Editor’s Preface

Spiritual Warrior II: Transforming Lust into Love consists of lectures given by Swami Krishnapada to a wide variety of audiences over a period of several years. Because the topics were originally presented in spoken form, the style is conversational and informal. In the editing process, we have modified the text to enhance readability, yet sought to preserve some of the verbal nuances that would maintain the mood of the original presentation. By so doing, we hope to create an atmosphere that literally makes you part of the audience, where you can experience the powerful presence of the speaker, Swami Krishnapada, as he shares essential nourishment for the soul.

We would like to mention a few other stylistic considerations. First, although God as the Absolute Person encompasses both male and female, we use the masculine form here to emphasize the position of God as our Father. Second, as Swami Krishnapada examines the issues of lust and love, he includes various perspectives from many different spiritual philosophies. At times he uses Sanskrit terminology from the Vedas, a vast body of ancient scriptures originating from the area of the world known today as India. The text explains the meaning of these Sanskrit terms, and for convenience a glossary at the end of this book also defines them. Finally, the end of each chapter includes a few of the many questions and answers exchanged during the original lectures. We hope that these will respond to some of the concerns that may arise for you in the course of reading this material. These discussions between Swami Krishnapada and the audience may also give you different angles from which to view the topics presented.

This book is the second volume in our Spiritual Warrior series of lectures by Swami Krishnapada. The first volume, Spiritual Warrior: Uncovering Spiritual Truths in Psychic Phenomena, is already in print, and several more volumes are planned. The information presented within these pages is extremely rare, and we hope you will make the most of the knowledge they contain. If you take these teachings seriously, they can transform your life into a most sublime, loving adventure.