L 4. Middle English Period in the History of the English Language. Middle English Written Records

Almaty College of Communication HAND-OUT Subject: English language history Academic year: 2013-2014 Lecture 4 Theme:Middle English Period in the History of the English Language. Middle English Written Records Teacher: Zhakipbekova D.K Teacher: Zhakipbekova D.K.  



L 4. Middle English Period in the History of the English Language. Middle English Written Records

Historical Background

brought up in France; had lots of Norman advisors and favourites; spoke French and wanted his court to speak it;

Linguistic Situation

Frenchbecame the official language of administration (it was used in the king’s court, in the law courts, in the church (as well as Latin), in the… Englishwas the language of common people in the Midlands and in the north of… Celtic Dialects were still used by the Celtic population in the remote areas of the country.

London Dialect

The capital of the country was transferred from Winchester, Wesses, to London a few years before the Norman Conquests. The East Saxon Dialect, that was the basis of the London Dialect got, became… Most writers and authors of the Middle English period used the London Dialect in their works.

Main Written Records of the Middle English Period

Geoffrey Chaucer and His Contribution

While he achieved fame during his lifetime as an author, philosopher, alchemist and astronomer, composing a scientific treatise on the astrolabe for… Features of the Chaucer’s Language: Chaucer’s Language was the basis for the national literary language (15th – 16th c.).



Список основной и дополнительной литературы

1. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка — 2-е изд., стер. — М.: ООО

«Издательство Астрель»: ООО *Издательство ACT», 2003 г. — 348 с

2. Аракин В.Д. История английского языка. М.: Физматлит, 2003. - 272 с

3. Иванова И.П., Чахоян Л.П., Беляева Т.М. История английского языка. Учебник. Хрестоматия., 1999

Список дополнительной литературы

1. Аракин В.Д. Очерки по истории английского языка: Пособие для преподавателей английского языка. … - 2.изд.- М.: УРСС, 2003.- 322, 391 с.