Exercise1. Comment on the punctuation marks.

1. “To think you might have been…” Carlos didn’t finish his sentence.

2. Emotions – such as shame – are bodily preparations, physical things telling us to act – to flee, fight, laugh…

3. Revive happy memories of when you felt you had achieved something: a swim in the sea, a lovely conversation…

4. All this is very theoretical…

5. ‘Yes, if you start reading at the beginning, but if you read backwards…’ Before I had finished the sentence the Professor uttered a cry, or rather more than a cry, a positive roar.

6. This is a serious matter. If I do not get paid in time…

7. To think of you having been humiliated like this!

8. To make this refreshing drink we need three things: water, fruit, sugar.

9. The first item in the instruction is as follows: never go out bareheaded…. The last – watch out in all situations.

10. You ask where she lives. It is none of your concern!