Civil War

The sensationalist newspapers lie when they say:National Socialism means civil war!

With complete lack of shame, the Red scribblers lie in saying that the Nazis planned a civil war. They are the same elements that bear the responsibility before history for all the German blood that has been shed since those November days in Germany. Huge amounts of German blood were shed by Red murderers during the Spartakus revolts in Berlin, Braunschweig, Munich, the Ruhr, Central Germany, Hamburg, and countless other places. These paid Jewish hirelings have been able to preach the bloodiest class hatred for decades. The civil war periods between 1918 and 1920 were only the natural result of this decades-long filthy agitation. And today these lads have the insolence to invent National Socialist plans for civil war.

This is all a perfidious attempt at diversion. These Red traitors of the working class themselves have been preparing for civil war for years, and are using their lying agitation only to divert attention from their treasonous goals. Hörsing stated in January 1931:

“We will destroy the National Socialists to the last man!”And on 7 January 1931 the Social Democratic Eisenacher Volkszeitung printed a call from the Reichsbanner that ended:

“By 22 February, the anniversary of our founding, all formations everywhere in Germany must report their ‘march readiness’ to the national leader.

Get to work, comrades, in all the Gaue, in all the local groups! The army of German republicans is armed and ready for anything it is called upon to do!”

That is organized incitement to civil war, and systematic preparation for civil war.

Last year, the National Socialist published the following regulations from the Lübeck local group of the Reichsbanner:

“1. Each person with a telephone has certain orders to pass on after receiving a message with the correct password.