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Olympic Games and the names of American heroes

Olympic Games and the names of American heroes - раздел Спорт, Sport and recreation in the United States Olympic Games And The Names Of American Heroes. The United States Has Traditi...

Olympic Games and the names of American heroes. The United States has traditionally been a very successful player in international sports events.

The Olympic Games are the highlight of international competition. The United States has had the pleasure to host Olympic winter or summer Games on seven occasions. The Centennial Games of the Olympic Movement took place in Atlanta in 1996. The Games were one of the largest in history so far, featuring almost 11.000 competitors. The U.S. Olympic Team has always performed very well and again finished first in the final medal standings in 1996 and in 2000. The next Olympic Winter Games will be hosted by Salt Lake City in 2002. Hosted by Athens the next Olympic Summer Games will take place in Greece in August 2004. Following the national trials the United States Olympic Committee nominates members of the Olympic team. The United States also participates in the Pan-American Games, the second largest sports event following the Olympic Games. They are held every four years preceding the Olympic Games. The Pan Am Games consists of all Summer Olympic sports, plus some non-Olympic sports.

American athletes also compete in world championships and other international sports events.

Cyclist Lance Armstrong won the prestigious Tour de France in 1999, 2000, and 2001. Pete Sampras and Andre Agassi have counted among the top tennis players in the world for many years. Tiger Woods dominates the international golf scene. Track athletes Michael Johnson, Maurice Greene, and Marion Jones are the fastest sprinters in the world.

These and many more American sports heroes rank among the country s best-known celebrities. The modern Olympics also have female competitors from 1900 onward, though women at first participated in considerably fewer events. 14, www.usinfo.pl aboutusa . 2.2.

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Sport and recreation in the United States

But if they want to get that all, theyd better have wonderful mood all the time, perfect health, steel nerves and strong will. At present sport is… In many odd ways, America is its sports. The free market is an analog of on-the-field competition, apparently wild and woolly yet contained by rules, dependent…

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