The level of technologies influences the economic and political position of any state in the world.


3. The basic criterions of estimation of relative level of technologies are:

science-demanding; products characreristics; ecology aspect; level of organizations of produc­tion on an enterprise.

If technologies belong to one industry an estimation of their level by the caracteristics of the production object is the most simple within the limits of one industry.

The relative level of technologies of the different brounches of industry can be estimated by the dynamics of their development and also on their cross-coupling.


4. Technologies existing in society in a certain moment, closely connected, rendering a cross-coupling form the system of technologies.

Not all the technologies have an equal influence on the system in general, I.e. a hierarchy of technologies exists in the system: there are fundamental technologies, general technologies, applied technologies.

Fundamental technologies have the most influence on the system in a whole due to their high position in a hierarchy.


5.The technologies have the cycle of their life: they are born, develop and die. Graphically it can be represents in co-ordinates: characteristics of technology - capital investments, - S-shape curve, fig. 1 (1986, R.Foster). The curve reflects dependence between the investments of resources in technology and the «return».

Figure 1 – Cheme of t. development (cycle of life)


In the total the scientific and technical progress is the changing of the technological systems, fig.2.

Figure 2 - Changing of technologies and continuity of progress of technologies