Упражнения для чтения

Примечание.Сочетание th читается [Ѳ].

13. thick, thin, tenth, fifth.

14. then, them, than, that, this, thus.

15. tin, fin, thin, sin, tent, tenth, thick.

16. sing, thing, sang, long.

17. ring, rang, rung, bank, blank, thank.

18. thin, thing, think, sin, sing, sink.

19. the 'thick 'book, the "Institute.

20. this 'plan, this 'desk.

21. that 'shelf, that 'box.

22. this is a 'box, this is an 'ink-pot.

23. plan, plane, hat, hate, rat, rate, less, lace.

24. me, mete, he, Pete, he, these, scene, met, mete, pet.

25. side, fine, rise, rice, dry, style, sty, type, li like, pick, pike.

26. no, note, go, tone, rose, close, not, note, ro rode, those, cock, coke.

27. tune, cute, tub, tube, cube, use, fuse, must, muse.