Marxism has as little claim to socialism as the Marxist parties have to representing the whole German working class.

There are millions of German workers who have seen the true face of Marxism, and who refuse to allow Jewish stock exchange swindlers to claim to be “leaders of the workers.”

What German workers should think about that “SPD economic expert,” the famous Comrade Tarnow, is shown by the following blatant lie.

At the previously mentioned Reichsbanner mass meeting, Comrade Tarnow said the following:

“One sees the big winner of the inflation period, Hugenberg, the firebrand Kirschdorff, the rich pensioner Schacht, the lords of the banks and stock exchange, the feudal lords and heavy industrialists, united in this “socialist workers party.” (Vorwärts, Nr, 565, 3.12.1931)

Vorwärts printed this lying nonsense. Even the simplest Marxist workers knows that Hugenberg is still leader of the German National Peoples Party, that neither Schacht nor Kirchdorff belong to the NSDAP, and that National Socialism has always stressed the differences in the worldviews of the NSDAP and the DNVP.

German workers, in Tarnow’s statement you can see the lying demagoguery of Social Democratic “leaders.” Either this SPD “economic expert” really does not know that Hugenberg is the leader of the DNVP, in which case he should give up politics and return to being a cabinetmaking apprentice, or if he does know it, he has lied intentionally in his agitation. That means he is either an idiot or a liar.

And they call themselves “leaders of the workers”!

In the above-mentioned meeting, the noble Tarnow also had the following wisdom to reveal:

“No other country has so many economic scandals as Germany. They are not isolated events, but the result of a criminal system of economic leadership.”

Yes, Comrade Tarnow, that is true!

But why are you shamefully silent about the names of these economic crooks? Because they are all friends and financial supporters of the SPD, namely Sklarz, Parvus-Helphand, Barmat, Sklarek, Katzenellenbogen, etc.!

Comrade Tarnow, we urge you to study the Sklarek trial. It reveals clearly the criminal economic leadership of the System. It is the:

party hacks and profiteers!

Surely you meant that, Comrade Tarnow?