These three national states (as opposed to a Bolshevist state) together have about 8 million soldiers equipped with the best modern weapons.

Does anyone in the world believe that these three national states would or could tolerate a Bolshevist stronghold between them? A Bolshevist stronghold that would over time spread to France, Poland, and Czechoslovakia? For a Bolshevist Germany could survive only by infecting its neighbors with Bolshevism.

These three national states, France, Poland, and Czechoslovakia would have no choice, if they did not want to surrender — which a national state will never do — than to strangle the Bolshevist stronghold in their midst, whether they want to or not. It would be a matter of their own survival. Does anyone believe that French foreign policy — the cleverest in Europe after the World War — would wait until Bolshevists were marching into Paris or Warsaw? But that means world war.

For just as surely as these three national states would intervene, so, too, would Soviet Russia become involved in the conflict. For Soviet Russia, Germany is a stepping stone on the path to world revolution. Russian Bolshevism stands or falls with the doctrine of world revolution. The Russian Soviet state to some degree is built on this doctrine. Russia’s intervention would mean world war!