Building the foundations for its ability to survive.

Hitler is convinced that freedom for the German people and its appropriate position among the peoples can be gained through entirely peaceful methods. The prerequisite is the firm and consistent leadership of German foreign policy that, combined with a corresponding domestic policy rooted in a people that once again has the will to assert itself, will convince foreign states that Germany is a valuable partner. Hitler wants to work together with states that have interests that allow, or even require, working together with Germany. Instead of emotional policies, he favors a policy of selfinterest, which recognizes the same factor as the driving force of the policies of all peoples.

This requires the organization of the domestic life of a people according to the principles that will best enable it to face the rest of the world, and so support the necessary foreign policy.This means replacing the system of irresponsible leadership based on decisions made by a parliamentary majority of amateurs with a system based on the personal responsibility of a capable leader, supported by the advice of experts. It means the replacement of the majority with the value of personality. It means awakening and increasing the feeling of the superiority of one’s own race. It means eliminating Jewish-Bolshevist manifestationsin all areas of culture.

It means the greatest possible support for the economy, and the use of all suitable methods to bring the unemployed back into the production process to add new purchasing power and new opportunities for the domestic markets. It means the gradual reduction of excessive taxes, and a return to a tax system characterized by a few easily understood taxes. It means a reduction in excessive interest rates, above all with respect to foreign debts. It means stable prices, which permit long-term planning. It means the protection of domestic production, in particular agricultural production, since agriculture provides our food and is the prerequisite for the independence, and therefore the freedom, of the nation: It is the source of the renewal of the people’s blood, replacing what big cities suck out of it and destroy.

Capital and labor are equally essential for highly developed economy. Neither of the two factors can benefit at the cost of the other — which, in the long one, would lead both to suffer. Therefore, class struggle must be eliminated, and class differences bridged. This requires a just distribution of economic success. Community spirit and mutual confidence, hand in hand with the regulatory activity of the state when required, will create the foundation for healthy economic growth.

Hitler refuses to provide details as to how his goals will be reached, since experience shows that the present government adopts at least parts of such plans, usually in an incomplete manner — thereby avoiding a really effective attack on the root cause, such as unemployment — which discredits them, since there is no healthy and constructive result. Hitler’s plans, which the government at first does not intend to follow, are criticized in public by “experts,” or even made ludicrous. One only need mention the National Socialist proposal in the Reichstag a year and a half ago to require a general reduction in interest rates. It was attacked from all sides. When, after a long time, the Brüning government decided to proceed according to the National Socialist proposal, it turned out that the measure was entirely practical and effective, and the “unacceptable consequences” that the experts predicted would result from the National Socialist proposal did not occur.

One may be persuaded that the same is true of the other measures Hitler plans to save countless individuals, the economy, and the entire nation. This is even more the case, since Hitler does not plan risky or amateurish experiments, but rather to follow the advice of leading and recognized experts in all areas.

The man who, because of his extraordinary knowledge and ability in all areas, was able to rise from nothing to his present position as the leader of millions in Germany, despite tremendous resistance, is perhaps the only one who has the ability to master the enormous tasks, rescuing the nation at the eleventh hour from its almost hopeless situation. Led by fate, he followed his path. It would not be the first time in history that Germany was rescued by the right man in its greatest need!

Each must therefore be aware of the responsibility that he bears if he hinders Hitler from taking the fate of the people in his hands, particularly in view of the failure of previous governments.