The summary

The book is designed for acquaintance of the reader with fundamental problems of modern toxicology, essence of a phenomenon of toxicity and the toxic process, shown as interaction of various chemical substances with alive systems at various levels of their structural and functional organization: from a molecule, up to a population. The contents of the basic sections of discipline - toxicity assessment, toxicokinetics, toxicodynamics is uncovered. Features of injuring action of highly toxic substances, occupational exposure, ecopollutants etc. on separate organs and systems of organism of persons and experimental animals (nephrotoxisity, neurotoxisity, hematotoxisity, hepatotoxisity, immunotoxisity etc.) are submitted. The factors influencing toxicity of substances, properties and mechanisms of action of the antidots used at sharp poisonings are discussed. Characteristics of special forms of toxic process are given: mutagenesis, carcinogensis, teratogenesis of the chemical nature.

The book is intended mainly for students of medical institutes. However the actual material represented in the textbook and considered theoretical problems have substantially universal character that essentially expands a circle of persons for which it can be of interest (biologists, ecologists, etc.)