VII. Выбрать глаголы в действительном или страдательном залоге и перевести предложения на русский язык.

1. Much attention (is devoted /devotes) to the development of this science.

2. The architect (was built / built) many beautiful bridges in town.

3. The Pushkin Museum in Moscow (has been visited/has visited) by the tourists already.

4. They (study/are studied) the properties of this material.

5. He (influenced / was influenced) by his friends.

6. This new film just (has spoken/has been spoken) about.

7. They (have been shown/have shown) a picture by the guide.

8. He (reconstructed/was reconstructed) an old church in our town.

9. He (was caught/caught) by police yesterday.

10. The manager (gave/was given) an interesting work by the President.