
Упражнение 1. Ответьте на вопросы и представьте затем разговор в форме рассказа, используя ваши ответы.

1. Whose birthday is it?

2. Who is waiting for Emily downstairs?

3. What do they all say?

4. Whose parcel does Emily open at first (сначала)? What is there in the parcel? Why did Mother give her this present?

5. What is there in the parcel with the red ribbon from Kitty? Why did Kitty know that Emily would like it? Why was she looking for this present two weeks long? When are the girls going to put it in the doll’s sitting-room?

6. What is there in Michael’s parcel? What was one of the reasons for Michael to make such a present?

7. Why must Emily be careful unpacking her grandmother’s parcel? Is there just what she wanted in the parcel?

8. What is there in the tiny box from Father? Can Emily take it with her to France? Can she take pictures of her birthday just now?

9. Why is Uncle Tom’s parcel square and flat? Why is Emily ashamed? What is she going to do tomorrow?

10. What is there in Aunt Nora’s parcel? What is Emily going to do tonight?

11. Who has given Emily a box of chocolates and a bunch of roses this morning?

12. What has the postman brought this morning? Is it so kind of people to write cards? What do people prefer nowadays?

13. Who makes a small circle and sing “Happy Birthday”for Emily? Who takes a picture of them all? Why will that be good for Father?

14. How does Emily thank them all?

15. Why does Michael want to have a tasty accent to the beginning of Emily’s birthday?

Упражнение 2. Выучите текст по ролям, возможно, сокращая его.

Упражнение 3. Расскажите о своем дне рождения. Как вы его отмечаете?

Упражнение 4. Любите ли вы делать подарки?

Упражнение 5. Вы и ваш друг приглашены на день рождения. Посоветуйтесь, что вы можете подарить.