Learning foreign languages

Russia has political, business, trade, economic and cultural relations with many countries in Europe, Asia and Latin America. A lot of tourists and businessmen come to our country and a lot of Russian people go abroad. We have good relations with developing countries. We help them to build plants, factories, schools, stadiums, hospitals, radio- and TV-stations, etc.

Many young people come to Russia to study at our institutes and universities. Russian scientists cooperate with foreign scientists. Russia participates in international exhibitions abroad and arranges similar exhibitions in our country. Exhibitions help to improve our relations with different countries. More and more people in our country learn foreign languages. Many people learn to read books, newspapers and magazines in foreign languages in order to know more about the life and people of other countries.

Studying foreign languages is very necessary. Everybody knows his own language, but another one is very useful. It is useful when we travel to other countries or if we must read foreign literature in the original.

English is the most used language in international business, science. English is used not only in England and the USA but also in other parts of the world. About two hundred and fifty million people use it as their own language, and another two hundred million use it as a second language. It is difficult to say how many people are learning it.

Knowledge of foreign languages helps young people of different countries to develop friendship and understanding.

6. Give the Russian equivalents:

- political, business, trade, economic and cultural relations

- to go abroad

- developing countries

- foreign scientists

- to participate

- to arrange similar exhibitions

- to improve

- foreign languages

- in order to know

7. Answer the questions:

1) Do many people know foreign languages?

2) Why do people want to know foreign languages?

3) Where can they learn foreign languages?

4) What must people do to improve their knowledge of foreign languages?

5) How well do you know English?

6) What do you have more troubles with? With grammar? Spelling? Pronunciation?

7) How often do you have your English classes?

8) What do you usually do at your English lessons?

9) Why is it necessary for you to speak English fluently?

8. Translate the dialogues into English:

1) - В Вашем районе есть курсы иностранных языков?

- Да, насколько я знаю, у нас есть английские и немецкие курсы.

- А когда там начинаются занятия?

- Они начинаются в 6 часов и заканчиваются в 9 часов вечера.


2)- На каком языке говорит Ваш директор во время переговоров?

- На английском, когда мы принимаем бизнесменов из англо-говорящих стран.

- Да, он говорит бегло и делает мало ошибок. Он также знает немного французский.


3)- У Вас бывают вечерние занятия?

- Да, раз в неделю.

- Когда Вы обычно занимаетесь вечером?

- В понедельник с 5 до 7.30.