Listen, and practise the conversation.

A: I've brought my car in for repair.

B: OK, leave it here, and we'll take care of it. What's the trouble?

A: There are various things. Some are serious, some not so serious. The gear box is really bad. It won't go into top gear.

B: Yes, that does sound serious.

A: The steering wheel is stiff. And the radio aerial doesn't work.

B: You may need a new aerial. They wear out quickly.

A: But it's only three years old.

B: You can't get spare parts. So if one part wears out, you have to have a new aerial.

A: I see. And would you repair the spare wheel? The air comes out.

Unit 23 Sounds /ai/ /oi/ /au/


/ai/ /oi/ /au/
I – (long i) blind, sign, island, pint I (with final e) – write, five, die, arrive. Y (stressed) – apply, try, dye. Igh– high, light, night Exceptions: Eye Ei– either, neither Uy– buy, guy. Oi– boil, spoil Oy– toy, enjoy   Ou– house, ground, out. Ow – brown, how, towel.