the steam engine one could travel 24 hours before reaching a customs boundary, but even the most fanatic proponents of federalism found it intolerable once it took five hours, then three, then two, and finally only half an hour.

There were also forces in the Reich back then who attempted to remedy the situation through negotiation. History proved that their way was false, and in a rather common way. History follows harder laws than those that usually prevail at the negotiating table. You will recall perhaps Bismarck’s words from those years. He said that German unity would come not through speeches and decisions, but through blood and iron. This was controversial at the time, but history proved its correctness. The unity of the Reich was established through battles. A large number of the peculiarities of the individual areas, along with their prejudices, narrow-mindedness and limited horizons were overcome. They had to be overcome, since the Reich otherwise would not have been able to compete with the other powers in Europe. Our unification was the foundation of our ability to overcome these problems.

Naturally there were Bavarians or Saxons or Wurtembergers or people from Baden or Schaumberg-Lippe who were unhappy about developments, but in the end their prejudices vanished and their attention turned to the greater goal, the new Reich.

Of course, the Bavarian remained a Bavarian, the Saxon a Saxon, the Prussian a Prussian. But they saw beyond their provincial origins to a larger community, and in the course of the decades learned that a whole series of economic, financial, foreign, and military problems could be resolved through the community.

The greatness of the Reich was the result of this process — a process that seems obvious to us today, but which many back then some could not or would not understand. They were the prisoners of their prejudices, and lacked the strength to overcome them and imagine a better world. Only a few could look beyond their own age.

The railroad is no longer the most modern method of transportation, having been replaced by the airplane. A modern airplane covers a distance in an hour or an hour and a half for which a train needs twelve hours. Technology has brought not only tribes, but also peoples closer together than could even be imagined in the past. In the past one needed 24 hours to speak from Berlin to Prague through a newspaper. Today I only need a second. Standing before this microphone, one can simultaneously be heard in Prague, Slovakia, Warsaw, Brussels, and Den Haag. I once needed twelve hours to travel from Berlin to Prague by train. Now I can fly in an hour. Technology has once again brought people closer together. It is certainly no accident that this technology has developed only recently. The population of Europe has grown, presenting Europe with entirely new problems in agriculture, the economy, finance, and the military. And the continents, too, have grown closer as a result of new technology. Europeans are more and more realizing that our differences are only family squabbles when measured against the vast problems that the continents must solve.

I am convinced that, just as we look back with some amusement on the narrow-minded conflicts between German provinces in the 1840’s and 1850’s, our posterity in fifty years will look back with similar amusement on what is going on today in Europe. They will see the “dramatic battles between nations” of small European states as family squabbles. I am convinced that in fifty years we will no longer think in terms of nations, but of continents, and that entirely different, and perhaps much larger, problems will concern Europe.

Do not think that, as we bring about a certain order in Europe, we do it to harm individual nations. The freedom of individual countries must be brought in harmony with the conditions of the present and with simple questions of practicality. Just as a member of a family does not have the right to disturb everyone else’s peace, an individual nation does not have the right to resist the larger order.

We have never intended to promote this ordering or reordering process by force. Although we are Germans, we do not wish to injure the economic, cultural or social characteristics of the Bavarians or Saxons. It is no more in our interest to injure those, say, of the Czech people. However, the two peoples must understand each other. We must be either friends or enemies. As I believe you know well from history, the Germans can be terrible enemies, or good friends. We can extend our hand to a friend and work with him. We can also destroy an enemy.

The peoples who have joined this ordering process, or who will join it, have to decide if they will participate whole-heartedly and loyally, or if they will resist it. That will not change the facts. You may be sure that once the Axis powers have defeated England, they will not allow major political, economic or social changes in the re-organized Europe. If England cannot stop it, neither can the Czech people. If you have understood recent history, you will know that today’s political power situation cannot and will not be altered.

Therefore, gentlemen, I speak realistically, with no appeal to sentiment. It makes no difference whether you like this or not. Whether you applaud it or not, the facts remain the same. I believe that when one cannot change a situation and must accept certain disadvantages because of it, one would be foolish not to accept its advantages as well. Since you have become a part of the Reich, I do not see why the Czech people would prefer to oppose the Reich rather than to accept its advantages.

You have had to accept a series of political changes. I know that they were not pleasant. No one knows that better than I. I know that you have had to give up things that you enjoyed in the past, and I know that one does not adjust to such a situation overnight. There are certain matters that are much more unpleasant than they seem from the perspective of the Reich.

Nonetheless: If you have to accept the disadvantages, I believe you should also accept the advantages. Let me give an example.

In 1933, we faced the Jewish Question. Everyone in the world knew that we opposed the Jews. We discovered the disadvantages of anti-Semitism, but we also got the benefits. We had to accept the fact that we were slandered and attacked throughout the world. We also got the advantages — namely excluding the Jews from theater, film, public life, and the government. When we were later attacked as enemies of the Jews, we at least could say: It was worth it. We got something for it.

You, gentlemen, have had a chance to visit the Reich. I made sure that you had done so before speaking to you. You have seen the Reich in the middle of a war, and will be able to imagine how it will look in peace. Our well-populated Reich and Italy will lead Europe. That will happen. There is no changing it. For you, this means that you are part of a large Reich that will give a new order to Europe. It will put an end to a situation that clearly cannot satisfy people. We are about a work of reform that I am sure will be a major chapter in European history. Can you imagine the importance of the Reich after the war?

You know that we have made energetic efforts not only in politics, but also in the cultural and economic spheres. You know that we want the people to join in these measures and their results. Let me give an example: Formerly, German films had an audience of 86 million. In the future, the audience will be much larger. It is up to you whether you want to participate, or stand aside. You can be sure that in the latter case, we have the ways and means to eliminate Czech films. We do not want to do that. We would rather you join with us. Nor do we want to suppress your cultural life. On the contrary, we want a lively cultural exchange. But that can happen only on the basis of loyalty. You must accept the present situation without leaving a back door open and thinking that if things go wrong, you will have a way out.

Take the history of the National Socialist movement as an example. Some members of our party carry a special badge with a gold wreath around it. That says: “I was a National Socialist when there was no advantage to it. I fought for this movement before it came to power.” They affirmed the movement at a time when its victory was not at all certain. Affirming a cause when it has won takes no great intelligence. But if you announce your loyalty before the victory is gained, gentlemen, you will give us full confidence in your loyalty.

I believe that you have to work through this matter. I have done the same thing myself. Recently I have read quite a number of Czech books and seen quite a few Czech films. I have read numerous reports about Czech cultural activities. I really regret that I cannot recommend most of the products of your cultural life to the German people. Things must first be cleaned up. I would for example like to have the German people see a number of Czech films. Do you want to be satisfied with the Czech market, or would you like your films to be shown throughout the Reich? Does it not fill you with pride to go to Hamburg and say: “That is my harbor?” Would you not like to look at the German fleet and say: “That is the fleet that protects us,” or see the heroic German army and say “That is the army that also protects our people with iron strength?” I think that is more beneficial than saying: “Oh well, I guess we have to go along!,” but only half-heartedly.

You and the Czech people will have to make up your minds. Do not tell me that the Czech people wants this or that. I think I know something about leadership. A people thinks the way its intelligentsia teaches it to think. It has the ideas of its intellectual leaders. It is your intellectual duty to make clear to the Czech people the decision they should make. Should you not tell them that the Czech people have chosen the right side? You have seen Rotterdam. That should enable you to properly evaluate the decision your president made [to accept German occupation].

No one should say: “Well, perhaps one could have avoided that.” We do not act according to whim. We, too, are servants of fate, and cannot act any differently than we do. We are only the instruments of history. One should not say: “Without National Socialists, there would be peace in Europe.” No, there would have been others to act in our place. When the time is ripe things must happen, just like an apple falls from the tree when it is ripe. We cannot stop fate; it would roll right over us.

In other words, you have the choice of making these facts clear to your people, of giving them a broader perspective than they formerly had. I believe that if you look back on the war’s development so far, you will conclude: “We have chosen the better side. Things could not continue as they were. That would have been possible only by holding Germany down, which is unthinkable.”

Today you have the opportunity of accepting all the advantages that the German Reich has to offer. You have our protection. No one can attack you. You have the opportunity to tell all of Germany of your virtues. You have the opportunity to send your music to Germany, your films, your literature, your press, your radio. You know that the German people have a great interest in culture. We cannot and do not want to change that. We are not dictators, but rather instruments of the will of our people.

As I said, we offer you cooperation. I have offered you here a foundation for understanding. We do not ask anything dishonorable of you, or that you become parvenus or lackeys, or whatever.

That gives no pleasure in the long run. But I do not believe that it is asking too much that, in this dramatic moment in European history that will lead to new forms of human community, we come to an understanding about these matters, to create clarity and decide if we will be friends or foes.

We want to know if we are friends of foes of another people’s intelligentsia. Over the past few years, we have proven our abilities as enemies. If you display a positive and active loyalty, you will see what kind of friends we can be. Friendship between the German and Czech peoples will result.

My task today has been to make that clear to you. I believe we could work together, and that we will. I am firmly convinced that if you are willing to show loyalty, you will do us and your Czech people a big favor. One cannot go by what people say today. The average man does not see very far. The task of the intelligentsia is to help him see further, to help him imagine things that will be. The role of the intelligentsia is to open the way to coming events, not be blind servants of the present.

I therefore urge you to speak of these matters to the Czech people. If we did it, the Czech people would not believe us. We are National Socialists, and they might think we were speaking egotistically, even though our only goal is to establish clear relations between two peoples who have to get along with each other. You live there, we live here. Only a vast natural catastrophe that destroyed our people could change the present situation. Since that is not likely, we will have to get along. Whether we like each other or not is irrelevant. What is relevant is that we want to give the millions of Europe a common basis and a common ideal. England has until now resisted this ideal. England has attempted to keep Europe in disorder, since it saw that as the best defense of its island existence. But it is falling under the gigantic blows of our army. Once it falls, we will have the chance to bring peace to Europe. You are warmly invited to join us.


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Wir fordern,” Der Angriff, Aufsätze aus der Kampfzeit

The source: “Wir fordern,” Der Angriff, Aufsätze aus der Kampfzeit (Munich: Zentralverlag der NSDAP., 1935), pp. 18-19....

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Все темы данного раздела:

We Demand
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The Jew
by Joseph Goebbels Everything is discussed openly in Germany, and every German claims the right to have an opinion on any and all questions. One is Catholic, the other Protestant, one an e

One Hundred and Seven
by Joseph Goebbels That is a nice, round, impressive, and weighty number. Some of us recall the time when we wrote that number on a membership book and thereby documented that the number o

Christmas 1931
by Joseph Goebbels The German people faces the hardest, most severe Christmas in its history. True, there were sometimes days in the past filled with misery and sorrow, as when the soldier

Hitler, the Great German
Adolf Hitler’s goal is to solve the social and labor questions. His knowledge of social need does not come from hearsay. For many years in Vienna and Munich, he had to earn his little daily bread a

Hitler, the Prophet
In the National Socialist movement, the farmer stands beside the worker, the prince beside the worker, the student next to the front soldier. Millions and millions have joined together under the id

Hitler, the Fighter
A man who has the strength and gifts to build a movement of millions from a small sect of seven men, a movement that today already encompasses the largest and best part of the whole German people,

Hitler, the Reich President
He who wishes that everything should stay as it is in Germany gives himself over to despair. We do not mind if he casts his vote for the representatives of this system. But we want everything in Ge

And for Those Who Want to Become One
by Joseph Goebbels 1. A dictatorship requires three things: a man, an idea, and a following ready to live for the man and the idea, and if necessary to die for them. If the man is lacking

Those Damned Nazis
by Joseph Goebbels Why Are We Nationalists? We are nationalists because we see the nation as the only way to bring all the force

Revolutionary Demands
We do not enter parliament to use parliamentary methods. We know that the fate of peoples is determined by personalities, never by parliamentary majorities. The es

The right of personality before that of the mob. Germans always will have preference before foreigners and Jews.
A battle against the destructive poison of international Jewish culture! A strengthening of German forces and German customs. The elimination of corrupt Semitic principles and raci

Make Way for Young Germany
by Joseph Goebbels My fellow citizens: It is really rather remarkable that I, a Prussian, can speak in the Bavaria of Held and Stützel [opposition politicians]

Knowledge and Propaganda
by Joseph Goebbels My dear fellow party members! Our theme this evening is hotly disputed. I realize that my viewpoint is subjective. There is really little point to discussing pr

Will and Way
by Joseph Goebbels It is the task of National Socialist theory to construct a program that can hold its own in the daily political struggle. We have worked on this program since the start

The Great Illusion of the Last Emergency Decree
Why does Brüning attack the NSDAP, but not Communism? Mr. Reich Chancellor! I read the following sentences in your commentary on the Fourth

An Unnecessary Attack
In your speech, Mr. Reich Chancellor, you intentionally attack the National Socialist movement, indirectly comparing it to the unity of the rest of the population. Since this attack against a part

But that would mean millions, the overwhelming majority of our people.
Since that did not happen, there can only be partisan reasons for attacking only the National Socialist movement with accusations that are both unjustified and easy to refute. That

The System,
the nature of which is incorporated in the present government, has been rejected by the overwhelming majority of the German nation. If one attempts despite that to justify from a d

I along with all of my leaders and party members agree fully with this policy, with the exception of those
intentional provocateurs sent to infiltrate the party. However, I am not responsible for them, but rather those high officials who sent them.

The imposition of martial law
against all who attempt to resist constitutional authorities in the hour of the greatest test of nerves.” Mr. Reich Chancellor! The charge of illusions does not apply to the national oppos

It was an illusion to sign the Dawes Pact, and to believe in the dream that this would somehow improve the German economy.
It was yet another illusion when one celebrated the Fata Morgana of a Dawes spring as the start of an economic rescue of the state. The hope one put in the Locarno agreement was a

The emergency decrees from which you expected so much, Mr. Reich Chancellor, have also proven to be illusions.
Most fateful of all were the illusions that miserable and weak radio speeches could somehow make these decrees popular. In my first open letter you to, Mr. Reich Chancellor, I pointed out

The people is interested only in the question of how well poorly one solves these major crises.
The people is concerned not with the extent of an emergency decree or the period to which it applies — and rightly so. It is not interested in whether or not it took long hours of the day and into

Adolf Hitler
  The source: Heinz Franke, Die Journaille lügt! (Munich: Eher Verlag, 1932). The Sensationalist Newspapers Lie! by Hei

Enemy of the workers
The sensationalist newspapers lie when they say:The Nazis are enemies of the workers, they want to destroy the unions and reduce wages. To make these lies believable to Ge

Marxism has as little claim to socialism as the Marxist parties have to representing the whole German working class.
There are millions of German workers who have seen the true face of Marxism, and who refuse to allow Jewish stock exchange swindlers to claim to be “leaders of the workers.” What German wo

The Harzburg Front
The sensationalist newspapers lie:The Nazis, Stahlhelm, and German Nationalists have joined together in the Harzburg front to fight the workers. The Harzburg Front is reactionary!

Capitalist Hirelings
The sensationalist newspapers lie when they say:The Nazis are capitalist hirelings, the paid soldiers of capitalism. The Red Jewish press has proclaimed for years in vario

And the S.P.D.
Why does the SPD slander the Nazis as enemies of pay agreements? To divert the masses from the fact that it is the socialist party hacks who are loosening the pay agreements to per

German workers
There are your enemies, those who reduce your pay so that they can continue to sit in their comfortable chairs. Why does the SPD slander the Nazis as “reactionary puppets

German workers
That is what the same party hacks say now, but in their election proclamation of 19 July 1930 they wrote: “Against Brüning’s government, which is brother to big capital.” When Brü

The sensationalist papers lie when they say:The Nazis want war, they are militarists and warmongers. That is an insolent, shameless lie. National Socialism does absolutely

None of us wishes for a war.
However, we remain men who, if necessary, hold to life less than to freedom. If one sees that as “bloodthirsty,” and wishes to exterminate it, then one signs the death sentence for our nation at th

Civil War
The sensationalist newspapers lie when they say:National Socialism means civil war! With complete lack of shame, the Red scribblers lie in saying that the Nazis planned a

Units will be secretly transported, concealed in the trucks, so that each will seem to be innocent freight.
8. The principle is to hold or fight for political power! To form a front against the Nazis and the Right. Any means is in order: Up to a death blow.” And these lying sens

And the S.P.D.
Why does the SPD slanderthe Nazis as “warmongers”? In order to divert the masses from the undeniable fact that it was the Red leaders who betrayed the German army and dest

Young Plan
As the National Socialists attempted to save the German people from the disastrous Young Plan through a referendum, the Red sensationalist newspapers cried and shouted that the Nazis were promoting

Capital Flight
After the National Socialist election victory of 14 September 1930, the Social Democratic party hacks began to tolerate the bourgeois Brüning cabinet that they had previously opposed. They att

As the old lies were no longer believable, the Red bigwig society found a new lie in fall 1931, the lie that the Nazis wanted inflation. With astounding insolence, the same elements responsible for

Mass brochures free of charge.
Among them were the Scheidemann pamphlet Heads in the Sand? and the Löbe pamphlet The Dragon of Marxism — each with a million free copies distributed. The NSDAP

The sensationalist newspapers lie
from principle, in order to divert attention from the treason and crimes of the Red bankrupts. Lie as much as you want! The German worker does not believe you any longer. He turns

The Hindenburg Election of 1925
The first round of the Reich presidential election of 29 March 1925 had these results:   Votes Dr. Karl Jarres, Middle Class coalition

Center Party 1925
In the Reich presidential election of 1925, the Center Party competed with the Jewish Democrats and Social Democrats in inventing slanders against that same general field marshal. The Cent

Center Party 1932
The Center Party paper Germania published an articled titled “Hindenburg’s Candidacy: The National Goal is to Unite the People in a Battle for its Existence” on 16 F

The Center Party and the SPD on their presidential candidate
During the Reich presidential election, the Volksfreund (24 April 1925) and the Badische Beobacher (25 April 1925) published the following caricature of Hindenburg:

Field Marshal von Hindenburg.
Those who have been, or might be proposed as counter candidates, in view of the situation, cannot be an affirmation, but rather the negation of the German will for unity

Vossische Zeitung
9 April 1925 “...The catastrophic impression that Hindenburg’s candidacy has had in America is becoming clearer and clearer; ... German-Swiss concerns ... A happy day for Poinc&aac

Berliner Morgenpost
10 April 1925 “All of Germany’s enemies rejoice, all of its friends are dismayed.” 15 April 1925 “...If Hindenburg comes before the nation with the claim

The Democrats in 1932
The Vossische Zeitung wrote in issue #77 of 15 February 1932: “The mass meeting at which Hindenburg accepted the nomination to run for a second term of office is a truly historic mo

Social Democrats in 1925
The Social Democrats surpassed everyone in this noble battle in throwing filth at the venerable field marshal of the World War. Vorwärts thundered and raged about the presumption of a g

Social Democrats 1932
Now this same Social Democracy is saying that it is “a particularly vile trick “ that the Nazis are not voting for Hindenburg. Today, the Social Democratic party h

Foreign Policy Failures
The policies of the Black-Red System parties have thrown the German people into the deepest hole that a people has ever been in. The revolt of 9 November 1918 took the weapons away from th

Domestic Failures
The System parties failed utterly in foreign policy, but their bankruptcy in domestic policy was even greater. Not a single one of the promises that the Red party hacks fed the masses over

The Great Illusion
The field marshal has accepted candidacy from the men who, seven years ago, attacked him in the most hateful ways, and is ready to run on behalf of those who opposed him in 1925. Hindenburg accepte

These three national states (as opposed to a Bolshevist state) together have about 8 million soldiers equipped with the best modern weapons.
Does anyone in the world believe that these three national states would or could tolerate a Bolshevist stronghold between them? A Bolshevist stronghold that would over time spread to France

A National Socialist Germany.
The system has not, and cannot, see the danger. It is necessarily the pathfinder for Bolshevism. Therefore, a responsible German today cannot vote for Field Marshal von Hi

Facts and Lies about Hitler
The Führer as a Person Two men stand at the fore in the battle for power in Germany, and behind each two mighty columns of the German people march. One man is the 85-

Building the foundations for its ability to survive.
Hitler is convinced that freedom for the German people and its appropriate position among the peoples can be gained through entirely peaceful methods. The prerequisite is the firm

A Selection of Lies about Hitler
Nothing better demonstrates the great hatred the parties responsible for Germany’s misery have for Hitler than a selection of the lies that they spread about him. And nothing speaks more for Hitler

Answers to the Most Common Lies
Hitler Betrayed South Tyrol! Besides a court verdict, a South Tyrolean answered this one.Count Fedrigotti, a leader of the South Tyrol Home Federation, and Member

Answers to Frequent Questions
Why the Name “National Socialists”? Hitler says: “You cannot be a true nationalist without also being a socialist; you others cannot be true socialists wi

Adolf Hitler
was born on 20 April 1889 in Brannau am Inn, a formerly Bavarian town. His father had worked himself up from the orphaned son of a poor farmer to a custom

Hitler decided to become a politician.
In 1919, he joined a small group of 6 men, and transformed it into the National Socialist German Workers Party. He outlined the goals of the new movement in broad detail, laying ou

The insanity of Versailles,
refuting strongly claims by the Marxists, the Center Party, etc., that its terms could be fulfilled. He also attacked the slogan these parties used that if Germany “disarmed, so would the others.”

His first jail term
for disrupting opponents’ meetings, receiving constant fines, but does not give up his battle against the System even for a moment. During summer 1923, Hitler begi

On 27 February 1925, Adolf Hitler calls a meeting to reestablish the party, and speaks for the first time since his release to over 4,000 people.
Since the National Socialist movement was dissolved after 9 November 1923, and its assets and property seized, Hitler begins to build the party again, without any resources. Vorwärt

Emergency Economic Program of the NSDAP
Fighting Pamphlet Nr. 16: Pamphlet Series of the Reichspropaganda-Leitung of the NSDAP Produced by Section IV (Economics) of the Reichsorganisationsleitung der NSDAP. 2nd edition (101,000

I. The National Socialist Job Creation Program
A. The reasons for creating jobs Unemployment causes poverty, employment creates prosperity. Capital does

II. General Economic Measures
F. Commercial and financial measures Foreign trade Foreign currency supplies Law against capital flight Currency reform G. Bank and credi

Unemployment benefits burden the economy, but job creation stimulates the economy.
Tolerating unemployment means: With less labor, less is produced, and therefore less can be consumed. The result:hunger, poverty, and wage cuts. The fewer

Working people cannot be satisfied with meager unemployment benefits. Working people demand the right to a job.
Tolerating unemployment means a brutal deprivation of rights for the productive people’s comrade. He is robbed of his freedom to earn his living by his own efforts. He is robbed of the ability to s

We have the productive capacity for more jobs.
The stupidest objection to job creation is the claim that we lack the productive capacity. We have the land to produce more food (see section C). We have the mines to produce more coal and ore. We

We have markets for increased jobs.
Markets for German production must exist as long as the needs of the last German people’s comrade are not met. Today, 6 million people’s comrades are unemployed. T

These markets are available only domestically.
If the German economy is to meet its real task — meeting the needs of the German people — there are vast opportunities that are not today being met. Previous economic policy has aimed above

The focus on domestic markets must lead to the social liberation of the German worker.
Refocusing the German economy on the domestic market can succeed only if the masses of the people have sufficient purchasing strength to absorb the increased production. That, in turn, can happen o

What needs to be done.
The following steps must be taken to refocus the German economy on the domestic market: Promoting the fertility of German soil by land reclamation (see Section C).

Only the state can accomplish these tasks.
The burden on public finance caused by unemployment today hinders any attempt to promote new jobs and production facilities, that is, any growth in private industry. Economic prosperity wil

The private home as dwelling
Along with food and clothing, housing is one of the necessities of life. The majority of those who live in big cities today do not live in decent apartments, but rather in terrible confined quarter

The private home as a productive space
Each private home should have a yard of about 1/4 hectare. That will allow a worker to raise a significant part of the food he needs from his own land. His life thereby becomes more secure, and he

Building settlements of individual homes
Each worker willing and able to buy a single-family house will receive a 40% subvention from the government. If he has a job, he can borrow the rest from a state bank, which will guarantee favorabl

Financing public job creation
As new jobs are created, unemployment and welfare payments will decline and tax revenues and social security contributions will increase. These savings and increases will cover at least 50% of tota

Financing production
The National Socialist job creation program will increase the prosperity and purchasing power of the people. More will be purchased, and the economy will sell more, and orders will increase. Since

Guidelines for our trade policy
Our foreign trade policy must be guided by the following guidelines: The reparations policies of post-war governments have made Germany one of the poorest civilized

Foreign currency supplies
The bourgeois-liberal and Marxist governments of the post-war period have burdened the German people with foreign debts that are currently about 22 billion marks. These private deb

Law against capital flight
National Socialism demands that everything possible be done to make capital that has been transferred abroad useful again for the German economy. In order to make the burdens

Currency Reform
For years, National Socialism has called for Germany to give up the gold standard: The Reich Bank’s gold and foreign currency reserves are constantl

Bank supervision
The problems with today’s private banking system are clear. Bank presidents receive hundreds of thousands in pay for their supposed vastly important work; each mem

The money transfer system
Germany is behind in the cashless transfer of money. In England checks have become widely accepted. In America, children learn how to fill out a check in school. W

Reducing interest rates
The charging of interest has lost its purpose when it devours, or even exceeds, the profits of production. In the latter case, the productive capacity itself, and therefore the jobs, are destroyed.

Price controls
Wages, salaries, and private income are part of national income. The degree to which it is a part consists on the one hand on the amount of the wages, salaries, and private incomes, on the other ha

Avoiding excessive expenditures
To provide the funds for job creation, the state must exercise the greatest economy, just as in private industry. Party book officials, who do nothing for the general good

Increasing the burden on those with strong shoulders
No one will believe that jobs can be created without sacrifice. But the sacrifices need to create jobs cannot randomly be added to all the other burdens laid on working people. All the sacrifices a

The current situation
As a result of foreign competition, farmers receive prices that may even be under their production costs, and only a fraction of what consumers in the cities pay. A further fundamental cau

Wrong economic policies
Today, we meet only three quarters of our food needs by our own work on our own soil. The missing quarter of our food needs can be met only in part because of the reduction in our purchasing power

Correct economic policies
Our economic policy must ensure that the German people is fed. It is clear that, with the necessary improvements, e.g. land melioration (see section C), we will be able to meet our full food needs.

Approval requirements for new production facilities
As outlined in section B 5, Germany’s industrial capacity is structured not only at the German domestic market, but also on export opportunities that did indeed exist during earlier periods, but to

Nationalization and state supervision
Monopolies that are not dissolved must immediately come under direct state administration, i.e., be nationalized. A monopoly can by run just as well by the state as by private indu

The current situation
The two great economic sins of the System, the theft of German property through inflation and the theft of property through confiscatory taxation in the years following the inflation, have had the

Public contracts
The public contract system is to be reorganized with the fewest regulations possible, and under Point 16 of the party platform should favor small companies in the awarding of public contracts.

The right to employment
The foundation for solving the social question is the realization of the right to employment, which can only happen through our job creation program. Alaw on employment will lay do

Profit sharing
Interest reductions (section G 3), price controls (section H 1), state supervision of corporations (section K 2), the law on employment (section M 1), the tax measures (section H 3), and the cost-s

Labor service
The labor service is not compulsory labor for the unemployed, but rather a way to involve all young German men of a certain age range in work that is important for the whole German economy, and tha

Propaganda in cities differs in many ways from that in the countryside. The major reason is the entirely different life style of big-city dwellers. They are politically more sophisticated and have

The Organization of Propaganda
The recognition that only a unified propaganda apparatus has the likelihood of success led the party headquarters and several regional offices (Gauleitungen) to create central propaganda o

The Methods of Propaganda
To carry out propaganda effectively in the cities, it is necessary to understand the proper use of the most important methods of propaganda. It is above all essential that the propaganda warden doe

Propaganda through the spoken word
Propaganda by the spoken word — talking with the individual, study groups, discussion evenings, mass meetings, choruses — usually result from the written word. The two forms of propaganda are insep

Tested Methods of Modern Propaganda
by Helmut von Wilucki The difficult election battle is behind all the parties. The Reichstag election of 1932 was particularly difficult for the NSDAP, since an enormous flood of lies from

The New Year 1940-41
by Joseph Goebbels One of the most significant years in German history ends today. Not only the Reich, but Europe as a whole changed greatly during its course. States, nations, and peoples

December 1943
My German Comrades! The year 1943 is nearing its end. It will never be forgotten by us who fought and worked and lived through it. It was the most difficult year of the war so far, one tha

Our Hitler
Goebbels’ 1938 Speech on Hitler’s 49th Birthday The Führer has probably never had so many happy people gathered about him for his birthday as in this year. All the 75

Bringing a miracle that was no miracle, only the result of tireless work blessed by the hand of the Almighty.
Perhaps it is also a religious act to put his whole life in the service of his people, and to work and act for the happiness of people. It is a religion without empty phrases and dogma, which nonet

Our Hitler
Goebbels’ 1939 Speech on Hitler’s 50th Birthday In an unsettled and confused world, Germany tomorrow celebrates a national holiday in the truest sense of the word. It is a

Our Hitler
Goebbels’ 1940 Speech on Hitler’s Birthday On 3 September last year, two hours after English plutocracy declared war on the German Reich, the British Prime Minister Chambe

Our Hitler
Goebbels’ 1941 Speech on Hitler’s Birthday We Germans do not have sufficient historical distance to evaluate the full scope of the age in which we are living. We are child

Our Hitler
Goebbels’ 1942 Speech on Hitler’s Birthday The film “The Great King” is playing in the movie theaters of the Reich. It treats the hard trials and historic challenges that

Our Hitler
Goebbels’ 1943 Speech on Hitler’s Birthday The German people celebrate the Führer’s birthday this year in a particularly somber manner. This fourth year of the war ha

Our Hitler
Goebbels’ 1944 Speech on Hitler’s 55th Birthday German citizens! Not only fortune, but also reputation is always shifting during a war between great men and natio

Our Hitler
Goebbels’ 1945 Speech on Hitler’s 56th Birthday German citizens! At the moment of the war when — so it seems — all forces of hate and destruction have been gather

The Racial Question and World Propaganda
by Joseph Goebbels The National Socialist revolution is a typical German product. Its scale and historical significance can only be compared with other great events in human history. It wo

By Joseph Goebbels
In the beginning of August, this year, one of the most authoritative English newspapers published a leading article entitled “Two Dictatorships”, in which a naive and misdirected attempt was made t

Youth and the War
by Joseph Goebbels This Sunday afternoon, the Youth Film Festival for the winter 1940/41 opens, held in conjunction with the Hitler Youth, the League of German Girls, and the Reich Propaga

Christmas, 1941
by Joseph Goebbels As I speak on Christmas Eve over the radio to the German people, I am the spokesman for the homeland to all our soldiers who are far from home during this war Christmas

Nation, Rise Up, and Let the Storm Break Loose
by Joseph Goebbels Only three weeks ago I stood in this place to read the Führer’s proclamation on the 10th anniversary of the seizure of power, and to speak to you and to the German

The Winter Crisis is Over
by Joseph Goebbels The winter crisis is over. We may at times during the gray preceding months have looked at the situation with a grim expression, but we never resigned ourselves to the b

In the Front Ranks
by Joseph Goebbels A sad and moving occasion brings me back today to the city of my youth. I stand here as the representative of the Führer and of the entire German people to bid fare

Immortal German Culture
by Joseph Goebbels Were one to imagine Western culture without its contributions from Germany and Italy, much would be missing. As obvious as this may be, one has to repeat it now and agai

Great Days
by Joseph Goebbels We look back on an historic week. Last week in this space, we discussed a certain clique of ignorant and narrow-minded people who have no sense for the great er

The Morals of the Rich
by Joseph Goebbels It easier for the rich to be moral than it is for the poor. Wealth protects the wealthy, but encourages the poor to take action. A rich man, for example, would

Children With Their Hands Chopped Off
by Joseph Goebbels The English are well known throughout the world for their lack of political scruples. They are experts at the art of hiding their misdeeds behind a facade of virtue. The

A Unique Age
by Joseph Goebbels History does not repeat itself. As with everything creative, its imagination and opportunities are inexhaustible. However, it always follows eternally valid laws. Becaus

Missed Opportunities
by Joseph Goebbels In Germany people say that the Führer is always right. Abroad, one says he is always lucky. That is only partly true. The Führer has earned his luck. He makes

Winston Churchill
by Joseph Goebbels “There is only one way to break the resistance of the Boers: the most severe suppression. In other words, we must kill the parents to teach the children respect for us.”

The Veil Falls
by Joseph Goebbels Hundreds of thousands of young German soldiers have been crossing our eastern border and marching through the famed “workers’ and peasants’ paradise.” Had National Socia

by Joseph Goebbels The Jews are masters at fitting in to their surroundings, without in any way changing their nature. They are mimics. They have a natural instinct that senses danger, and

The Door to a New Era
by Joseph Goebbels “I was confused in the past, and could not believe in anything great. But now I have seen it all, and ask that if I remain alive, you accept me as a member of the great

The Matter of the Plague
by Joseph Goebbels German news policy has not had an easy time of it in the past weeks. Vast military operations were being planned about which the enemy had no idea, and of which, of cour

The Clay Giant
by Joseph Goebbels The British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, as is well known, is a close friend of alcohol. His relations to the truth are a bit more strained. He has been on a war fo

Mr. Roosevelt Cross-Examined
by Joseph Goebbels On 28 October, more than a month ago, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt gave a radio speech that apparently had as its goal plunging the American people into uncertai

A Different World
by Joseph Goebbels It is astonishing, hardly believable, how the state of the world can change entirely within a short time. Modern war speaks its own language, and ideas and principles th

The New Year
by Joseph Goebbels Countless people in the enemy camp will nervously ask themselves what this new year 1942 will bring for them and their people. Will it be stagnation, setbacks or defeat?

An Open Discussion
by Joseph Goebbels The new cuts in food rations that take effect on 6 April will have a big impact in the household of every citizen. It would be foolish and incorrect to ignore it or make

The Paper War
by Joseph Goebbels It is clear that a war of such total extent as the present one requires a huge, wide-ranging organization with many branches. It reaches into all areas of public li

Heroes and Film Heroes
by Joseph Goebbels Nothing is more characteristic of the Jewish-plutocratic view of the world, life and history than its tendency to gradually but inevitably transform all values in a nega

The Air War and the War of Nerves
by Joseph Goebbels The war has reached a stage at which the enemy seems willing to use any means to change the currently unfavorable, even desperate, situation, and to bring about at least

The Tonnage War
by Joseph Goebbels The enemy at the moment is nowhere so threatened as at sea. One no longer hears boasting claims from Churchill and Roosevelt that the danger of German U-boats has been o

The So-Called Russian Soul
by Joseph Goebbels The hard and pitiless battle for Sevastapol, as well as the recent broad offensive operations of the German army, have reopened a lively debate, above all in the neutral

What is at Stake
by Joseph Goebbels There is probably no one in the warring nations who has not, either publicly or privately, thought about what his people, our part of the world, and the world itself wil

The Optics of War
by Joseph Goebbels War, too, has its characteristic face. One sees it many places in the homeland, and everywhere at the front. Certain unmistakable signs clearly point to war. Visitors fr

The European Crisis
by Joseph Goebbels One must understand the Jewish question in order to understand the present state of the war. How else could one explain the following facts: The Axis powers are fighting

The War and the Jews
by Joseph Goebbels The naivete, not to mention ignorance, with which certain European circles see the Jewish Question in the fourth year of this gigantic struggle is astonishing. They cann

Morale as a Decisive Factor in War
by Joseph Goebbels We are in the midst of a decisive period in the war. Using an unprecedented mass of weapons and psychological warfare, the enemy is attempting to capture positions that

The Realities of War
by Joseph Goebbels Mature political judgment requires not only understanding, but also imagination. That is what generally is missing in those who shout their opinions the loudest. They ta

A Classic Example
by Joseph Goebbels It attracted some notice when the author of these lines failed to provide his usual weekly lead article on the Friday following 25 July. Some unfriendly souls even belie

Articles of War for the German People
by Joseph Goebbels These are the articles of war for the German people, who are now engaged in the most fateful battle of their history. Countless of Germany’s best have sacrificed their l

Article 9
The war leadership is doing the best it can. Often it cannot reveal the reasons for its actions without giving valuable information to the enemy. That means that even those of good will often do no

Article 10
The only thing we cannot afford to lose in this war is our freedom, the foundation of our life and our future. Everything else can be replaced, even if only through years of hard work. But a loss o

Article 19
Nothing is more contemptible than to think that one part of the nation wages the war, and another only watches. This is no war of governments or armies, it is a war of peoples. He who stands aside

Article 20
Just as in war there are medals and decorations for those who fulfill their duties with distinction, so, too, there must be warnings and if necessary harsh penalties for those who neglect their war

Article 29
There are people who have little interest in such matters. They are materialists who think only of comfort and pleasure, and who have no sense of their historic responsibilities. One can only hold

Article 30
Remember in all that you do and do not do, in all that you say and do not say, that you are a German! Believe loyally and unshakably in the Führer and in victory. Remember always that you are

A New Year
by Joseph Goebbels 1943 was a year of testing for us. The Reich had the task of defending the economic and military ground that our army had won in past great offensives, and which is the

The Battle of Berlin
by Joseph Goebbels The English press has called the series of terror attacks on the Reich capital, which has been continuing for three months with only occasional pauses, the “Battle of Be

Life Goes On
by Joseph Goebbels To live and work in a frequently bombed city is not something anyone enjoys today. We hardly need mention the tremendous burdens enemy air terror puts on those who suffe

The Background of the Invasion
by Joseph Goebbels The invasion of the European coast by the Western powers is the central military event of the summer. It deserves our first attention in considering the overall war situ

The Question of Revenge
by Joseph Goebbels As our V-1s raced over the English Channel for the first time during the night of 16 June, the English public was struck by paralyzing fear. The British Home Secretary M

The Call of Duty
by Joseph Goebbels The one good aspect to 20 July was that it brought each of us to attention. Suddenly the nation stood before an abyss and peered into its terrifying depth. Everyone real

The Higher Law
by Joseph Goebbels If proof were still needed of the accuracy of our views of the political background of the whole war goal the enemy side is pursuing, it would be given by the most recen

The World Crisis
by Joseph Goebbels We Germans are not the only ones in the sixth year of war. One may assume that the problems the war’s long duration have given us also affect the other combatant nations

The Year 2000
by Joseph Goebbels The three enemy war leaders, American sources report, have agreed at the Yalta Conference to Roosevelt’s proposal for an occupation program that will destroy and extermi

Fighters for the Eternal Reich
by Joseph Goebbels Under the fury of the enemy offensives that have been pressing down on our fronts to the west, east, and south for months, as well as the almost unceasing bombing of our

Resistance at Any Price
by Joseph Goebbels The war has reached a stage at which only the full efforts of the nation and of each individual can save us. The defence of our freedom no longer depends on the army fig

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