Foreign Policy Failures

The policies of the Black-Red System parties have thrown the German people into the deepest hole that a people has ever been in.

The revolt of 9 November 1918 took the weapons away from the fighting troops. Today the guilty parties, and in particular the Social Democratic Party, want to deny their great crime against the German people, the stab in the army’s back. Their attempt is in vain, since the broadest circles of the German people know the guilt social democracy bears for the subversive and destructive activity that finally led to 9 November. But even then, the war had not yet been lost. None other than the current Reich Minister General Groener testified under oath at the “stab in the back trial” that it would have been entirely possible for the German army in the fall of 1918 to establish an impregnable position behind the Rhine, thereby forcing the utterly exhausted enemy to an acceptable peace.

[The illustration caption: “Hindenburg had to defend himself before the System parties in 1919.” The picture are of members of the committee before which military commanders testified.]

The Social Democrats, however, made an armistice without regard to the cost. Social Democratic functionaries feared, and not without reason, that a strong, unified, and well-led army would quickly put an end to the Red spook in the homeland. That is why the Social Democratic representatives pushed for demobilizing the troops with feverish energy.

They thereby put their own survival ahead of the good of the whole people. This hurried dissolution of the army, pushed by the soldiers’ councils, cost the German people the eastern territories that were so important for its economic prosperity. Poland quickly seized important territories left by the troops, and thereby created a done deed that the impotent revolutionary government accepted.

It is lying impudence when a Marxist party hack, one of those people who betrayed us by surrendering the East to Poland, presents the field marshal as the protector of the German East.

After the stab in the back and the armistice came the acceptance of the peace treaty and the lie that Germany bore sole responsibility for the World War. The murderous slave dictate of Versailles and the outrageous war guilt lie bear the signatures of a Social Democratic and a Center Party minister.

In fall of 1919, the Marxists, along with the Center and Democratic parties, carried their insolence so far as to set up a “Parliamentary Investigative Committee”to try so-called “war criminals.” The old and honorable figure of the field marshal was hauled before this investigative committee, and had to answer questions from the Marxist Jew Oskar Cohn.

Things change over time!

1919: Hindenburg is a “war criminal.”

1919: Hindenburg has to appear before these Marxist scoundrels, and be spit on by the red gutter press as a “war criminal.”

1932: Hindenburg is a “savior.”

1932: These same honorable men have the impudence to hide behind Hindenburg’s candidacy, misusing the venerable field marshal for their partisan political purposes.

Besides the chains of the dictated peace treaty, the German people were tortured by reparations, which grew with every new agreement — the London Agreement, the Dawes Pact, and as the culmination of the dictate, the Young Plan.

“War Criminals” in 1919

Helfferich, Hindenburg, and Ludendorff (right) on the way to the parliamentary investigative committee hearings in November 1919

The Black-Red fulfillment parties accepted it all without condition. If someone in Germany dared to oppose this unconditional nonsense of accepting everything and to point out the terrible consequences of such irresponsible politics of the moment, or even appealed to the people to oppose it — as the NSDAP did in the case of the Young Plan — the System politicians accused him of being a “politician of catastrophe.”