III. Поставьте глагол-сказуемое в нужной форме (Present, Past, Future Indefinite)

1. He (not/to work) at a plant, he (to work) in a construction company.

2. You (to see) the last news program yesterday?

3. If he (to help) us, we (to finish) our project ahead of time.

4. When you (to come) home tomorrow?

5. He usually (to go) to bed very early because he (to take) an early bus to town.

6. I (to apply) a new method for my research work last year.

7. They (to build) the Eiffel Tower in 1899.

8. Water (to boil) at 100 C.

9. Next year some new houses (to appear) in our street.

10. Yesterday it (to take) me 30 minutes to get to the centre of the town.