On 27 February 1925, Adolf Hitler calls a meeting to reestablish the party, and speaks for the first time since his release to over 4,000 people.

Since the National Socialist movement was dissolved after 9 November 1923, and its assets and property seized, Hitler begins to build the party again, without any resources. Vorwärts and Germania in Berlin laugh about this attempt, and joke about the “fool who went insane while in prison.” But Hitler quickly rebuilds the party.The former leaders once again pledge their loyalty. Hitler reestablishes the party press.

In December 1925, the party has 27,000 members.

Terrified, the Center Party and Social Democrats ban the Führer from speaking in public for over two years.

The first party rally after Hitler’s release is held in June 1926.

The bourgeois world is convinced that paying reparations will save Germany, and that the Dawes Plan will stimulate the economy. The Marxists are convinced that their rule can no longer be shaken.

Reich President Hindenburgleaves his voters and from now on marches with the Center Party and SPD.

The party is involved in constant battles, but in December 1926 has over 49,000 members.

Hitler’s speaking bancan no longer be maintained, and is lifted. The Führer speaks in countless mass meetings. The party continues to consolidate from month to month.

General developments are constantly proving Hitler right. The Dawes Plan’s terrible results become clear. Social Democrats and the Center Party attempt to save what can be saved through lies and slanders.

In August, Hitler calls a party rally in Nuremberg, which is a great success.

In December 1927, the party has 72,000 members.

Adolf Hitler leads the party in every stronger battles against today’s System. National Socialism has become the worst enemy of the destroyers of Germany, whether at home or abroad. Hitler turns above all against the crazy destruction of the farmers and the middle class. He prophesies catastrophic results for the domestic market. It hundreds of meetings, he repeated calls the policy of paying reparations insane, its results destructive and ruinous for the German economy! The social democracy and Center Party joke, laugh, or mock him, and attempt to take revenge by a constantly rising flood of lies and slanders of a personal nature.

In December 1928, the membership is 108,000.The young movement has 12 seats in the German Reichstag.

Untiringly, Adolf Hitler continues the battle against the System. The press is built up, the S.A.’s size steadily increases, SS formations are strengthened, propaganda is increased. National Socialist doctrines are deepened.

On 4 August, the second huge Nuremberg party rally is held. Hitler leads the battle against the Black-Red System with ever increasing force, and is the undisputed and most prominent leader of anti-democracy.All attempts to take the leadership of the party from his hands fail.

In December 1920 the party has 178,000 members.

Thebattle against the Young Plan rages. Hindenburg strongly defends the Young Plan, maintaining that it will save German, restore the German economy, reduce unemployment, rescue the farmers, and lower taxes.

Adolf Hitler declares these views as false and harmful, and prophesies the opposite. His party is working to educate the nation through enormous mass efforts.

The opponents answer with a huge flood of lies.

The Reichstag election is held on 14 September 1930. The party receives over 6 1/2 million votes and 107 representatives. Party organization is stronger than before, and attempts from outside to organize small rebellions are put down by Hitler with lightning speed, and those not absolutely loyal are expelled.

The Center Party, which has put itself entirely at the disposal of the SPD, begins to mobilize the Church against Adolf Hitler. Center Party priests and Center Party bishops lead a fanatic battle against the National Socialist movement, refusing the sacraments to its members, even denying them a Christian burial. Hitler sticks firmly to his conviction that the Center Party is Germany’s ruin, and leads the battle with even greater determination than before. He rejects every effort to force him to make a statement.

In December 1930, the party has 389,000 members.

The battle against the Young Plan continues. The consequences Hitler predicted begin to appear.

The government begins to function through emergency decrees, believing it can use them to save the economy. There are sharp controversies in which Hitler predicts the precise consequences of these policies, and is proven right within a few months, or even weeks.

Countless National Socialist newspapers are established, and the party’s central publishing house gradually becomes one of the largest firms of its type. The party organization had been built up greatly, and the S.A. has progressed.The opponents try to top each other with lies; they even have help from France.