Answers to the Most Common Lies

Hitler Betrayed South Tyrol!

Besides a court verdict, a South Tyrolean answered this one.Count Fedrigotti, a leader of the South Tyrol Home Federation, and Member of the Andreas Hofer Federation, talked at the end of January of this year with National Socialist Reichstag Representative Hinkel about a speech by Father Innerkosler titled “Hitler’s Betrayal of South Tyrol,” given at a Reichsbanner mass meeting. He stated that the South Tyrol Home Federation refused to allow the South Tyrol question to be used for partisan political attacks against National Socialism. He showed Hinkel a telegram that he had received from Innsbruck as an answer to his request, in which the leaders of the South Tyrol Home Federation sharply rejected Innerkosler’s position in Berlin. The South Tyroleans knew that Germany’s foreign policy line had to follow the Berlin-Rome-London line, and that Hitler had to draw the appropriate conclusions for his behavior. They also had to recognize that Mussolini was the first to take sympathetic position against reparations. They only wanted to be sure that South Tyrol was not forgotten.

Hitler certainly has not forgotten the South Tyroleans. He himself was born and grew up in a border region. He is convinced, however, that the mission of the South Tyroleans is to build a bridge to Italy, and behavior consistent with that will be of more use to them than the German press agitation against Fascist Italy that exploits the South Tyroleans.

Is Hitler “Subservient to Rome”?

A Protestant church official who knows Hitler personally, and has observed him for a decade in Munich, answers this charge as follows:

“As far as I can tell, it is nonsense to think that Hitler is ’subservient to Rome.’ If that is true, why do parts of the Catholic clergy fight him so hard? If it were true, it would be easy for him to win their favor! Hitler is German-minded and honorable, but not bound to a religious denomination, for he is the leader of a political party that includes all true Germans.”

A Reformed Protestant pastor wrote this about the same question:

Dear Sir !

You have asked me for information based on my personal acquaintance with Mr. Adolf Hitler.

I have had opportunity to observe Adolf Hitler for years. I am duty-bound to say that claims that Hitler is “in Rome’s service,” that he is “subservient to Rome,” that he is “under Jesuit influence,” are fables and slanders. These distortions are used by his political opponents to harm Hitler’s image among the Protestant part of the German people. If I shared this doubt, I would not be a member of the NSDAP. I cannot understand why such rumors have any credibility today, since it is known that Catholic dignitaries publicly oppose Hitler and his movement.

From my perspective, Hitler may not be judged from a denominational standpoint. Just as he stands above “parties” in the usual sense, so he stands above denominational strife. But he acts like a Christian! He above all is to be thanked — and I share this conviction with many observers — for the fact that a large part of Europe has been so far protected from Bolshevism.

Munich, 27 March 1932.

Hans Wegner, Pastor of the Evangelical-Reformed Church in Munich

“Hitler is an enemy of the Catholic Faith”

A Catholic priestwho examined all of Hitler’s statements carefully before he could decide to speak for the party in good conscience, wrote the following about whether he would vote for Hindenburg or Hitler on 13 (sic) March 1932:

“You want to know whom I, the Catholic priest, am voting for as Reich President. I am not voting for Hindenburg, but rather for Hitler. The day comes for each of us when his strength fails, when he is too old for his duties, regardless of what he did for his nation in his younger and fresher years. One then has the moral obligation to give up the office one has held and pass on the care of the nation to younger and fresher forces. That is why, to say it again, I am voting for Hitler. There has seldom been a man whom I admired as much as Hindenburg. The people who wanted nothing to do with him seven years ago, and held other candidates as worthier Reich Presidents, thought my admiration to be a special sort of evil. I am not shamed of that admiration, and even today it burns within me, because I cannot forget what this man did for my fatherland. Yet still, to say it a third time, I am voting for Hitler, for age is age, and failing strength is failing strength, and it would be terrible for me if this man, in whose camp Germany stood for the long, hard years of war would be driven to partisan political maneuvering. You know that I am hardly uncritical when it comes to your party, but I will rejoice in the day when the world hears the news that Adolf Hitler has been elected President of the German Reich.

Cologne-Delbrück, 3 March 1932, signed Dr. W. Engel.”

After the first round of the election, he added the following lines to the above letter on 18 March:

“...What people are gradually beginning to realize (and which for Hitler is strong incentive to continue in the same direction) is this: the NSDAP is the purest of the political parties. The people who voted for Hitler are people who think the same and have similar wills. Hindenburg’s voters, however, are a mish-mash of political viewpoints, a political stew...

You will surely remember Mr. von Loebell, who put the Hindenburg coalition together seven years ago. I have since discovered that he is a 33rd degree Scottish Freemason. What does Hindenburg really think of Freemasonry? If he himself is a Freemason, you will understand why, particularly after the recent papal statement against Freemasonry, it would be impossible for a Catholic priest to vote for this man, even if he is supported by less well informed leading Catholic priests in Germany...

Signed: Dr. W. Engel”

If a Catholic priest can vote for Hitler, any good Catholic can do so as well without having any problems with his conscience! And when he understands that Hitler alone is to thank for the fact that Germany has been saved from Bolshevism, which destroys Christian culture, churches, and altars, he must vote for Hitler.

That cannot be changed by attempts to prove that Hitler is “hostile to religion,” using works by private, independent works by National Socialists, or by the poetic fantasies of Dietrich Eckart, whose conversations with Hitler never happened.

“Hitler — A Czech!”

Hitler was born in Braunau am Inn. Those opponents who spread the lie of a “Czech Hitler” depend on the confusion of Braunau am Inn with the Braunau in Czechoslovakia. Braunau am Inn is on the Bavarian border, with only the Inn River between them. It is over 80 kilometers as the crow flies to the Czech border, twice as much as the distance between Dresden and the Czech border. Up until the second half of the 18th century, Braunau belonged to Bavaria.

Hitler, therefore, was born within Greater Germany. Both parents are of German blood. They could not even speak Czech (and Hitler lived many years of his youth with his parents on Reich German soil, in Passau). Hitler became a German citizen before he became a candidate for Reich President by act of the National Socialist government in Braunschweig. He himself always refused to ask the Reich government to give to him what it gave without hesitation to tens of thousands of Galician Jews, even though he had long-since earned it through four years of service at the front in the German army during the war.

“Hitler Means Inflation, a Reduction in Unemployment Benefits and Pensions, Civil War, and Chaos”

These charges are an example of the “stop thief!” tactics used by the parties of the Hindenburg front. They know well enough that a continuation of their regime will lead to complete financial collapse in the not too distant future, already hinted at by current goings on with the banks. Everyone knows that an improvement in finances can only result from a general improvement in the economy, and that this in turn can only result from increased productivity by everyone. They also know that under Hindenburg and the governments under him, unemployment has risen from 736,000 in 1925 to 6,250,000 today, and that if the system of little emergency degree tinkering continues, unemployment will continue to rise. They know that they can temporarily postpone their system of financial collapse, whether in the short or long term, through measures that will cause inflation. Since they know that, and since they can no longer see any way out, they attempt to divert attention by saying that Hitler will cause inflation. They conceal what they know well enough, that Hilferding from their own Social Democratic group, was the one who caused inflation.This completely fulfilled their old program plank on the fight against “capital” and the expropriation of the wealthy, since even the poorest grandma lost the last penny that she had saved for her old age. In thanks, the “bourgeoisie” today marches arm and arm with the comrades of the SPD, attempting to save the system responsible for it all by using Hindenburg’s name. Just as intentionally, they conceal the fact that it was Hitler who predicted inflation, who said that the government’s measures had to lead to inflation, and who also showed how to avoid inflation.

The “Hindenburg parties” know that the financial collapse that their System has to lead to ending unemployment benefits and pensions, just as the danger of collapse has already led to reducing them. Their leaders know that there are already places in Germany that are no longer able to pay these benefits, and are instead giving them permits that ask the authorities not to arrest them for begging (!) Since they know this, and cannot see any way out, they are spreading the fable that Hitler wants to stop unemployment benefits and pensions.

The SPD’s leaders in the “Hindenburg Front” know that if such support is eliminated because of financial collapse, the result will be civil war.They do not even want to avoid civil war.To conceal that, they accuse Hitler of wanting civil war, and their bourgeois allies in the “Hindenburg Front” do all they can to help spread this lie. Red Prussia instituted a big effort to search National Socialist homes in the hope of finding support for their fairy tales about civil war.

Why is it that the leaders of the SPD do not even want to avoid the civil war that has to follow the collapse of their regime? Because civil war is a step on the path to reaching their goals. That these remain what they always were, and that they are misusing the name “Hindenburg,” is shown by a passage from the newspaper Eiserne Front in Mecklenburg of 6 March 1932:

“This election is not the decisive battle between capitalism and socialism. Our side certainly cannot achieve that under Hindenburg’s banner. When the hour comes for that, we will vote for someone else.”

In plain language, German citizens should understand that the SPD, in desperation, is trying to save itself under the “Hindenburg banner.” Once the danger Hitler poses to them is past, they can kick the “bourgeoisie” out. Then the SPD will be able to fight the decisive battle between the system of general expropriation, Marxism, and the system based on private property, on the accomplishments of the individual. For those who sought to rescue Marxism under the “Hindenburg banner,” the result of the victory of Marxism in this “decisive battle” will be widespread starvation and forced labor, following the Russian model.

He who wants to please Scheidemann, Dittmann, Crispien, and the other comrades in the “Hindenburg Front,” therefore, helps by spreading tales about Hitler causing inflation, cutting unemployment payments and pensions, and bringing about civil war and chaos. He thereby contributes to maintaining the current System, which is bringing all these things about!

“Hitler — An Austrian Deserter”

It has been said that Hitler evaded military service in Austria, and only because of that served in the Bavarian army.

The following document provides the answer:

Office of the State Government, State Registry Office, Nr. 786

Official Statement

Adolf Hitler, born on 20 April 1889 in Braunau am Inn and resident of Linz, Upper Austria, son of Alois and Klara (maiden name, Plötzl), was found by examination of the 3rd age group in Salzburg on 5 February 1914 to be “too weak for military or support service,” and was declared “unfit for military service.”

Linz, 23 February 1932, signed Opitz