Adolf Hitler


The source: Heinz Franke, Die Journaille lügt! (Munich: Eher Verlag, 1932).

The Sensationalist Newspapers Lie!

by Heinz Franke

In comfort and ease, the Red party hacks set themselves up after the successful “revolt” of 9 November 1918 in the quarters of the capitalism they had so attacked. The nice, warm spoils system took in the army of party hacks and lesser dignitaries, allowing the top comrades to take up the promised life “of beauty and dignity.”

The Social Democratic war profiteer and big swindler Parvus-Helphand resided in the Schwanenwerder Palace. There he met the illustrious leaders of the workers’ party, Scheidemann, Bauer, Wels, Gradenauer, Heilmann, etc.

The leaders of the exploited masses — Police President Richter, for example — accepted gold toothpicks and elegant sleeping gowns from big Jewish swindlers.

The Red party hacks promised the working people heaven on earth.

In the proclamation of the Saxon workers’ and soldiers’ soviet of 14 November 1918, the proletariat was promised the following delights:

“To the People of Saxony!

The capitalist system has collapsed. The bourgeois monarchical government has fallen. The revolutionary proletarian has taken power. Its goal is a socialist republic. Socialism means: The transformation of capitalism production into social production, the confiscation of private land, mines, and foundries, along with raw materials, banks, machines, means of transportation, etc. A change in production to social control of production by the proletariat. The task of the socialist government is to continue the revolution until the bourgeois class is completely overcome. The republic means: The absolute rule of the will of the working class, the elimination of serfdom in any form, and general disarmament of the citizenry to protect the accomplishments of the revolution. The abolition of all forms of income without labor, the separation of church and state, the rejection of all bourgeois courts. The special task of the republican government is to liquidate the Saxon state and form a unified socialist German republic.

By the authority of the workers’ and soldiers’ soviets of Dresden, Leipzig, and Chemnitz.

Schwarz, Neuring, Fleißner, Rühle, Geyer, Lipinski, Seeger, Heckert, Fellisch”

(To keep the Red party hacks from playing their favorite old trick by claiming that this is a “Nazi fabrication,” it is taken word-for-word from the book by Social Democrat Ed. Bernstein, Die deutsche Revolution, vol. 1, p. 59).

A Social Democratic leaflet during the election campaign for the National Assembly stated:

“. . . They (the Social Democrats, editor) have done all in their power to appeal to the moral forces of the world, the forces of socialism, to gain a lasting, bearable peace for the German people, despite the defeat that was the responsibility of the old leaders. . .

. . . to preserve its rights in the peace treatyand to work for a just peace that will save the world from the horrors of a new war. . . .

. . . We will not allow capitalism to again exploit and oppress intellectual and manual workers.We want the working people to enjoy the full fruits of their labor under socialist conditions. . . .

Our goal is the greatest possible freedom . . .

. . . and what is most important, help for the poorest classes to rise to a higher level.”

(This leaflet was distributed in Liegnitz. It was issued by Herm. Feller, Görlitz, and printed by the Arbeiter-Druckerei, Görlitz.)

The Red party membership book was all powerful. It opened the doors to the highest positions in the state and administration. The former locksmith’s apprentice Fritz Brolat, for example, became a director of the Berlin Transportation Company, despite his complete lack of education, which soon paid him 200,000 RMa year.

In short, the party hacks led a lovely life, free of worries, became fat, and praised the accomplishments of a revolution that gave them these lovely advantages.

When starving workers and civil servants showed up requesting more pay, one looked at them from the well-upholstered chair in a patronizing way, and set the printing presses to work to satisfy their needs. That was easy, and there was enough paper. As inflation constantly increased and the deceived masses demanded a reckoning, one put on an innocent face and claimed that it was a harmless natural event for which the SPD could hardly be made responsible.

And so they sat comfortably in their warm upholstered chairs, those Red party hacks, and lived it up.

But a dark cloud was gathering in the bright heaven of those party hacks. Blue and white collar men joined together in the National Socialist moment, experienced front soldiers and enthusiastic youth, who wanted to bring German people true socialism in a new Reich with a genuine people’s community incorporating all the productive classes. The betrayed masses of Social Democratic workers increasingly recognized the true face of their so-called “leaders,” and the knowledge of how the Red party hacks had so greatly betrayed the workers grew.

As the beneficiaries of the revolution recognized the danger to their comfortable life, they reached for their tested political weapons, lies and slanders.

To keep the bitter, deceived masses from streaming to the National Socialist freedom movement, these terrified bigwig bureaucrats unleashed an unprecedented campaign of lies. In the editorial offices of Social Democratic newspapers, Jewish hirelings devised a poisonous soup of lies distributed in millions of copies.

The more the National Socialist flood rose, the filthier and more insolent the lies of the Red sensationalist newspapers became.

The extent to which the Jewish “workers’ leaders” were willing to go is shown by the following directive, discussed at the Reichsbanner [the Social Democratic paramilitary auxiliary] conference in November 1931. We take this from the Leipziger Neuesten Nachrichten, Nr. 335, 1 December 1931:

“The national directorate of the Reichsbanner instructs the national board to seize the initiative. We must conduct systematic agitation against the National Socialists to an unprecedented degree, using our press to heat people up to the boiling point, while at the same time using the power of the SPD in the states to unleash a coldly calculated wave of suppression and government measures to intensify the campaign against the NSDAP. Imagination and inventiveness can be given free rein in a wide-ranging press campaign, not holding back any lie if it serves our cause. The news system is in our hands. All the technical means are working. Court cases that may result from the unscrupulous conduct of this campaign have to be accepted in many cases if the campaign is not to be hindered or halted. Financing is assured.”

We can demonstrate the accuracy of these Magdeburg directives by the following citations from Vorwärts [the Socialist national newspaper]:

“Our most damaging attack on this society is to brand it at every opportunity as the slave of business...” (Vorwärts, Nr .5, 4.1.1931)

“The republic needs to be led by republicans who will shrink from nothing!” (Vorwärts, Nr. 565, 3,12.1931)

“They (the SPD, editor) will take allies in this battle wherever it can find them...” (Vorwärts, Nr. 547, 22.11.1931)

“We have only one enemy, the Right!” (Vorwärts, Nr. 547, 22.11.1931)

“We will take help anywhere we can find it.” (Vorwärts, Nr. 547, 22.11.1931)

Lie: Reaction!

With a great deal of noise and a lot of wasted ink, the Red benefactors of the people accuse the Nazis of being evil reactionaries.

When the National Socialist movement was in its beginnings, the Red papers sneered at it as an insignificant offshoot of the German National Party. That will not work any longer, for even the most stubborn Marxist realizes that this is something new, a movement following its own victorious ideas. If the NSDAP had been only an offshoot of the German Nationalists, it would never have achieved such great success. Its rise, which shows that new, revolutionary elements are at work, refutes the myth of the “reactionary” Nazis better than all the speeches.