Chapter 1: Sex and the Leadership Crisis

As the twentieth century draws to a close, the world faces innumerable challenges. Although technological advancements have succeeded in making some inhabitants of this planet more comfortable, in general people do not seem to be happier or more peaceful. Huge inequities continue to exist around the globe, and even among the affluent, material prosperity is no guarantee of fulfillment. The planet’s ecosystems are seriously out of balance; wars and conflicts exact a tragic toll; and all around us people are pursuing prestige and profit at almost any price.

What is the reason for such a state of affairs? To find an answer, we must look beyond the surface of events and probe deeply into our own hearts. The ultimate cause is not a specific set of historical events—important though these may be—but our own thoughts, feelings and desires. As members of modern industrial culture, we can hardly keep from imbibing its messages. Consequently, most of us have learned to view ourselves as physical beings who “only go around once,” and we accept the pursuit of sense gratification as normal. As a corollary, we have permitted ourselves to indulge our many material appetites, which we seek to satisfy by any number of means.

Another way to describe our situation is to say that we have allowed lust, rather than love, to govern our lives. Despite our best intentions, this society makes it difficult to avoid living in a self-centered, competitive, exploitive way. Lust encourages us to continue our wanton exploitation of the Earth’s resources in a never-ending cycle so that we can produce more, consume more, profit more and want more. Lust makes us climb the ladder of “success” to the top without regard for the harm we may cause along the way. And lust makes us indulge in sexual behavior that hurts and degrades others and ourselves. To make a change for the better, we must learn how to transform our lust into love. The future of the world depends on it.

Lust, Sex and Leadership

Nowhere is the need for this transformation of lust into love more apparent than among our leaders. One of the greatest problems in the world today is the impotence of our leaders at all levels of society. In general, they have been unable, or unwilling, to conquer their lust. In particular, they have not learned how to use sexual energies in a constructive way and so cannot master the self-serving attachments that stand in the way of a more selfless, spiritual expression of love.1

As the eighteenth-century French writer, Voltaire, once said, the masses are docile. They are susceptible to fads and trends, and they emulate those who lead them. That is why the inadequacy of leaders poses such a serious problem. The entire planet follows in their footsteps. Our leaders are insufficiently equipped to confront the negative currents so prevalent today, and they cannot summon intervention from higher spiritual levels to uplift the general consciousness of society. Because of these weaknesses, everyone is increasingly at the mercy of demonic energies.

Misused Sexuality Is the Cause

Sexuality is a powerful force that we can use in constructive or destructive ways. Although sexual energy can build up civilizations or tear them down, our leaders still do not recognize the need to master its many forms. Despite the fact that we constantly hear about sex, talk about it, think about it and engage in it, we are ignorant of its more profound aspects. Yet a proper comprehension of sexuality is essential not only for personal evolution, but also for strong nation-building.

Many seemingly powerful leaders have ultimately failed in their respective missions because of an inability to control their sexual energy. Misdirected sexuality has caused countless political regimes to crumble and has torn asunder innumerable religious and spiritual institutions. Millions of people have even lost their lives because of leaders who fell prey to poorly channeled sexual energies. Indeed, the patriarchal nature of society itself encourages a wide variety of self-indulgent boundary violations, so that today’s culture is replete with signs of sexual imbalance: pornography, promiscuity, abortion, incest, homosexuality and sexually transmitted disease.

Society Encourages Sense Gratification

Sex in itself is not harmful; indeed, quite the opposite is the case. We are not trying to devalue sexuality in any way, but are instead questioning the approach modern society takes to it. When sex is an expression of love, it can become a great positive force that yields many deep spiritual revelations and realizations. At its highest level, sexuality becomes a tremendous service to God and to the planet.

Materialistic civilization has confused love with sex. It is no surprise that someone is raped almost every minute in the United States or that about one-sixth of all children, boys as well as girls, have been victims of incest. We are constantly bombarded by advertisements urging us to enjoy our senses. Whether the product is a candy bar, a beverage or a car, the idea behind each advertisement is that the consumer takes possession, enjoys and thereby increases the potential for an exciting sex life.

A major contributing factor to our difficulty in controlling sexual appetites is the influence of television and other media. Anyone who watches a few hours of television each day cannot help becoming sexually agitated. Not only do advertisements have sexual overtones, but many programs do also. In addition, movies are preoccupied with sex. This might not be a problem if the films portrayed healthy relationships, but unfortunately they often show exploitation, abuse and perversion. People also spend amazing amounts of money for special “adult” videos, or for sexual programming via cable. And what do they think their children are watching when they turn on the television?

Television puts us in an alpha state similar to hypnosis that makes us far more receptive to suggestion than usual. As we watch, images implant themselves in our minds, where they can linger for days, weeks, months or even years. Think about it. Remember the last time you saw an intensely sexual scene, and recall how long it remained with you. With such images in our consciousness, no wonder we have such great difficulty resisting the temptations of promiscuity.

This situation is no accident. Whenever we misuse a powerful constructive force such as sexual energy, that same force can become equally strong in a negative way. In this society, many are deliberately trying to encourage our dependence upon sex and drugs for their personal gain. Because we have not learned to master our sexual energies, we are easy prey, becoming enslaved to our senses and, by extension, to those who profit from our weaknesses. This is why the illicit drug and pharmaceutical trade is the largest business in the world, and why pornography is one of this planet’s greatest growth industries.

Consequences of Misdirected Sexual Energy

Pornography is often connected with organized crime and its various harmful activities. The influence of pornography can increase the incidence of rape and destroy healthy relationships, breaking up families and discouraging meaningful connections with others. Because pornography is so prevalent, people begin to emulate the degradation they see, accepting such perversions as normal and justifying all kinds of reprehensible behavior.

In addition to pornography, another negative consequence of misused sexual energy is the rapid spread of sexually transmitted diseases around the planet. Each year, millions of new cases of syphilis and gonorrhea appear, and every day several thousand people become infected with the AIDS virus, so that in the next few years untold millions will fall ill.

We will remain vulnerable to sexual exploitation and to the temptation of drugs until we find a higher purpose for our lives. A greater understanding of life’s spiritual meaning will ultimately allow us to develop more compassion and selflessness, using the great restorative power of our sexual energies to love and care for others instead of directing them toward destructive ends.

Bisexuality and Homosexuality

Another manifestation of misdirected sexuality in modern society is the growing number of homosexual and bisexual people all over the world. We might wonder why this is occurring. Of course, we should not be homophobic, nor should we condemn anyone. Everyone is looking for love.

For many gay males a factor is their wish not to imitate the male role models they witnessed as children. If a boy sees his father showing disrespect for his mother and refusing to support his own children, will he be proud to become a man? When a boy sees his mother crying because her husband has abandoned the family, will that child be eager to become like his father?

Most modern cultures are founded upon an autocratic, patriarchal model of human interaction. The normal behavior of males in these systems is to be lords of everything they survey. Such societies encourage men to be ruthless, self-centered, manipulative dictators, despite the wish of many to be kind, compassionate protectors and providers. Men who do not have a wholesome respect for themselves can easily succumb to these social pressures by fully embracing “macho” behavior—or totally rejecting it.

Even women have internalized this patriarchal pattern; many of them are only too eager to take advantage of others, male and female, for their own personal gain. Regardless of gender, anyone in a position of seniority who lacks love and compassion inevitably becomes an exploiter. Such exploitation perpetuates the patriarchal paradigm that continues to hurt so many of us.

Females face so many unnecessary challenges. Many young girls experience abuse and mistreatment just because they are female. The patriarchal culture teaches a young woman not to value her femininity. A woman walking down a street must be vigilant just because she is female. She must be cautious even when greeting or smiling at a man, because he may misinterpret her behavior. She has to be wary when her boss makes certain comments, because he may have another meaning in mind. She may work hard at her job only to discover that she is paid far less than a man doing the same work. Under such a relentless onslaught, how can anyone be happy about being female?

Spiritual Aspects of Homosexuality

From a spiritual perspective, another explanation for homosexuality or bisexuality lies in reincarnation. Those who are not properly integrated in one life can find themselves in the next life with a male consciousness in a female body, or vice versa. Such souls are stuck. The situation is not completely their doing, because everyone has participated in creating the environment and culture that have allowed such circumstances to develop. In many cases, if a person has demonstrated excessive masculine or feminine energy in one life, or strong hatred for one sex or the other, these patterns will persist in the next life—even in a body of the opposite gender. This can encourage a homosexual lifestyle.

Remember, this whole world is just a training ground or a school. A soul in a previous life may have been in a strong, athletic, 200-pound male weight-lifter’s body. Now this soul is reborn in a weaker woman’s body. As a man, perhaps this individual was extremely chauvinistic, insensitive and unwilling to develop his nurturing side. He must now take on a female identity in order to develop these aspects. But his strong connection to his previous life means that he still expresses powerful masculine energy, so that now the person is lesbian and in a state of bewilderment. This soul may have to reincarnate in the next life as a woman once again in order to integrate the denied feminine aspects.

As another example, in a previous life, someone in a female body may have experienced extreme abuse. Now that same individual is born once again in a female body, this time filled with great self-hatred and dislike of being female. In an effort to deny her hated femininity, she creates an imbalance in her sexual orientation.

If we feel attraction toward members of our own sex, we are not alone. Great numbers of people have similar karmic factors to work out. There is nothing wrong with having affection for someone of the same gender. However, the difficulties arise when this affection seeks sexual expression. Sex life means that the partners are ready to care for what is produced from their union. What naturally results from a sexual relationship is the birth of a child. Any other use of sexuality is unnatural and entails negative consequences.

Other Esoteric Aspects of Sexuality

From a spiritual viewpoint, not only does reincarnation play a role in homosexuality, but it can also explain the attraction we may experience for certain members of the opposite sex. We have all lived many lifetimes, during which we have certainly engaged in sexual activity. In this present life we may meet a sexual partner from a previous existence for whom we feel overwhelming desire, without understanding why. Actually, we are experiencing the subtle connection that exists because we have shared so much from the past.

But now there is a problem. That person may be our best friend’s wife or husband, or our own son or daughter. Can you understand how difficult such a situation may be? Those involved are pulled in conflicting directions by forces beyond their comprehension. The remedy is to live in such a principle-centered way that, even though these attractions exist, we do not act upon them. If we indulge ourselves, chaos will result.

There is another reason spiritual people may feel strong sexual attraction in inappropriate circumstances. Sometimes souls awaiting birth need a special type of earthly environment to develop properly, especially those who want a special body or upbringing to support higher consciousness. Such souls will seek a particular pair of human beings—not necessarily married to each other—who can provide the necessary biology, protection, guidance or training for them after they come into this world.

These souls will put pressure on the consciousness of the selected couple whenever those two people are together, regardless of marriage commitments to other partners or religious vows of celibacy. The external situation is irrelevant to these souls, who are simply focused upon their goal.

This in no way excuses someone who breaks religious or marital vows, but it does explain an unacknowledged source of the overwhelming sexual attraction that sometimes arises between people—often in spiritual groups. Because our society so frequently confuses love with sex, even people on a spiritual path may be tempted to lust after their associates just like anyone else. Although they may think they have found their “soulmates,” they may simply be sexually attracted or subject to pressures from souls seeking to take birth in a good body or to grow up in a supportive environment.

How to Remedy the Situation

Because of their special responsibilities and vulnerabilities, spiritual leaders in particular must be careful not to act upon the strong sexual stimulation they may feel on occasion. They must maintain their mastery of the senses if they do not want to risk destroying their organizations and the faith of many people.

Attractions will naturally arise. We need not feel ashamed or embarrassed by them, but we must learn how to handle them in a way that does not cause disturbance. If the persons selected as potential parents do not understand what is happening, or if they do not remain firm in their vows, they may become overwhelmed by sexual desire and succumb. Targeted people must be alert to these situations and learn to communicate subtly with souls seeking birth, explaining to them the unsuitability of the circumstances.

Another course of action is to ask the demigods to direct these particular souls to other, more appropriate, environments. Many people may believe that the demigods do not really exist and are just theoretical. But actually the universe is highly personal. The demigods control all of our bodily functions—the blinking of our eyes, our respiration or our elimination, for example—and they are extremely active on this planet. They can and do help.

If a soul is trying to provoke a married woman to have an affair, the demigods could direct that soul to become the child of the woman and her legitimate husband. As another option, a soul who is trying to tempt a priest could take birth in a family close to the priest, who might then help raise the child. A case in point comes from my own experience. I am celibate and therefore do not engage in sex life. Frequently, souls who have or seek a connection with me appear in families of my disciples so that I can care for them.

Most spiritual and secular leaders have no understanding of such phenomena. But that does not matter. The remedy is the same whether we understand what is happening or not. We must control the senses, remain principle-centered, and develop contact with spiritual mentors who can help us remain strong. If we persist in using our power to exploit or abuse others, we will suffer the consequences. Higher spiritual beings are always monitoring us and holding us accountable for our behavior. They do so out of love. Such love means that they are constantly concerned about us, watching us, thinking about us and wanting to help. God and His agents love us all and therefore arrange many ways to guide and assist us.

Subtle Sex

The influence of sexuality is far more pervasive than we may think. One poorly understood aspect of sexuality is a phenomenon called subtle sex. Even if we refrain from overt sexual activity, we may still seek to dominate our environment, either by trying to control everything and everyone around us or by letting others know how wonderful and important we are. When we devote our energies to acquiring distinction, adoration and self-centered profit, we are engaging in forms of subtle sex. Because such behavior is considered normal in materialistic society, we may have extreme difficulty in remaining immune to its attractions.

The pursuit of distinction, adoration and profit is a symptom pointing to a lack of mastery over sexual energy. Unchecked, our egocentric desires can degrade into overt physical activities. Whenever we are selfishly focused on our own sovereign pleasure in the form of prestige, power and personal gain, we tend to exploit others, seeing them as extensions of ourselves and using them for our own selfish gratification.

When powerful leaders succumb to the desire for distinction, there is no doubt about what is happening behind closed doors. Because such individuals are already out of order, they lack the discipline to refrain from sexual self-indulgence. In contrast, genuinely strong leaders—Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela or Mother Teresa, for example—do not behave in this way. Instead, they base their strength on selflessness and humility. They develop spiritual armor that protects them from the attractions and dangers of subtle sex.

Sexual Energy and Peace

World peace is not possible until we master our sexual energies, including our propensities to indulge in subtle sex. Peace ultimately depends upon developing better relationships within our own families and with the other people we encounter every day. To do so, we must find peace within ourselves. Inner peace means discovering our internal balance, which leads us directly back to the issue of developing proper control and regulation of our sexual energies. If we do not learn how to channel and integrate these energies properly, we have little chance of creating a peaceful world.

Once we have learned to live harmoniously with ourselves, relationships with other people, especially family members, automatically improve. In turn, this improvement has a positive effect upon our communities and our nations, and eventually upon the entire global community. Remember, the world’s current lack of harmony is largely a result of our failure to express love instead of seeking sense gratification. That is why it is essential to free ourselves from the clutches of lust and channel our sexual energies more constructively.

The Power of Sexual Energy

If we examine the sexual practices of many other species on the planet, we can gain an even greater understanding of the power of sexual energy. In some cases, the sex act itself is so significant that a member of a species has only one chance to perform it. For example, the male butterfly mates once only and then dies. The female lays hundreds of eggs and then her life is over, too. Ants and certain spiders also have only one opportunity to procreate. In these species, the sexual act is so powerful that it ends physical life.

In the human species, as we have seen, sexuality can be a constructive or destructive force, depending upon one’s level of consciousness. All spiritual traditions acknowledge the power of sexuality, teaching us how to control and channel it in order to attain deeper communion with the Divine. At the same time, improper use of this same energy has driven some to commit vicious atrocities. Amidst the turbulence of today’s world, we must choose how we will direct our sexual energies. We can either develop in a positive direction or focus on gratifying our selfish desires, thereby contributing to a general decline that could eventually destroy our culture and even the entire planet.

An Unfortunate Example

Many years ago, on the occasion of my becoming the only black Vaishnava guru in the world, President Kaunda of Zambia—also Chairman of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) at the time—hosted a vegetarian banquet in my honor. Members of his central committee were invited, along with my staff. Most members of his inner circle were Marxists, and they noticed with dismay that the president was strongly attracted to what I was saying. A few of them began to take issue with me.

I had been discussing deep spiritual principles as well as social issues, describing alternative schools and farms, and proposing remedies for problems such as the illicit drug trade. The members of the central committee explained that many missionaries had come to Zambia in the name of religion and caused great harm, offering the Bible in one hand and taking land with the other. They were afraid that I might be playing the same game or that I might be a CIA agent.

Their ultimate question was, “How do we know that you walk your talk? How can we be sure that you are truly on the side of the people?” I realized that these men were speaking from genuine concern. But I also knew that their country had a serious problem with drugs, and that a good seventy percent of the men talking to me were some of those directly responsible for it. Strangely, they seemed genuinely unaware of their own hypocrisy.

I pointed out this inconsistency, saying, “You claim to be concerned about the people, talking about revolution and raising consciousness, but basically everything about your lifestyle is degrading and debilitating. This negativity is what you are emanating to your country. No one can be a proper caretaker of others who is not disciplined. Whenever you lack sense control, adverse factions will attack you and encourage you to give in to your weakness.” Such self-indulgent behavior has been accepted in that country—and many others—for generations.

I began to elaborate: “You are chain smokers. You are meat-eaters, taking abominable things into your bodies. You have sex with almost anything that moves. And yet you talk about your concern for the people, all the while exploiting them directly by your schemes, and undermining them indirectly by your examples. You are guiding them toward destruction!”

To conclude, I emphasized once again the importance of sense control, explaining that leaders who have a genuine spiritual connection are far greater revolutionaries than the communists. The commitment of such leaders to the people enables them to forgo their own immediate pleasures for a higher level of activity that benefits everyone.

Abuses of Power

Although this discussion with President Kaunda and his aides took place more than twelve years ago, the theme is as fresh today as it was then. In a world where promiscuity is undermining relationships, incest is destroying families and greed is hampering the productivity of corporations, most leaders lack the self-discipline to properly support their constituents.

Those in power can raise consciousness to support a positive global mind shift, or they can do the opposite. The outcome depends largely upon the extent to which they can control their sexual energies, particularly in stressful situations. When leaders—just like any of us—experience misfortune such as divorce, unemployment, disease or death of a loved one, others may seek to capitalize on their vulnerability. Leaders must be especially vigilant at such times, both in seeking help and in offering it to someone else. Compromising situations can arise unexpectedly. They are not always consciously planned, but can occur because those involved do not understand the forces at work and the severity of the consequences.

Leaders who take advantage of others are contributing to the decline of our society instead of serving as our protectors and role models. When they engage in sexual exploitation, do they realize that they are hurting somebody’s mother, sister, daughter, wife or fiancee? Do they understand the harm they are doing to themselves and their own families? They are encouraging a lifestyle that completely misuses the sexual energies and destroys people, organizations and ultimately entire societies.

Whether they are clergy, CEOs, military officers, teachers, therapists, politicians, bosses or parents, leaders must accept the responsibility inherent in having power over others, especially at this time in history when many people are deeply needy. We should recognize that abusing those who place their trust in us brings serious consequences.

Secular and spiritual leaders today who lack control over their sexual energies have greatly damaged, or even destroyed, their nations or organizations. Conditions of degradation that many of us accept as normal—in our cities, businesses, governments, families and spiritual organizations—are consequences of such perverted leadership. Some political leaders have murdered countless numbers of people or created conditions in which human survival becomes difficult, if not impossible. Still others have caused such profound disillusionment that individuals have taken their own lives.

These issues touch us all. Everyone is a leader in one way or another, and everyone has contact with leaders. More urgently than anyone else, because of the examples they set and the power they wield, leaders must control their senses, regulate their sexual energy and conquer any desire to control and exploit others. Responsible leaders are not slaves to their passions.

The Proper Role of Leaders

In our social groups, political institutions, schools, places of work, spiritual organizations and homes, leaders must create an ethical and constructive climate for all concerned, constantly monitoring their behavior and that of others. To become positive forces on this planet, they must learn to give expression to the wisdom of the soul and lead us all to a higher plane.

Ideally, all leaders should serve as representatives of God, promoting the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being of others without desire for personal gain. Spiritual leadership in particular entails special responsibilities, because those who care for others spiritually have the express mandate to love, guide and protect. Their activities are meant to bring blessings to the entire community, because they are empowered to elevate consciousness and to convey mercy. Their caretaking role automatically wins the trust of others; in a sense such leaders are the spiritual parents of those in their charge. Sexual exploitation, always reprehensible, is a particularly deplorable betrayal in this context.

In ancient times, communities expected their political leaders to have a spiritual connection. A society did not choose a king who was merely a good warrior or politician, but one who also understood the science of caring for the people and who could communicate with higher spiritual realms. Righteous kingmakers or priests would monitor such leaders to ensure proper behavior. But today, we are surrounded by cheaters and the cheated, and everyone is running after sense gratification.

Because all leaders—not just spiritual leaders—serve as representatives of God, the actions of those who take unfair advantage of others can have enormous impact. In our families, for example, parents should be channeling divine energies to their children. Unfortunately, all too often this does not happen. The amount of incest all over the planet is frightening, and appalling numbers of people suffer the aftereffects of other forms of sexual abuse as well. Many individuals cannot have healthy sexual relationships, recoiling in fear from another’s touch, experiencing terrible migraine headaches or wetting the bed even as adults. In some cases such people can never lead normal lives, because those whom they trusted and loved betrayed and exploited them. Imagine the depth of the wounds when parents betray their children in such a way, and the terrible hurt and disillusionment when spiritual leaders engage in such deviant activities. They leave marks that will last, in some cases, for generations.

Leaders should never consider themselves as proprietors of those in their charge. Ownership implies that we have the right to do with our property as we will, and it can serve as a justification for all kinds of exploitation and abuse. But if we view ourselves as caretakers, coordinators, catalysts or carriers of the vision, and if we treat others in loving, supportive ways, we will not engage in such exploitation.

The Importance of Boundaries

If we are to be effective spiritual leaders, we must respect the boundaries of others. Yet this respect must not go to unhealthy extremes. In contemporary society, which lacks spiritual culture and considers everything to be relative, people claim their own truth, saying, “I have my truth, so let me do my own thing.” Ultimately, this means that there is no truth; there is only anarchy. Those who cling to their so-called truth can easily use their own idiosyncratic desires and tendencies to abuse and exploit others.

Healthy, constructive boundaries allow people enough room to grow and to serve God in their own individual ways, without interference. At the same time, effective boundaries recognize the importance of spiritual guidelines to help society develop properly in alignment with divine principles. A wise leader treads a fine line, neither violating the rights of others nor allowing anarchy to reign.

Boundaries are also important for leaders themselves to help maintain their integrity and balance. If we are constantly bombarded by energies from our surroundings without developing inner strength, eventually we become drained, lonely and empty. Then the first impulse that comes to many of us is to fill the void through sex.

No one can be a leader, with all the intensity that implies, without regular rest and renewal. Those serving as spiritual mentors in particular provide strength, protection and guidance to people seeking help, and many powerful psychic contacts take place. Such leaders require a generous amount of psychological space in order to restore their energies and contact their inner wisdom. Without it, after a while the urgent needs, demands and dependencies of others can begin to affect their consciousness.

Spiritual leaders who do not rejuvenate themselves and constantly strengthen their internal resources can become great embarrassments to their own traditions. Instead of being helpful, they may then begin to perceive themselves as superior, believing that everything originates with them and that they should be amply rewarded. When this occurs, they are well on their way to becoming enormous hindrances to spiritual progress. In contrast, spiritual leaders who are properly aligned and balanced can make a positive contribution to the world.

This Is War

How do leaders—or any of us—become properly aligned and balanced? In order to answer this question, we must gain a deeper understanding of the various manifestations of lust and love. The remaining chapters of this book address these topics at length, revealing the forces acting within us and around us that can be directed either toward saving the world or destroying it.

Make no mistake. This is a time of warfare against the dark forces. All of us, and leaders in particular, require spiritual weapons for survival. Proper use of sexual energy is an essential ingredient for making a positive shift in consciousness on this planet. We must become strong and stand firm, because the negative influences are rapidly increasing, especially against those who are seeking higher consciousness. We must fortify ourselves by learning to live on a higher level, where we have more permanent and substantive lasting relationships—genuine unions based on deep love. That is what this book is about.

Questions and Answers

Question: You have described so many ways in which we are affected by lust and negative expressions of sexuality. How can we develop pure love for others?

Answer: It is not as hard as it may seem. All the spiritual traditions teach us to love our neighbors as ourselves and to do unto others as we would have them do unto us. We naturally want the best things for ourselves. In each situation, we can simply put ourselves in the other’s shoes and assess how we would like to receive what we are offering. If we could make these shifts in perspective more often, seeing circumstances from the other’s point of view, we would gain a very useful barometer for our actions. But normally we tend to look for what we want and manipulate our surroundings to fulfill our desires.

How beautiful it is when a man and woman come together in genuine love! They can create an amazing miracle. Unfortunately, as we have seen, the majority of people on this planet do not know how to experience real heart-to-heart love. Indeed, very few people on the planet even know how to have sex, despite the fact that they are constantly exposed to sexual stimulation in everyday life. If they really knew how, why would they have to have sex with so many people? When we have a deep sexual connection with another person, we are satisfied and do not seek the excitement and novelty of someone else. But because people do not know how to relate genuinely to others, they feel empty and attempt to acquire what they lack through a series of superficial encounters.

Question: Is it valid to seek public office or a high position in a corporation or a spiritual organization? Or is it subtle sex?

Answer: It depends upon our motivation. If we are acting in order to gratify our senses and reinforce our ego, that is subtle sex. But if we are expressing our love for God and for humanity, that is service. Material aspects of life, such as fame, financial success or sexual expression, are not bad. It is what we do with each of these that matters. Someone can be more attached to a little mat and water pot than others are to their palaces or mansions. The consciousness involved is what is important. There is nothing wrong with a profession that pursues popularity or brings distinction; the value of these factors depends on how we use them. If we forget God and feel that we are special, deserving of even more popularity and distinction, then we are on the wrong track. But if we can dedicate our success to the Lord’s service, then we have more leverage and greater opportunities to help.

Question: From what you have said, I understand that much of the corruption in today’s leaders, beyond sexual misconduct, can be attributed to the influence of subtle sex. Is that correct?

Answer: Yes. For example, sometimes men and women of the cloth engage in illegal or unethical behavior for their own selfish ends. In one African country I visit, certain criminals have aligned themselves with ministers, mystics and sorcerers in order to gain a shield of protection that prevents them from being arrested or killed as they commit their crimes. After they successfully complete their criminal activity, they pay a fee to the one who assisted them.

As another example in this same country, a few years ago predictions were made that the world was coming to an end. Religious leaders collected a lot of money warning their congregations that the end of the world was near. They instructed their followers to repent and turn over their assets to the church to compensate for their sins—because, after all, the money would not be needed. Three or four days before the supposed end of the world, some of the major churches participating in that deception closed their doors and moved out of the country.

At that time, I appeared on so many television programs in that country to discuss this topic that it became ridiculous. Many people did not want to face the end of the world in a sober state and so got intoxicated. Others sold their houses to get money, as if they could take that with them. Others withdrew their money from banks and started frequenting prostitutes, figuring to enjoy as much as possible before death. It is obvious that the corruption of religious leaders caused untold chaos for those whom they were supposed to guide and enlighten.