Extension Clauses

§ 520. Extension clauses are postpositive adjuncts of adjec­tives, adverbs and adlinks.

E. g. It is indeed doubtful how he had become aware that

Roger was being buried that day. (Galsworthy).

The subordinate clause is an extension of the adlink aware.

I am happy that everythingwent off so nicely.

The subordinate clause is an extension of the adjective happy.

She is so pretty that all our boys are mad about her.


The subordinate clause is an extension of the pro-adverb so.

His head was still in such a whirl that he felt confused.(Dreiser).

The subordinate clause is an extension of the pro-adjective


The subordinate clauses in the last two sentences have a distinct consecutive meaning, and may be called 'extensions

1 See Ë. Ñ. Á a p x ó ä a p î â, Ä. À. Ø ò å ë è ê ã, op. cit., p. 424.

of result' (instead of the traditional 'adverbial clauses of result').