The Harzburg Front

The sensationalist newspapers lie:The Nazis, Stahlhelm, and German Nationalists have joined together in the Harzburg front to fight the workers. The Harzburg Front is reactionary!

All the talk about a firm alliance, a joining together to fight the working class, are insolent lies that clearly show the great fear of the Red swindlers.

First, Hitler, Hugenberg, and Selde did not establish a “firm alliance” at Harzburg. The Harzburg conference was simply a clear declaration of war against Brüning’s government. Indeed, that is the same Brüning government that the SPD vainly fought against before 14 September 1930, and which it said it opposed in its election proclamation of 19 July 1930, claiming to be:

“Against Brüning’s government, which is a brother to big capital and which wants to destroy the rights of the working class.”

Hitler, Hugenberg, and Seldte were already against the Brüning government. That did not require any kind of alliance. And Harzburg did not result in an alliance, but rather each party stressed its own nature.

Before or after Harzburg, the National Socialists never thought of giving up any point of their program. The NSDAP is, as it was before, a revolutionary freedom movement, with the same goals it always had. Harzburg for it was merely tactical cooperation with other parties with the clear goal of bringing down the government, and with it the present System. The red party hacks saw the danger to their fine spoils of office, which his shown by their hysterical cries about the “reactionary” nature of the Harzburg “Front,” and their vain attempt to to present the front as the union of business against the workers.

The NSDAP fights for German workers, not against them. It fights for true socialism against the party hacks.

The lie about the reactionary nature of the NSDAP is most clearly disproved by a look at its nature. Who are the leaders of this movement? The main leaders of the National Socialist idea are battle-tested men of the Front generation, and enthusiastic German youth. Evil reaction can never take root in such circles. To the contrary: youth has always been revolutionary.