Center Party 1932

The Center Party paper Germania published an articled titled “Hindenburg’s Candidacy: The National Goal is to Unite the People in a Battle for its Existence” on 16 February 1932in which it said:

“The whole German people, insofar as it has retained a healthy sense of its true national duties in the midst of all the political controversies, will greet Hindenburg’s willingness to run as a liberating act.” “For me there is but one true national goal: To unite the people in a battle for its existence, to call forth the full devotion of each German in the ancient battle for the preservation of the nation.” That is what Hindenburg said in his declaration. “The 13th of March will demand a clear statement from each German as to whether he affirms or denies this goal.”

In the same issue, we read an article titled “The People’s Front”:

“There is no German more or better suited than Hindenburg to be the sure refuge and safe gathering place of the nation in a time of greatest danger for the fatherland... The battle that will be waged for him has but one goal: To bring together the national strength of our people into a great, unified front that, under Hindenburg’s leadership, will lead Germany through the vast misery of our day into the path of freedom.”

That is obvious hypocrisy!

But the epitome of partisan political deceit, without a doubt, appeared in the Center Party’s Germania on 18 February 1932. This splendid example of the Center Party’s cunning hypocrisy deserves to be preserved in full for posterity:

Der Führer, Nr. 48, 18.2.32