
Conclusion. Sport means life.” These are the words of a well-known French scientist and the sponsor of the first modern Olympic Games Pier de Kuberten. It’s difficult to argue with it. Sport has become an essential part of our life. It has great effect on our health and creative work for many long years. Sport is one of means of bringing up a healthy and harmonious person. It is also a means of uniting people in the name of friendship and peace. Literature. 1. Выборова Г.Е. Пособие к базовому курсу. Москва: Аст-Пресс, 1998. 2. Банкевич Л.В. Спорт. Москва-С-Петербург, 1990. 3. Могильный Н.В. Олимпийский факел.

Очерки из истории спорта. Минск: Беларусь, 1999. 4. Ulva French. London. Blue Guide. London: a&c Black, 1991. 5. A Book of Britain. С-Петербург: Просвещение, 2001. 6. Sport. English. No.8 Первое сентября 2.2004.Page 21-26.