Throw-back, look-out, flashback, lie-down, look-round, all in, head first, head-on, knocker-up, looker-on, runner-up, washing-up, pick-up.


SEMINAR 5. English Intonation. Phonostylistics

Points for discussion:

1. The definition of intonation.

2. The main structural components of the intonation pattern.

3. Prosodic constituents of intonation.

4. Phrasing and textual organization.

5. Notation.

6. Functions of intonation.

7. Phonostylistics as a sphere of investigation. The object and aim of phonostylistics. Issues included in phonostylistics.

8. Phonetic style-forming and style-modifying factors.

9. Classifications of phonetic styles by Russian and foreign linguists. The differences between them. Generally assumed phonetic styles.

10. Stylistic use of intonation.



1. Теоретическая фонетика английского языка: учеб. для студ. вузов по спец. «Филология»: – 2-е изд. / М.А.Соколова, К.П.Гинтовт, И.С.Тихонова и др. – М.: Гуманит. изд. центр ВЛАДОС. – 1996. – С. 18-38, 135-246.

2. Бурая Е.А., Галочкина И.Е., Шевченко Т.И. Фонетика современного английского языка: Теоретический курс. – М., 2006. – С. 133-199, 229-253.