The insanity of Versailles,

refuting strongly claims by the Marxists, the Center Party, etc., that its terms could be fulfilled. He also attacked the slogan these parties used that if Germany “disarmed, so would the others.” He predicted that after Germany disarmed, the others would begin arming in earnest, using not their own money, but billions extorted from the now defenseless German people. He argued against the propaganda of the SPD and Center party, who claimed that the treaty had to be signed or the Ruhr would be occupied, by prophesying that the Ruhr would be occupied in any case, regardless of what we signed.

The first local groups are founded in Rosenheim and Landshut. Hitler organizes the first protective brigade of the party, and begins the battle against separatist efforts in Bavaria. In 1921, the Führer spoke to more than 5,000 people in Munich’s Circus Hall.

He told his meetings that “fulfilling” the requirements of the treaties would not lead, as the SPD, Center Party, and People’s Party claimed, to a rebuilding of the German economy, butt rather the results of the insane policy of fulfillment had to be enormous inflation with immeasurable damage to the German economy. Hitler’s charge that the Black-Red government planned to privatize the railroad was rejected as an “unscrupulous lie.”

An attempt at an internal party revolt fails. Hitler proposes a new party constitution, and receives dictatorial authority.

[A picture of Hitler shaking hands with an admiring crowd.]

The social democracy, no longer able to keep Hitler’s name quiet, attempts to deal with the hated man using terror. There are bloody battles at meetings, during which the Führer’s iron nerves keep the upper hand. He is surrounded by an unbreakable guard, which from now on called itself the Storm Troopers.

The conquest of Munich continues, while the movement also begins to spread to the rest of Bavaria. Adolf Hitler rejects all suggestions to compromise or join together with other parties. He slowly eliminates all other similar “völkisch” party groups and establishes National Socialist leadership over them.

In October 1922 Adolf Hitler marches with 800 men to Coburg and breaks completely, for the first time, Red terror within 24 hours.

Adolf Hitler proclaims publicly that we are nearing the inflation he had predicted would result from the policies of the Black-Red coalition with seven-league-boots. He becomes the System’s most dangerous and hated enemy.

The Social Democracy and Center Party begin to give up serious discussions with National Socialism and turn to slanders.

The first major party rally is held in January 1923, and the first party standards are dedicated. The S.A. is organized along strict lines.

The party’s propaganda is reviewed and improved, and the organization takes in the form is still has today. Numerous fellow fighters have gathered around Adolf Hitler, most of whom remain his unshakable fighting comrades to this day. Hitler continues to be persecuted, serving