Summary Svetlana Sboyeva. Actor in the Theatre of Alexander Tairov

Acting school, system of creating theatre characters, structure of company of Moscow Kamerny Theatre are analyzed and in this connection the development of Alexander Tairov’s views on theory, ways of teaching and directing are discussed. Tairov, who introduced a new type of «synthetic performance», understood actor as a source of creativity, a starting point for all director’s searches. Tairov tried his disciples’ capabilities casting them in small and big parts of contrasting genre types. He helped them to find their place among other actors; he brought up a group of actors who could not possibly be labelled as actors of tragedy or comedy, circus or pantomime, singers or dancers. Moscow Kamerny Theatre was not a theatre of one great drama actress Alice Koonen either. It was producing performances of different dramatic structure with different types of character relations, the performances which all in all fulfilled creative energy of Alice Koonen, Vladimir Sokolov and all other Tairov’s actors.