IV. Переведите на русский язык предложения, обращая внимание на формы инфинитива.

  1. He was happy to have passed his exams.
  2. There is nothing to laugh at.
  3. Here are the papers to be signed.
  4. The yare glad to have been given this interesting project.
  5. The child likes to be read.
  6. He is glad to be working with you.
  7. We are sorry to have troubled you.
  8. I’ve got a call to make
  9. A graduate expected to be offered a good job.
  10. A thief was glad not to have been noticed.
  11. The time was too short to fulfill the task.
  12. Not to answer at once would be to offend him.
  13. The main problem to discuss is how to contact him.
  14. The method to be applied is rather new.
  15. They wanted to be answered at once.