The founder of IBM

Thomas J.Watson Senior (begin) his business career as a sewing machine salesman and later, when he (became) President of IBM, he (use) his sales techniques to promote the company’s name. There (be) IBM anthem, IBM songbooks, IBM regulations clothes, and the company motto, “Think” (appear) on every wall in the organization.

When Watson (join) IBM in 1914, the company (be) almost broke. Under his leadership, it (grow) beyond all expectations, and (adopt) a leading position in the information-processing industry. So how did he do it?

Watson (believe) that the way to win a man’s loyalty is to build up his self-respect. So under his management, IBM employees (earn) above-average salaries and good pensions. In return, he (demand) loyalty and enthusiasm. Everyone (work) long hours.

Until 1950s, IBM never (sell) machines. They just (rent) them to customers. Watson (insist) on this policy, and it (help) the company to survive the Depression of the 1930s. He (have) a strong personality and (make) all the major decisions himself. As many as forty top people (report) to him personally. Watson (think) that a manager should be assistant to his men, and IBM (run) no management training schools in his day. The only advice he (give) was: “You’re promoted to Assistant Manager. Be careful with people, don’t swear, and wear a white shirt.”


Exercise 9.Put the infinitives in the brackets in the proper present tense.

1. The firm (not, to increase) output and foreign trade. 2. They (already, to provide) basic services like transportation, communication, sanitation and power. 3. They (to raise) taxes on some commodities for two weeks. 4. I (not, perform) the work under physically dangerous conditions. 5. People (to produce) modern goods and services in today’s offices and factories. 6. Intermediaries (to lower) transaction costs a few hours ago. 7. The manager (already, to come) to the conclusion to create a small community. 8. Enterprises of that country usually (to carry out) production in strict accordance with a government-prepared plan. 9. They (to increase) already farm productivity in some developing countries. 10. You (to share) profits gained at the community owned factories. 11. Agricultural firms (to try) to increase productivity by introducing more modern farming techniques, fertilizers and equipment. 12. He already (to find) the way to expand farm output. 13. They (to obtain) gains from the realization of these goods for a month.


Exercise 10.Put the infinitives in the brackets in the proper past tense.

1. The management (to consider) the outflow and inflow of capital, while they produced the new types of devices. 2. The company (to buy) currency from the foreign exchange department, when they dealt with the foreign firm. 3. Our partner (to provide) for payments in local currency, when currency conversion was allowed under the local legislation. 4. Our bank (to make) loans to corporations when they were in need. 5. The bank (to accept) money from depositors at that time.


Exercise 11.Put the verbs in the brackets in the proper tense.

Whang the Miller (after Goldsmith)

Whang the Miller (be) very avaricious. Nobody (love) money more than he, and he (respect) only those who (be) rich. When people (talk) of a rich man, Whang always (say), “I (know) him very well; he and I (be) friends since childhood,” but when people (mention) a poor man, he always (say) that he not (know) him and never (hear) his name before, as he not (be) fond of many acquaintances. One day as he (think) how to increase his wealth, he ( learn) that one of his neighbours, Hunks by name, (find) a large pot of gold underground after he (dream) of it three nights running. The greedy miller greatly (envy) his neighbour’s luck and (complain) every day to his customers that he (unlucky), saying, “I (work) from morning till night for so many years, but I never (find) any gold. I wish I could dream like my neighbor!” At last he (dream) one night that under a certain part of the wall of the mill there (be) a huge pot of gold.

He (dream) of the same pot of money the two succeeding nights and (be) therefore sure that he (find) the treasure in the place where he (see) it in his dreams. So he (get up) early the third morning, (go) to the mill alone with a spade in his hand, and (begin) to dig under the corner of the wall. He (dig) for three hours when at last his spade (strike) a broad, flat stone, so large that he (can) not remove it. He (decide) that he (go) home, (tell) his wife everything and (ask) her to help him. So he (run) home and (tell) his wife of his dream and of the treasure that (wait) for them under the stone. They both (run) back to the place where Whang (dig) and found that their mill, which Whang (undermine) by digging, (fall) and (lie) in ruins.


Exercise 12.Translate the sentences into English using the Present or Past Continuous Tense.

1. Цей банк надавав позики нашій компанії з 1995 по 2007 роки. 2. Я мав намір обміняти валюту у пункті обміну. 2. Ми будемо спеціалізуватися з виробництва певних видів товарів упродовж кількох наступних років. 3. Ця країна з початку й до кінця наступного року обмежуватиме зовнішню торгівлю. 4. У цей час вони намагались уникнути грошових витрат. 5. Коли вона зателефонувала, ми розмовляли про фонди підприємства. 6. Вони застосовуватимуть квоту на деякі види імпортних автомобілів з наступного місяця цього року до червня наступного року. 7. Ми мали намір виплатити всі борги до початку фінансового року. 8. Тарифи захищатимуть вітчизняну промисловість протягом певного часу.


Exercise 12.Translate the sentences into English using the Present or Past Perfect Tense.

1. Чи стало вже вільне підприємництво головною економічною системою в цілому світі? 2. Це підприємство вдало розмістило свої ресурси до тог, як розпочало виробництво цього товару. 3. Наша фірма відмовилась від випуску цього товару, щоб розпочати випуск іншого. 4. Уряд та освітянські заклади поліпшили цього року систему освіти й навчання. 5. Це забезпечило робочі місця та товари для експорту. 6. Коли ціни на цей товар зросли, підприємство збільшило його випуск. 7. Вони відрахували свої майбутні прибутки до того, як розпочали випуск своєї продукції. 8. Він сказав, що їхнє підприємство вдало провело рекламну компанію і тому обсяги продажу цього товару зросли. 9. Міністерство сільського господарства ще не модернізувало сільськогосподарський сектор. 10. Президент компанії повідомив, що брак ресурсів змусив їх зробити вибір.